The nine-tailed fox was firmly grasped by the huge claws.

No matter how he struggled, he could not break free from the claws.

The next second.

Xu Han came to the nine-tailed fox, and the ice-blue blade instantly cut towards the opponent's neck!

The nine-tailed fox was immediately frightened and looked ashen.

With this knife, he would definitely die!

He closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

❻❾ Book Bar


Just as the ice-blue blade was about to fall on the nine-tailed fox.

A thick and white fox tail fell down from above!

Xu Han frowned slightly.

If he insisted on killing the opponent, he would definitely be hit by this fox tail!

This was also not worth the loss.

He paused, and then quickly jumped to the back.


The thick fox tail suddenly hit the ground, instantly breaking a big hole in the origin tree marrow on the ground.

Xu Han looked up.

The one who made the move was the man who had been watching the battle from above.

He opened the Eye of Delusion and checked the information of the man.

[Name: Nine-tailed Fox (Platinum Level)]

[Race: Nine-tailed Fox Clan]

[Level: 120]

[Skill 1: Flash LV.7 (flash to the target area instantly, immune to all damage during the flash, cooldown time 3 minutes)]

[Skill 2: Fox Tail Whip LV.5 (whip the enemy with nine tails, which can cause a lot of damage to the enemy, cooldown time 3 minutes)]

[Skill 3: Fox Fire Impact LV.5 (summon a ball of fox fire to attack the enemy, the fox fire will automatically lock the enemy and launch an attack, the enemy damaged by the fox fire will enter a burning state, and continue to lose health points, cooldown time 5 minutes)]

[Skill 4: Soul Shock LV.5 (Concentrate mental power to release soul shock, soul shock will cause damage to the enemy that ignores defense, and can make the enemy fall into a state of fear and confusion, lasting for 5 seconds, cooldown time 5 minutes 10 minutes)]

[Skill 5: Illusion LV.7 (creates an illusion that makes the enemy unable to extricate themselves, and can directly cause damage to the enemy in the illusion that ignores defense, with a cooldown time of 10 minutes)]

[Skill 6: Shadow Clone LV.7 (creates several clones with the same appearance and aura as the original to attack the enemy, each clone has 20% of the combat power of the original, with a cooldown time of 5 minutes)]

[Skill 7: Spiral Shadow Ball LV.3 (creates a spiral shadow ball, which is full of lethality and will cause a lot of damage to the enemy, and the damaged enemy will also enter a curse state, with all attributes reduced by 30%, lasting for 30 seconds, and a cooldown time of 5 minutes)]

[Skill 8: Nine-tailed Fox True Body LV.1 (transforms into the true body of the nine-tailed fox, obtains a new set of skills, and greatly improves various attributes)]

Xu Han frowned slightly.

Another platinum-level leader!

In this realm of mountains and seas, these platinum-level leaders are like cabbages on the roadside, and can be seen everywhere.

Since entering, I have seen at least four platinum-level leaders.

I have even seen epic-level and legendary-level leaders.

No wonder people are not allowed to enter the Mountain and Sea Realm without strength.

For ordinary people, entering the Mountain and Sea Realm is simply seeking death.

However, if Jiang Ping and others knew Xu Han's thoughts, they would probably be furious.

Who told you to go to the depths of the Mountain and Sea Realm?

There are all dangerous places there, even forbidden areas.

Going further inside is the top of the mountain.

There are two top races living in the Mountain Realm!

Even the top human beings dare not enter such a place rashly.

If you just look for a suitable pet outside the Mountain Realm, how could you encounter so many powerful beasts?

Bazhi looked at Xu Han coldly and said slowly: "Human, tell me your name."

Xu Han said slowly: "Xu Han."

Bazhi nodded slightly: "Remember my name, the fifth elder of the Nine-tailed Fox, Bazhi!"

"It will be your honor to die at my hands!"

The voice fell.

He instantly turned into a shadow and rushed towards Xu Han!

Almost in an instant, he rushed in front of Xu Han!

His fist slammed towards Xu Han's chest!

This punch seemed plain and simple.

But the powerful power contained in it made Xu Han feel a little palpitated.

He subconsciously controlled the tentacles behind him.

Those tentacles gathered quickly like palms and blocked in front of him.


The fist and the tentacles collided suddenly!

Xu Han only felt a strong impact force suddenly hit his body along the tentacles.

He stepped back several steps before he could barely stand firm.

The tentacles behind him were like glass fragments, with fine cracks on them.

It seemed that they would break at any time.

Xu Han was secretly shocked.

The strength of this nine-tailed fox elder might not be what the Eye of Delusion saw.

He definitely hid a lot of strength!

Even the Eye of Delusion could not see through it completely!

Bazhi seemed to see through Xu Han's thoughts.

A mocking smile appeared on his face.

"Human, do you think you have mastered my strength?"

"Some things, if I want you to see them, you can see them. If I don't want to show them to you, you can't even think of seeing them."

Xu Han's heart sank.

This guy is a bit difficult to deal with!

His strength is really too strong!

He thought and growled: "Scorching Sun Dragon Body!"

A loud dragon roar sounded.

A huge dragon shadow appeared behind Xu Han.

The golden dragon pupils stared at Bazhi, exuding terrifying murderous aura and majesty.

Bazhi looked at the giant dragon shadow and was immediately horrified: "Are you a dragon?!"

If the human in front of him is really a dragon, then he really needs to think about it.

The dragon clan is famous for protecting their shortcomings and holding grudges!

If anyone dares to hunt the dragon clan, they will be retaliated by the entire dragon clan!

So far, no alien beast race can withstand the revenge of the entire dragon clan!

The strongest in the sea world is a powerful dragon!

If the person who senses the breath of the dragon clan comes to kill, I am afraid that the nine-tailed fox clan will not be able to resist at all.

But soon, Bazhi felt something was wrong.

Although he could feel the breath of the dragon clan.

But there was only a trace.

This is not enough to prove that this human is a dragon.

His expression gradually became calm.

He stared at Xu Han coldly, with a hint of greed in his eyes: "Human, I don't know why you have the breath of the dragon clan."

"I guess you should have eaten the meat of the dragon clan?"

"If I can swallow you, then the dragon blood in your body will be transferred to my body! It is enough to raise my strength to a higher level!"

"Today, you must die here!"

Bazhi's figure flashed and quickly killed Xu Han!

He thought about it, and nine snow-white fox tails grew behind him instantly!

Those fox tails swept towards Xu Han!

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