Before wearing the mithril suit, Qin Fan almost upgraded all the way.

Now that the attribute has been improved, it is even more like a duck to water.

Along the way, almost no monster could withstand his blow.

Of course, he didn't encounter too powerful monsters.

For several days in a row, Qin Fan did not encounter any large-scale monsters, and the speed of upgrading was greatly slowed down.

It seems that the closer to the depths of the scarlet area, the fewer monsters there are.

But the strength has not improved much.

They were all level 20 and 21 monsters, and the only one I encountered was a level 25 monster, and it was just an ordinary monster.

A few days ago, Qin Fan had reached level 16, and now he is away from level 17, with about half of the experience left.

It can be seen how slow the upgrade speed has been these days.

If this continues, when will it be possible to reach level 20?

Fortunately, Qin Fan was not in a hurry.

As I am, so must others.

On the contrary, the closer you get to the depths of the scarlet area, the stronger the will to summon in your heart.

It seems that it is gradually approaching the inheritance site.

I just don't know how it will be passed on, and whether it will be a very difficult test.

On this day, Qin Fan killed a thick earth bear.

From the drop of the Thick Earth Bear, get two bear paws.

Taking out the two bear paws, Qin Fan secretly delighted in his heart.

I have been on the road for the past few days, and the food I have stored has been consumed. In addition to my bad luck, I didn't drop much meat.

So from yesterday, Qin Fan can only rely on eating wild fruits to satisfy his hunger.

Now that he has obtained two bear paws, tonight's dinner is settled.

Grilled bear paws should taste good.

Looking up at the sky, dusk has come, and the forest is getting dark very quickly.

You have to find a place to rest first.

Soon, Qin Fan found a cave.

The cave is not big, but there is no problem with shelter from wind and rain.

It's just that there is no bedding, so I can only pick up some hay to sleep at night.

It's been like this these days.

There's no way, it's a little troublesome to do it alone.

No one helped to set up tents, no one specially prepared food, and had to eat and sleep alone.

Fortunately, Qin Fan is not a person who can't bear hardships.

On the contrary, he still enjoys this kind of life.

Fresh air, pure natural environment, no noise, no impetuousness, the body and mind have been greatly emptied.

A bonfire was lit, and Qin Fan grilled the processed bear paws.

Sprinkle the seasoning, and after a while, the aroma will come out, which will make your index finger move.

Smelling the scent, the little fox jumped out a long time ago, circling around the bonfire, staring intently at the golden bear's paw.

Seeing this, Qin Fan smiled.

This little guy used to eat raw meat, but since he followed me, he is often fed cooked meat, which makes him very resistant to raw meat now.

After it is cooked, Qin Fan can't wait to enjoy it without waiting for it to cool down.

Seeing the little fox watching eagerly, he tore off a piece and fed it.

After eating and drinking, Qin Fan lay down on the hay floor to rest, with the little fox obediently lying on his chest.

Looking at the starry sky outside the cave, Qin Fan was thinking about something.

Only when people calm down can they seriously think about life and make a good plan for life.

After traveling to this world, Qin Fan lived a mediocre life for the first eighteen years.

Even worse than the average person, because he is an orphan.

He didn't know who his parents were, and even once suspected that he didn't have parents at all, and came here directly in the form of a fetus.

During those years in the orphanage, what Qin Fan thought about every day was how to get ahead if he made money.

But as he grew older, Qin Fan discovered that in addition to being brought by games, many things in this world have changed.

In fact, it is roughly the same as the previous life.

Technology, knowledge, culture, customs, concepts, cognition...these things are all similar.

But this is a whole new, completely strange world again!

So after Qin Fan came to this world, he didn't have any cheats.

It is precisely for this reason that he has been doing nothing for the first eighteen years.

Because what he can think of is either impossible to implement, or everyone is doing it, so how can he stand out?


Until not long ago, during the awakening ceremony, he obtained a hidden talent that defies the sky and infinite growth.

All of this is the beginning of hope.

The flame of hope that had been extinguished was burning again.

Get ahead, reach the pinnacle, and set foot on the top of the world!

This is what Qin Fan wants to do most now.

In the previous life, he had no chance, was obedient, diligent and conscientious, and finally achieved nothing, and died young.

But when the opportunity in this life comes, how can we do nothing anymore?

And this college entrance examination is the beginning of his success!

Provincial champion!

In the previous life, I could become the champion of the college entrance examination, why not in this life?

Thinking of this, Qin Fan instantly became complacent.

The vast majority of candidates hope to be admitted to key universities.

In Canglong Kingdom, the most famous institution is Qingbei University.

That is the highest national institution.

The admission requirements of Qingbei University are very strict.

Each province can admit up to 10 places each year.

Only the ten candidates with the best scores in the college entrance examination will have the opportunity to be admitted to Qingbei University.

But Qin Fan's goals don't stop there.

Because in addition to Qingbei University, there is another university that only recruits ten people every year.

Instead of recruiting 10 people in each province, only 10 people are recruited nationwide.

The university is called Canglong College.

Ordinary people have never heard of the name of Canglong Academy.

The reason why Qin Fan knew it was when he checked the information.

Although this academy is not well-known, it is definitely the ceiling of all universities in Canglong Kingdom.

It is said that the teaching staff inside, even those who are responsible for sweeping the floor, must be strong at level 90!

It holds the world's most powerful skill system, the world's top cultivation theory, and the top teaching resources of Canglong Kingdom.

Of course, there are also the most outstanding classmates and teachers.

Birds of a feather flock together.

If you want to be strong, you must work with the strong.

Entering Canglong Academy is Qin Fan's biggest goal right now.

But if you want to enter Canglong Academy, obtaining the provincial number one scholar is the most basic condition.

Because none of the candidates admitted every year is not the number one in the college entrance examination.

But it doesn't mean that becoming the number one student in the college entrance examination will be able to enter Canglong Academy.

Because it also has a special test mechanism.

Only those who meet the conditions can be admitted.

Thinking like this, Qin Fan gradually fell asleep.

Half asleep, half awake, he heard some faint fighting sounds.

Gradually, the sound of fighting became more and more clear, finally waking Qin Fan up.

"what happened?"

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