Job Transfer For All: I, Mage, Add Points With All My Strength

023 Upgrade To Level 7, Natural Simmons Bed

After Xue Feng and others entered the scarlet area, a dozen more people entered it soon.

They are not together, but from different high schools.

And these people have a characteristic, the level is above level 10.

At this stage, such a level is enough to show that they are all top students in various high schools.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that something must have happened in this scarlet area.

Otherwise, it would not attract so many people.


There was fog in the forest, and the fog blocked the sight.

A level 21 skeleton monster wandered aimlessly in the white mist.

Suddenly, a ball of fireball landed and drowned it.

[You killed the skeleton soldier and got 105 experience points]

Qin Fan appeared from the white mist, with a little fox that just woke up hanging on his shoulder.

He carefully inspected the place where the skeleton soldier disappeared, it was pitch black, only a pile of ashes remained, and nothing dropped.

"I have killed ten skeleton soldiers in a row without losing a piece of equipment. These guys are really poor."

Qin Fan muttered to himself.

But he didn't think too much about it.

The probability of monsters dropping equipment is not high.

It would be abnormal if every one of them dropped equipment.

Looking around, I can't see anything but white fog.

This made Qin Fan feel uneasy.

If there are some powerful monsters hidden in the white mist, I can't see them.

One or two is okay, after all, I have a high amount of shield protection.

But if you accidentally stray into the group of monsters, it will be embarrassing.

"Forget it, it's getting dark anyway, find a place to rest first, and continue tomorrow."

Soon, Qin Fan found a natural cave.

There is a large boa constrictor entrenched in the cave.

It rushed out suddenly, and swallowed it towards Qin Fan.

Qin Fan was startled, and hastily swung his two-handed sword in front of him, blocking the mouth of the boa constrictor.

Then the fireball technique was cast, and two consecutive fireball techniques accurately hit the boa constrictor.

[You killed the armored python and gained 100 experience points]

[You got python meat*10 catties]

【You got the python skin】

【You have reached level 7】

Qin Fan killed a monster for a day, and rose directly from level 5 to nearly level 7.

Now killing the Iron Armored Python directly reached level 7.

It has to be said that killing monsters by leapfrogging levels is rich in experience.

This upgrade speed is unparalleled.

After reaching level 7, the attribute increases again.

Name: Qin Fan

Level: Level 7

Occupation: Mage

Strength: 165

Constitution: 0

Intelligence: 0

Dexterity: 0

Spirit: 0

Stamina: 35

Stamina: 60

Blue amount: Slightly!

Physical Attack: 166

Magic Attack: 0

Physical Defense: 1

Magic Defense: 0

Skill: Fireball - each attack, causing magic damage equal to 1.5 times the base intelligence! Mana consumption: 5 points

Hidden Talent: Work Miraculously

Equipment: fine steel epee (attack +1), fine steel armor (physical defense +1), dark pattern ring.

Look at the hidden talents.

Current gain: Magic damage fixed value +1550;

Casting time: instant;

Casting cost: no cost;

Casting range +155%;

Cooldown: None;

Shield value +1550.

After checking the properties, Qin Fan went straight into the cave.

But because of being lived in by iron-clad pythons, there is a fishy smell left in the cave, which makes people want to vomit.

In the end, Qin Fan couldn't stand it anymore, so he simply left the cave.

Fortunately, he soon found a big tree not far from the cave, and there was a big nest on the big tree.

I don't know what kind of bird built it.

Climbing to the bird's nest, Qin Fan was overjoyed.

The whole bird's nest looks like a honeycomb, and the outside is made of tree rattan, which is very strong.

Inside the bird's nest, it is paved with their own soft bird feathers.

Except for a few long-broken eggs, there is nothing else in the bird's nest, which seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

Qin Fan got into the bird's nest and found that the space inside was quite large, enough for him to lie down and sleep in it.

At the same time, the warmth retention is very good, and you will feel warm as soon as you enter it.

It's too late to spend the night here!

Afterwards, Qin Fan took off his wet armor, took out bread, wild fruit, dried meat and water, and began to enjoy dinner.

At night, it began to rain lightly outside.

But Qin Fan, who was lying in the bird's nest, felt more than the slightest chill.

The whole person is as comfortable as lying on Simmons.

This was probably the most comfortable sleep after coming to the trial forest.

I don't know how long it has been.

Qin Fan in his sleep suddenly heard footsteps.

Maintaining a high degree of vigilance, he suddenly turned over, took out the epee, and began to prepare for battle.

When resting at night, it is inevitable to be attacked by monsters.

Will it be a monster?

Qin Fan listened carefully, and found that the footsteps didn't sound like monsters, but like: people!

"This damn rain is really uncomfortable."

"I'm soaked all over, let's find a place to light a fire to keep warm."

"Hey, there's a cave ahead, I'll go and have a look!"

"Be careful, there may be monsters."

"Ouch~ it stinks! What does it smell like!"

"Don't worry about the taste, let's spend the night here first."

"But it stinks."

"Be patient, it's better than getting caught in the rain."


Hearing their voices, Qin Fan judged that there were five people on the other side.

Should be a full squad.

But why do these people come to the bloody area?

But no matter why, since the other party dared to come, it showed that the strength was not weak.

After waiting for a long time, the other party never left the cave, nor did they find the bird's nest where Qin Fan was.

This made Qin Fan feel at ease.

Forget it, whoever he is, as long as he doesn't provoke himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan continued to lie down and sleep.

But at this moment, the sound of conversation in the cave caused his face to change slightly.

It turned out that the other party came to the bloody area for this reason?

That being said, there must be a lot of people coming to the bloody area this time?

It's hot now!

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