Job Transfer For All: I, Mage, Add Points With All My Strength

024 The Call Of A Strong Will, A Hidden Job?

"Captain, is this really reliable?"

One asked, with a slightly childish voice, presumably younger.

"Is this still questionable?"

The rough voice replied.

"I've inquired about it. Not only me, but everyone who has reached level 10 has felt the call of that will."

"This kind of situation will not happen in a normal job change. Only a hidden job can have such a strong will to summon."

"Hidden occupation, I'm so envious! It's a pity that I'm only level 8." A woman's voice said.

"You don't have to feel bad, as long as you do your best to help me change my job to a hidden job, no one will dare to bully you wherever I am."

"Well, we still trust you, otherwise why would we come here with you?"

At this time, a woman's voice said: "However, this scarlet area is indeed too dangerous. It is also very difficult for us to deal with the monsters on the periphery."

"It's hard to imagine how powerful the central area will be."

"Hehe, don't worry about this. Anyway, it's not just our team that's coming. The sky is falling and there's someone taller to hold it up. We just need to fish in troubled waters."

"Besides, the speed of upgrading here is several times faster than outside. Even if we don't get anything, our level can be raised quickly, isn't it?"

"Well, the captain is right."

At this time, the rough voice said: "Xiao He, Lao Qi, follow me to the entrance of the cave to rest, and leave them two girls inside."

"Yes, Captain!"

"it is good!"

There was no communication after that.

After listening to their conversation, Qin Fan's heart moved slightly.

It turned out that it was for this reason that these people took the risk.

Hearing what they said, it seemed that there were quite a few people who came this time.

All those who reached level 10 would receive that kind of call, no wonder I didn't feel it, it turned out that the level was not enough.

But I have worked hard enough, why is the level still left behind by others?

Among other things, the team below has at least one level 8 and one level 10.

And I'm only level 7!

This made it difficult for Qin Fan to accept.

These people level up too fast.

As for the hidden occupation!

Qin Fan didn't care much.

Any hidden profession, whether it is strength or development potential, is not comparable to normal professions.

But most of the hidden jobs that can be changed at low levels are rubbish.

Although it can crush normal occupations in the early stage, as the level increases, it will become weaker.

So who really has a dreamland, who would choose to change jobs to hide their jobs in the early stage? unless……

A person can only choose one career branch in his life, just take the mage as an example.

If you choose the fire magician at the second turn, you can only advance to the fire-related magician profession afterwards.

In the same way, once you change your job to a hidden job in the early stage, you can only advance to the job related to it.

If there is no better opportunity in the future, then forget it.

But if you encounter a more suitable and powerful hidden profession later, wouldn't you regret it?

So Qin Fan didn't want to switch to a hidden job so soon.

Similarly, after reaching level 10, he didn't want to casually change his profession to another magician of a certain department.

The magic system is divided into 12 systems: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, time, space, and will.

Among them, magic such as ice, snow and fog belong to the variation of water magic.

Life magic is a variation of the wood system.

The first nine types belong to conventional magic, and time, space, and will belong to the hidden category. '

Every kind of magic has its special function and power.

If you want to ask Qin Fan which genre he likes the most, there is no doubt that it is all of them!

But so far, there has not been a magician who is proficient in all disciplines.

In this world, it seems that there is no such profession as a magician who can change professions, at least since the game came to reality, this kind of profession has not appeared yet.

If there is, it must be a hidden profession.

"Anyway, I don't rely on the magic of the teacher's department to deal damage, but rely on the powerful bonus of passive talents."

"So it doesn't really matter which department you change jobs to."

"As long as you can release the fireball technique."

Qin Fan thought to himself.

Thinking like this, Qin Fan fell asleep.

In the early morning, Qin Fan was awakened by a shaking.

When he opened his eyes, he felt someone climbing a tree.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly took out his epee and armor, ready to face the enemy fully armed.

"Xiao He, be careful your mother, don't fall."

Under the tree, the tall warrior looked at the archer who was climbing the tree and teased.

"Haha, don't worry, captain. When I was a child, I often climbed trees to dig out bird nests. This tree is a child's play for me."

"Be careful there is a big snake hidden in there, it will swallow you up in one bite."

The priestess threatened.

"Sister Youyou, don't scare him, he is too timid."

The female mage next to him assisted.

"Hmph, look down on someone, there is a big snake, I'll catch it and make snake soup!"

While talking, Archer Xiao He climbed to the bird's nest.

When he saw Qin Fan in the bird's nest clearly, he was immediately frightened.


Hearing his changed voice, the warrior drew the greatsword behind his back.

"Xiao He, what did you see, come down!"

Qin Fan didn't expect the other party to come up, but seeing that the other party didn't have any malicious intentions, he couldn't help grinning.

But this smile scared Xiao He a lot.

The reason was that the hole was too dark, and his smile could only be grinned with a pair of white teeth.

"Mom, ghost!"

Xiao He was so frightened that his feet slipped, and he immediately fell towards the tree.

Qin Fan had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed him.

The mage below had already made a move, and the fireball skill accurately attacked Qin Fan.


Not bad damage!

Qin Fan was not used to it either, and fought back with a fireball.


The female mage was hit with a big hole by the fireball technique, and the flames burned on the ground, burning her sexy robes.

Fortunately, the companions next to him rushed to help put it out.

Seeing this, the knights in the team roared angrily and were about to rush up the tree.

But was stopped by the captain.


The captain looked at Qin Fan warily.

As the captain, he is much more sensible than others.

From the opponent's attack just now, it can be seen that the opponent is only warning and has no intention of being an enemy.

Otherwise, if that fireball technique were to fall on one's teammates, what would happen would be unknown.

But soon, Qin Fan's level caught his attention.

"Level 7?"

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