Job Transfer For All: I, Mage, Add Points With All My Strength

038 Unnamed Ancient Ring, The Powerful Attributes Brought By The Mithril Set

At the end, Qin Fan simply covered his eyes.

But at this moment, a crisp reminder sounded.

[Ding, you opened the bronze treasure chest and got the nameless ring]

Nameless ring?

What the hell?

Qin Fan hurriedly opened the backpack and took out the so-called nameless ring.

It was a rusty iron ring.

Nothing stands out.

But it is no ordinary ring.

Qin Fan hurriedly checked its properties.

【Unnamed Ring】

(An iron ring that has been buried for an unknown number of years has been corroded and dilapidated by the years.)

soul binding

Level: 0

Quality: unknown

Special effect: Allows the holder to wear equipment that is 5 levels higher than his own level (it can take effect without wearing this equipment).

Seeing the attributes of the nameless ring, Qin Fan was stunned for a moment.

First the special effects.

Can you wear equipment that is five levels higher than yourself?

It can take effect without occupying the equipment position.

This one effect alone is worth the hundred W!

You know, this type of attribute entry is very difficult to see in this world.

Qin Fan has also seen a lot of equipment over the years, ranging from ordinary equipment to ninth-level magic equipment, but he has never seen such special effects on any equipment.

Haven't even heard of it.

There is no doubt that this seemingly ordinary special effect is extremely valuable!

Every time the level of equipment increases by one span, the attribute value provided is very considerable.

If you can equip higher-level equipment in advance, it will greatly improve your own strength.

It's like two people who are both level 20, have the same strength and occupation, one wears level 15 equipment, and the other wears level 20 equipment.

Then it is impossible for the former to defeat the latter.

Qin Fan's current level is level 16. Originally, he could only wear level 15 equipment at most.

But after holding this nameless ring, he can wear level 20 equipment.

It just so happened that he killed Xue Feng that day and obtained a complete set of level 20 mithril suits.

Doesn't this come in handy?

Of course, this was not the reason why Qin Fan was stunned.

What really stunned him were those four words: soul binding

What kind of equipment can be soul bound?

Ordinary equipment will definitely not work, magic equipment will not be bound, and even pseudo-artifacts can be traded freely.

Only artifacts can be soul bound.

Is this thing an artifact?

But why is its quality unknown?

This made Qin Fan very puzzled.

An artifact is an artifact, and mana equipment is mana equipment.

The quality is unknown, and this is the first time I have seen it.

Look at its introduction again: an iron ring that has been buried for an unknown number of years has been corroded by the years and is dilapidated!

Dilapidated, but still has an extremely rare and powerful attribute.

Is this thing really a magic weapon?

Just because it can't be cracked, its quality cannot be judged?

That's all, if you have a chance in the future, go to the city center to find those well-known appraisal masters.

Without too much entanglement, Qin Fan directly threw the nameless ring into the dark pattern ring.

A ring with a ring sounds a bit outrageous.

However, the functions of the two are different, which is actually easy to understand.

Then, Qin Fan took out the mithril suit, as for the black iron axe, he was too lazy to take it out.

That thing is quite heavy, and it doesn't look too good to hold it in your hand all the time. Why don't you equip it when you need it.

I remember a god said such a sentence.

"Axe? A fool's weapon!"

Affected by this sentence, Qin Fan was somewhat resistant to weapons like axes.

At this time, looking at the attributes of the Mithril set, there have been some changes.

The original bright red equipment limit: level 20, has become green.

This means, Qin Fan can now be worn.

Without further ado, just wear it.

Putting all five pieces of equipment on his body, the armor on Qin Fan's body took on a completely new look.

He looks more majestic, more handsome, and more like a warrior.

Although the mithril armor is a heavy armor set, it doesn't weigh much because of its exquisite workmanship.

This is something Qin Fan did not expect.

After equipping the mithril set, Qin Fan's attributes were greatly improved in an instant.

Name: Qin Fan

Level: Level 16

Occupation: Mage

Strength: 264+50

Physique: 0+70

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 0+50

Spirit: 0+20

Stamina: 45

Stamina: 60

Blue amount: Slightly!

Physical Attack: 314

Magic Attack: 0

Physical Defense: 1

Magic Defense: 0

Skill: Fireball - each attack, causing magic damage equal to 1.5 times the base intelligence! Mana consumption: 5 points

Crazy Thunder Prison - Activate the thunder element in the air, release extremely powerful lightning and imprison the enemy for 5 seconds! Mana consumption: 20 points; the mental attribute is higher than the opponent, 100% of the success, the spiritual attribute is lower than the opponent, only 10% of the success rate.

Hidden Talent: Work Miraculously

Equipment: Mithril set

Look at the hidden talents.

Current gain: Magic damage fixed value +2540;

Casting time: instant;

Casting cost: no cost;

Casting range +243%;

Cooldown: None;

Shield value +2540.

Strength increased by 50 points, constitution increased by 70 points, agility increased by 50 points, and spirit increased by 20 points.

This changed Qin Fan's physical attack to 314 points, his HP to 701 points, and his dual defense to 70 points. There is no numerical value for the speed, but it must be faster.

As for spirit, adding 20 points is like adding nothing, because Qin Fan doesn't have a blue bar, so adding more spirit to Shendu is useless.

It can be said that Qin Fan at this time, in terms of light ratio panel attributes, is by no means lower than any warrior profession.

Even if you stand and slash with a fighter of the same level, the opponent will fall down in the end.

This is the attribute of a mage.

And Qin Fan also has the bonus of hidden talents.

But unfortunately, the attributes brought by the equipment do not affect the effect of hidden talents.

Feeling the improvement of his own strength, Qin Fan's confidence doubled for a while.

The carrion ants here have been killed, and there are no monsters to kill.

If you want to upgrade, you have to change places.

Now that he has stronger strength, he should look for higher level monsters.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan carried the big sword in his hand and walked deeper into it with his head held high.

This is completely contrary to his original plan.

Originally, for the sake of safety, he planned to kill monsters on the periphery until level 20.

Now with the improvement of strength, he went deeper ahead of schedule.

I have to say that life is really fickle, and many things will always force the original plan to change.

And this change will have a great impact on his life.

In the depths of the scarlet area, something terrifying is waking up!

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