Level 7!

Dare to come to the bloody area at level 7?

Are his teammates around?

Seeing that the other party didn't move anymore, Qin Fan pulled Xiao He up.

He didn't jump off the tree until the other party stood firm.

"Why are you attacking me?"

This question is to ask the female mage in the opponent's team.

The female mage was very pretty, but obviously not the type Qin Fan liked.

"Hmph, you are hiding in the tree sneakily, who knows if you are a bad person?"

"Is that why you attacked me?" Qin Fan's tone was a little cold.

Seeing this, the captain of the other party hurriedly stepped forward to make an apology.

"I'm really sorry, classmate, it's our fault, this is a misunderstanding, I apologize to you."

Seeing the other party's sincere attitude, Qin Fan's face softened a lot.

"no problem!"

He doesn't want to get entangled with these people, but if the other party doesn't know good from bad, he doesn't care to teach them a lesson.

"Student, are you coming to the bloody area alone, where are your teammates?"

the soldier asked.

Qin Fan gave each other a meaningful look.

What would happen to him if he told him that he was alone?

After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "I came alone."

Hearing this, the expressions of the people present changed.

Level 7, dare to come to the scarlet area alone?

If this man is not a fool, he is a fierce man.

Also, if you are less than level 10, you won't be able to feel that strong will to summon.

So, he is just here to level up?

A level 7 person regards the scarlet area where the lowest level of monsters is level 20 as a place for leveling.

Definitely a tough guy.

Also, he was clearly dressed as a warrior, but he released a fireball technique that could only be released by a mage.

Suddenly, the captain remembered a person,

"Student, are you Qin Fan from Yunlin High School?"

Hearing this, Qin Fan frowned.

"You recognize me?"

"Haha, your name has already spread all over the streets and alleys of Yunlin District. After all, you are the first mage in history to gain full strength..."

Hearing this, the corner of Qin Fan's mouth twitched.

It is also unclear whether the other party is mocking or praising.

On the contrary, when other people heard this, they suddenly realized.

"It turns out that he is Qin Fan!"

"Didn't it mean that he doesn't have a blue bar? The fireball just now..."

"It's the first time I've seen such a powerful fireball technique!"

The female mage in the team became interested in Qin Fan instantly.

"Student Qin Fan, I was really embarrassed just now."

"It doesn't matter."

The female mage stared at Qin Fan with burning eyes.

"Can you tell me about the benefits of adding points with all your strength? The fireball technique you released just now is so powerful, does it have anything to do with adding points with all your strength?"

"Is there any secret in this? Or do you have any hidden artifacts?"


The female mage asked one after another, making Qin Fan frown secretly.

How could you tell her these questions.

He just smiled politely, and then said: "I have to go, see you by fate."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to react, he quickly turned and left.

"Hey, why did he leave!"

"I still have a lot of questions to ask."

"He wears the equipment of a warrior, so he is also very capable in melee combat?"


"You talk too much!"

The captain couldn't help but said, the female mage just shut up.

The knights in the team looked at Qin Fan's leaving back, feeling a little dissatisfied.

"We should rob him, maybe he has some treasures on him."

Hearing this, the soldier frowned.

Why didn't he have such an idea.

But when he stood in front of Qin Fan, he felt a sense of crisis.

The other party did not show any murderous intent, and even looked very kind.

But there is a strong sense of crisis.

"If he doesn't rob us, everything will be fine."

"Ah? Captain, you are boosting the morale of others and destroying your own prestige."

"How much threat can a Level 7 nondescript thing pose?"

The soldier turned around, gave the knight a meaningful look, then turned and left without saying anything.

"Hey? Captain, what kind of eyes is this?"

"Am I wrong?"

The priest came to the knight and patted him on the shoulder.

"That's why you can't be the captain!"

After finishing speaking, he and the female mage followed the warrior and left.

The knight stood there stunned.

After recovering from his shock, Xiao He walked up to the knight.

"Brother Seven, you can't just look at people with your eyes. You have to learn the captain's wisdom."

After speaking, he quickly chased after him.


Because of the rain last night, the forest was extremely humid.

The ground full of rotting fallen leaves was also extremely wet and slippery.

Sometimes when one foot is stepped on, the whole leg will sink in.

Qin Fan didn't rob the team just now.

It's just because the things on those people are too rubbish to arouse his interest.

Similarly, the other party did not rob him.

This also allowed the other party to escape.

With Qin Fan's current strength, it would only take a matter of minutes to destroy that five-person team.

But the fact that the five-member team didn't rob him doesn't mean others won't rob him.

"Stop, hand over your valuables, and spare your life!"

In front of Qin Fan, two teams of five appeared.

The leader is a level 12, tall, strong young man with a violent aura.

He wears heavy armor and carries a huge axe.

Adding the two together, the weight is probably more than two hundred catties.

But it didn't affect his actions at all.

This equipment is different from ordinary fighters, but his profession is definitely a fighter.

Seeing this person, Qin Fan felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

This man is anything but simple.

But Qin Fan didn't panic, instead he glanced at the other party.

Three warriors, two knights, two priests, two archers, and a mage.

A total of ten people, the lowest level is level 10.

Obviously two strong teams, otherwise they wouldn't be at such a high level.

But apart from the young man with the giant axe, Qin Fan felt no threat from anyone else.

"I don't have anything of value with me."

he said.


The young man glanced at Qin Fan.

"Leave the ring on your hand and the Gale Fox cub in your pocket, and you can go."

Hearing this, Qin Fan sneered.

How could these two things be given away by oneself?

Not to mention these two things, even the sword in my own hand, I absolutely cannot give it to others.

Although it was just an ordinary sword, it was also made by myself at a cost of thousands of yuan.

"What if I say no?"

Hearing this, the young man's face changed, and his violent breath erupted instantly.

"Then die here!"

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