Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 501: Entering the Ten Thousand Spirits Clan, the Phoenix Clan crosses the boundary marker!

Entering the city again, this time Chu Ci transformed into an ordinary alien. He did not take the teleportation array in the city lord's mansion, but left in the public teleportation array.

After several more transfers, Chu Ci also arrived at the terminal.

"Wanling City!"

Chu Ci walked around Wanling City, the main city of Wanling Clan.

As soon as he entered, Chu Ci noticed that there was a true god's aura in the Ten Thousand Spirits City sitting in the direction of the city lord's mansion. In addition, there were also quite a few demigods and mythical powerhouses.

"Next we are going to the Wanling Clan's clan."

Wanling City is not far from the Wanling Clan's clan. With his speed, he can reach it in a quarter of an hour at most.

Without staying in Wanling City, Chu Ci flew directly towards the Wanling Clan's clan.

At the same time, I also paid attention to the situation of the Phoenix Clan.

"Have you reached the boundary monument?"

Through the flames, Chu Ci knew that the Phoenix Clan had arrived near the boundary monument, but the leader Huo Jin was not in a hurry to act.

After all, they are still not sure whether the six golden men will take action after the true god approaches the boundary monument.

"Be careful."

Chu Ci shook his head. Naturally, the six golden men would not take action against the Phoenix Clan. After all, he had to rely on the Phoenix Clan to destroy the Wanling Clan.

As for the Phoenix Clan, Huo Jin stopped after leading the team to the boundary monument.

"Are you going to die now, or are you going to seek that chance of life?"

Huo Jin looked at a blue-eyed thunder beast in front of him with a chill in his eyes.

Although this blue-eyed thunder beast is also at the peak true god level, looking at the more than five hundred true gods of the Phoenix tribe in front of him, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, feeling terrified in his heart.

It sounds like he was unlucky.

Previously, dozens of powerful ancient gods had died on the boundary monument, causing all the foreign races within tens of millions of miles of the boundary monument to move away.

But after these days of observation, the blue-eyed thunder beast found that the danger at this boundary monument seemed to have disappeared, and he thought that so many powerful ancient gods had fallen here before.

So I took the courage to come here and see if I could pick something up.

If he could pick up the corpse of a strong ancient god, even if he could not become an ancient god, his strength would be greatly improved.

But he never expected that instead of picking up the body of the powerful ancient god, he would be arrested instead.

Thinking of the scene where he was surrounded by more than 500 powerful Phoenix clan men, he almost thought he was dead.

But it's almost the same now. The other party is obviously using him as cannon fodder to test the boundary monument.

But even though he was unwilling to do so, he had no choice. As Huo Jin said, there was still a chance of survival if he became this cannon fodder, otherwise he would definitely die.

"I am willing to go to the boundary monument to explore the way for you." The blue-eyed thunder beast said with a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Then go ahead."

Huo Jin nodded with satisfaction and was not afraid of the other party running away.

If the other party deceives him, not only will the other party be dead, but the other party's race will also be directly wiped out.

The blue-eyed thunder beast also knew this, and indeed he never thought about running away.

Looking in the direction of the boundary monument, the blue-eyed thunder beast took a deep breath, and then turned into a bolt of lightning and escaped.

As it got closer and closer to the boundary monument, the blue-eyed thunder beast became nervous. If it could live, who would want to die?

Huo Jin and others also retreated and even took out various teleportation treasures. Once something happened to the blue-eyed thunder beast, they would run away directly.

Time passed little by little, and when the distance to the boundary monument was less than 10,000 meters, the thunder light on the blue-eyed thunder beast became more and more dazzling.

He was also prepared to run away. Even if he knew that the chance of running away was slim, he would still give it a try.

Kilometers, hundred meters...

The blue-eyed thunder beast rushed over, then stopped after a few breaths.

Looking at the boundary monument behind him and the intact self, the blue-eyed thunder beast's eyes burst out with dazzling light.

I'm alive!

Huo Jin also saw this scene and was also happy in his heart.

"It seems that this boundary monument will only block the ancient gods as before, but for safety reasons, we need to test it again."

As soon as Huo Jin finished speaking, Huo Yan immediately came up.

"Young Master, this is the Lost Soul Rhino clan I just met by chance. They should be useful to you."

Huo Yan said and released thousands of soul-losing rhinoceros. Although there was no peak true god, there was one high-level true god, several mid-level true gods, more than ten low-level true gods, and the others were all below true gods.

"Yeah, well done."

Huo Jin nodded with satisfaction, secretly thinking that Huo Yan was indeed the head of his family's right-hand man.

This level of care alone is already rare.

It will be simple after that. The Lost Soul Rhino clan knows very well that they must either become cannon fodder or die now.

And with the example of the Blue-Eyed Thunder Beast, they were naturally willing to explore the path.

Soon, the Lost Soul Rhino clan also arrived in front of the boundary monument, and then passed it safely.

"It seems that this boundary monument does not pose any threat to us."

Huo Jin felt relieved.

Huo Yan secretly laughed in his heart, if his sword master didn't still need to use your Phoenix clan, he would have asked the Jin people to kill you long ago.

Then Huo Jin shouted loudly and flew towards the boundary monument with everyone in the Phoenix Clan.

Naturally, there were no accidents in the process, and all the powerful Phoenix clan members passed the boundary marker safely.

"Now that we have safely passed the boundary monument, the next step is to go to the Wanling Clan."

As Huo Jin spoke, the fire on his body erupted, and soon a portal appeared.

"This is the Fengling Gate in the clan. Although it is only a law artifact, it is a good space treasure that can help us rush to the Wanling Clan as soon as possible."

Huo Jin said, "Everyone, go in."

The other Phoenix Clan powerhouses nodded, and then all flew into the portal.

After all the powerful people from the Phoenix Clan entered, the portal also disappeared, and the powerful people from the Phoenix Clan had already appeared hundreds of millions of miles away.

Then Huo Jin followed suit and activated the Fengling Gate again, and the Phoenix Clan was getting closer and closer to the Wanling Clan.

At this time, Chu Ci had also arrived in the Wanling Clan's clan.

As the top divine clan, the Wanling Clan is naturally located in a small independent world.

This time Chu Ci was lucky. Just as he reached the entrance of the small world, a powerful man from the Wanling Tribe happened to enter, and he followed him in.

"Is this the place where the top gods belong?"

After Chu Ci entered the World of All Spirits, he felt that the power of laws here was about twice as strong as outside.

Although it is not as good as the Wutong Ancient World of the Phoenix Clan, it is much better than the Human Clan.

After a brief stroll around the Wanling World, Chu Ci also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere of the Wanling Clan.

Not to mention ordinary Wanling clan members, even those powerful Wanling clan people at the true god level were quiet when they were on their way and did not dare to make too much noise.

Chu Ci was initially a little confused as to what had happened to the Wanling Clan, but soon he found out from the conversations among some Wanling Clan members.

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