Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 393: Death is inevitable, send me on my way!

Blood kills.

As the pinnacle true god, he died after all.

But Chu Ci knew that if the other party had not resisted in the end, even though the other party would still die, he would definitely have to work hard to do so.


At this time, perhaps because he noticed that there was no life in Lingyuan City, the sky surrounding Lingyuan City suddenly rippled.

With a flash of white light, the vast Lingyuan City quickly shrank, and finally turned into a ball of light floating in front of Chu Ci's eyes.

"My ancestors are really considerate. This canopy can not only prevent these aliens from escaping, but it also has such a function."

Chu Ci smiled and then held the ball of light, which saved him time in cleaning the battlefield.

At that time, you can wait until you return to Daxia, give the light ball to Gu Yuan, and ask Daxia to send people to develop Lingyuan City.

"My ancestors destroyed one of the five major cities, and now I have destroyed another one, leaving three remaining."

At the same time, he also understood that the remaining three true gods should also be the peak true gods.

However, after going through the bloody killing, he also knew how to deal with the remaining three peak true gods.

As long as their kingdom of gods is destroyed, their strength will drop to the level of the mid-level true gods.

The middle true god... really doesn't pose much of a threat to him.

What's more, with the ancestor's canopy around, the opponent can't escape and pose a threat to him.

He could kill it even if he stood outside.

"Fortunately, I met a true god who followed the path of God. If it were a true god who followed the path of law, I'm afraid I would have no choice but to run away."

Chu Ci sighed with emotion, and then the figure disappeared from the place.

At the same time, the remaining three peak gods also started video calls again.

"What exactly is going on? Why did a true god fall? And it's still a peak true god."

As soon as the video call started, Feng Lin, the peak true god of Feng Lin City, couldn't help but speak.

The reason why we know that the peak true god has fallen is naturally because of the huge scale of the blood rainbow. Only the fall of the peak true god would cause such a movement.

But just after Feng Lin finished speaking, his expression couldn't help but froze.

After a few seconds of silence, he finally spoke, "Where's Xue Sha? Why isn't he here?"

These words made the other two peak true gods also fall silent.

"Is it possible that the person who just died was a blood killer?" the woman among them asked.

Suddenly the scene became silent again.

In fact, they had already made some guesses before, so they rushed to make a video call, mainly to determine who died.

It's one thing to guess, but it's another thing to get a definite answer now.

"The guy in Blood Kill is the strongest among the four of us. He is only a little bit behind Lester. How could he suddenly fall?" Another old man said.

"Could it be that that guy thought of a way to break through the confinement, but tried desperately, only to have the confinement backfire, and that's why he fell?" Feng Lin asked with a frown.

"It's not impossible. That guy comes from the Bone Demon Clan. As a demon, he also has quite a lot of tricks."

"If that's true, it's okay. If not, it means that there is a strong possibility that a powerful person has come to this world, and it may even be related to the First Emperor."

If it is really related to the First Emperor, leading to the bloody death, it also means that their good days are coming to an end.

"It's a pity that we are imprisoned here, otherwise we could have gone to see why Xue Sha died." Feng Lin sighed.

As he was speaking, his expression suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong?"

The old man and the woman noticed the change in Feng Lin's expression and asked curiously.

"My people are dying fast."

Feng Lin said, waved his hand, and another light curtain appeared in front of him.

And above the light curtain, there were hundreds of millions of spiritual swords gnawing at the entire Fenglin City like locusts. Wherever they passed, all the creatures in Fenglin City were killed.

"What's happening here?"

The old man and the woman were shocked when they saw this scene. These spiritual swords looked very good and contained powerful power. Even the demigods of Fenglin City came forward just now, but they could not withstand the sword and were killed.

"Perhaps I know the reason for the death of Blood Killer."

Feng Lin's expression became neither sad nor happy, and he glanced at the old man and the woman lightly, "Just take care of yourself."

After saying that, before the two of them could react, Feng Lin dispersed the light curtain.

The next moment, Feng Lin disappeared from the throne. When he reappeared, he was already in front of the sky.

"Did you do the bloody killing?"

Feng Lin looked at Chu Ci outside the sky and said.

"That's right." Chu Ci nodded.

After solving Lingyuan City, he came to Fenglin City with a sword flash, and then without hesitation, he let more than 7 billion spiritual swords fly out, eating up the entire Fenglin City.

"He probably didn't resist."

"I resisted, but found it useless, so I gave up."

"It's his temperament."

"You won't resist?"

"Death situation."

Chu Ci would naturally not persuade him, and if the other party didn't resist, he would be able to kill him faster.

"Did the First Emperor ask you to come?" He said nothing, but Feng Lin did not stop.


"No wonder they didn't kill us in the first place, but just sealed us here. It turns out that it was settled long ago. We are here to pave the way for your descendants."

These words made Chu Ci pause, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity in his heart.

Could it be that the ancestor of the First Emperor already knew about his level 100 mission?

If it were someone else, he thought it was unlikely, but if it was this ancestor, it didn't seem impossible.

"But you are indeed very strong. You are obviously just a peak myth, but you have the power to kill the mid-level true god."

Feng Lin couldn't help but have a look of envy on his face as he said, "You humans are really amazing."

It was such a fantasy to kill the middle true god at the myth level, but now it appeared in front of him.

The human race in front of us is only at the myth level now, but it is already so powerful. If we wait for it to become a true god, I am afraid that even the ancient gods will be a little afraid of it.

He was originally a strong man in the First Emperor's era and witnessed the power of the human race at that time.

Now that he has seen Chu Ci, a monster with terrifying potential, he is even more sure of the power of the human race.

He was naturally envious of this. If there could be a being like Chu Ci among his people, how high would the entire race reach?

Feng Lin is a talkative person.

At least Chu Ci thinks so.

The other party didn't resist, just stood here chatting with him.

Even though Chu Ci sometimes didn't answer, he never let the other party's interest in talking dissipate. Instead, he became more and more willing to talk.

As time passed, Feng Lin's aura also weakened.

Chu Ci suddenly realized that maybe it was because the other party knew that he was about to die, so he became so talkative.

Soon, as the last living creature in Feng Lin City was killed, Feng Lin's realm also dropped to the mid-level true god level.

"Send me on my way."

Feng Lin smiled and closed his eyes, "I don't want to stay in this place for a long time."

Chu Ci was a person who listened to advice, so he took the other person away with a sword, and at the same time silently wished the other person a good pregnancy in his heart.

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