Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 502 The Holy Clan behind the Ten Thousand Spirits Clan!

"Well, I haven't been to the Flower House for two months, and I don't know when I will be back."

"You don't want your life, you dare to say such things at this time."

"By the way, what happened? It's been almost three months. I only know that something big happened in the clan, but I really don't know what big thing happened."

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"I have actually heard something about this. It is said that three months ago, our young master went to the border area and was captured by the human race. After that, the chief of the clan was angry and sent three peak true gods to lead the way to the human race. As a result, two Months ago, not only the life cards of these three peak true gods were shattered, but the life cards of the young master were also shattered.”

"Huh? It's impossible. Is the human race so powerful?"

"Who knows, but it's true."

"I see, but it's already been two months. Why haven't the clan thought of taking revenge?"

"Then I don't know. There must be some reason."

Hearing this, Chu Ci suddenly understood. No wonder the atmosphere in the Wanling Clan was wrong. It turned out to be because of the previous attack on the human race.

"No wonder it has been more than two months since this incident, but there has been no movement from the Wanling Clan. It turns out they are afraid."

The Wanling Clan does not seek revenge from the human race, naturally because the three peak true gods who carried the artifact of order are dead. How can the Wanling Clan dare to provoke the human race anymore.

"First find the treasure house of the Wanling Clan."

Chu Ci no longer thought about it. Anyway, the Wanling Clan would be destroyed soon.

Then Chu Ci used the magical power of [Stand Upright and Shadowless] and boldly searched for the Wanling Clan's treasure house.

When he was in the Phoenix Clan, Chu Ci would still be wary. After all, there were powerful ancient gods in the Phoenix Clan.

But the Ten Thousand Spirits Clan is just a God Clan, and they only have artifacts of order at most, so the threat to them is not that great.

At the same time, in the meeting hall of the Wanling Clan.

A middle-aged man sat at the top with a gloomy expression. From the aura he exuded inadvertently, it was obvious that he was a peak true god.

Wan Tang, the leader of Wan Ling Clan and Wan Yu’s father.

In addition to Wan Tang, there are hundreds of figures in the hall, the worst of which are low-level true gods.

Except for some true gods who are guarding outside, all the true gods and powerful men of Wanling Clan are gathered here.

"Chief, it's been more than two months. Is it time for you to give us an explanation?" At this time, a man said.

Wan Qing, the patriarch of the Wanling Clan, is also a peak true god, and has coveted the position of clan leader for many years.

Wantang has been the patriarch of the clan for so many years, and although he has merit, he has not made any mistakes.

So he never had a chance to compete for the position of clan leader.

But things are different now.

In order to save Wan Yu, the Wanling Clan not only hired three peak true gods and many powerful true gods, but even lost the only artifact of order.

This is a huge loss for the Wanling Tribe. Once other protoss knows that they have no artifact of order, they may unite to deal with them.

Based on this alone, Wantang, the patriarch of the clan, is doomed.

Looking at Wan Qing's ambitious eyes, a chill rose in Wan Tang's heart.

He knew that he was the leader of the clan, but at least he was still the leader for now.

In the past two months, the reason why they have not taken action against the human race is that they feel threatened by the human race.

The second thing is that if they, the Ten Thousand Spirits Tribe, go out again, they will just take down the human race. But if they fail to do so, other gods will definitely know about the current situation of their Ten Thousand Spirit Tribes.

They may even know the news that the artifact of order is missing, and then their All-Spirit Clan will be doomed.

The third reason is because of the internal struggle for power, especially Wan Qing, who has been putting pressure on him since the incident happened.

During this time, they have united with many other true gods in the clan. This clan meeting was proposed by the other party, and the purpose is self-evident.

Wan Tang glanced at the true god-level tribesmen standing on Wan Qing's side, and the number was close to 50%.

And these true gods noticed Wantang's eyes and couldn't help but avoid it. After all, Wantang was still somewhat majestic after being the patriarch for so many years.

Wantang took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, it's really time for me to give you an explanation. Just five days ago, there was news from the Saint Clan."

Hearing this, all the true gods at the scene were shocked, especially Wan Qing, whose expression darkened, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

This Wantang is really good at hiding, the news from five days ago was only told to them now.

"Clan leader, I wonder if there is any news from the Holy Clan?"

Immediately, a true god asked.

They all know that there is a shadow of the Saint Clan behind their race, but they don't know which Saint Clan it is.

In the past two months, Wan Qing had tried his best to recruit only about 50% of the true gods of the Wanling Clan. This was because as the leader of the clan, Wan Tang could contact the Holy Clan.

"The Holy Clan didn't say anything in detail, they just said they would send envoys."

Wantang said, "It won't be long before it arrives, so you should be prepared to welcome it."

"The messenger of the Holy Clan actually came in person. This matter cannot be taken lightly. Whether our Wanling Clan can resolve the current predicament can only depend on the Holy Clan."

"Don't worry, clan leader, I will prepare well later and restrain the younger members of the clan so as not to displease the envoy."


The true gods in the hall spoke one after another, and Wan Tang also showed a smile, and looked at Wan Qing with a provocative look.

This clan meeting was originally forced by Wan Qing, but now the initiative is back in his hands.

The arrival of the Saint Clan envoy ruined Wan Qing's plan.

Although Wan Qing was unwilling, he had no choice. He also knew that the arrival of the Saint Clan envoy was the biggest thing.

"Wait, after I make friends with the Saint Clan envoy, the position of clan leader will still be mine." Wan Qing said in his heart.

Wantang naturally knew the other party's thoughts. In fact, he was not sure, but he could still delay for some time.

After the clan meeting dispersed, all the true gods were busy preparing to welcome the Saint Clan envoy.

And the movement of the Wanling Clan was naturally noticed by Chu Ci.

"Saint Clan envoy?"

"Is there a shadow of the Saint Clan behind this Wanling Clan?"

Chu Ci narrowed his eyes, but unfortunately he didn't know which Saint Clan it was.

"But this is an opportunity."

"The Phoenix Clan is here, and the Saint Clan behind the Wanling Clan has also sent messengers."

"If the two parties meet..."

Chu Ci narrowed his eyes. The purpose of the Phoenix Clan's move this time was to find the murderer who dug the divine crystal vein through the Wanling Clan.

If they happened to meet the Saint Clan messenger behind the Wanling Clan, there would be misunderstandings between the two sides.

If the Saint Clan is strong, the Phoenix Clan will inevitably have a grudge even if they don't take action.

If the Saint Clan is not strong, even if the Phoenix Clan knows that the other party is not the murderer, it is very likely to vent their anger on the other party.

"I didn't expect that I just dug some divine crystals, and now not only will a divine clan be destroyed, but also a saint clan may be destroyed."

Chu Ci said with a click of his tongue. This divine crystal is well dug!


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