Xu Han narrowed his eyes slightly.

The shadow of the giant dragon roared and suddenly rushed towards Xu Han.

A dark light flashed.


Xu Han's body was covered with dragon scales.

At this moment, he was like a human-shaped dragon.

The surging power like the sea was surging in his body.

His eyes also turned golden.

Looking at Bazhi who was rushing over.

Xu Han did not hesitate, stomped his feet suddenly, and rushed towards Bazhi!

He stretched out his fist and collided directly with Bazhi's tail!


There was only a loud noise!

Xu Han clenched his teeth tightly, and he felt a huge impact force quickly spread along his arm to his body.

The blood in his body was surging.

He felt a sweetness in his throat and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

But Bazhi was unharmed.

"Weak human, how can you be my opponent?"

Bazhi grinned.

As he said that, he raised his tail again and smashed towards Xu Han!


Xu Han had no time to defend himself and could only cross his hands in front of him.

With a loud noise.

He was knocked back several meters again, and a lot of dragon scales on his body were knocked off.

Blood was dripping from the wound.

Xu Han gritted his teeth.

This guy's strength far exceeded his own, and he was not able to resist him at all.

If it weren't for the powerful defense brought by the Fiery Sun Dragon Body, I'm afraid he would have died under this guy's attack.

Xu Han quickly retreated and distanced himself from Bazhi.

At this time.

Another nine-tailed fox tribe member also rushed towards Xu Han.

His eyes flashed with murderous light, wishing to skin Xu Han and tear his bones apart.

Xu Han's eyes condensed, and then he stretched out his hand and wiped the space ring.

A staff appeared in his hand.

It was the Nether Spirit Staff.

He pointed at the corpse of the nine-tailed fox with the Nether Spirit Staff in his hand: "Resurrection of the dead!"

The nine-tailed fox who had died stood up again.

The severed head was put back on the body.

"Stop him!"

Xu Han pointed at the attacking nine-tailed fox and growled.

The resurrected nine-tailed fox quickly rushed towards his former companion!

The two of them immediately fought.

Bazhi looked at the Nether Spirit Staff, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that you can control the dead. It seems that you have a lot of treasures in your hands."

"I want all of these!"

His face was ferocious, and his palm slowly raised. A strange white flame kept beating in the palm of his hand.

In this white flame, a nearly real nine-tailed fox was slowly born.

A breath of destruction spread from the flame.

Xu Han's eyes condensed.

This is probably the enhanced version of Fox Fire.

He raised his palm, and a bead emitting milky white light slowly floated out of his body.

This bead exuded pure spiritual fluctuations, as if making the surrounding spiritual energy become agitated.

When Bazhi saw the bead, his eyes were fixed and his breathing became heavy.

"This is... a legendary spiritual object?! You actually have such a treasure!"

"Hahahaha, I really picked up a treasure! This legendary spiritual object is mine!"

However, Xu Han's expression was cold, and he slowly uttered two words to Bazhi: "Seal!"

The spiritual bead immediately released a milky white light and shot directly at Bazhi.

Bazhi was covered by the milky white light, and the ball of fox fire in the palm of his hand disappeared instantly.

Bazhi's face changed.

He felt that his connection with the surrounding spiritual energy seemed to be cut off.

It was as if there was a huge cover covering him inside.

He could not communicate with the spiritual energy outside at all.

However, Bazhi was just a little panicked and soon returned to normal.

His eyes were full of greed as he looked at the Spirit Bead in Xu Han's hand.

"It's really a legendary spiritual object. It can even seal me."

"But that's all."

He waved his hand.

The surging spiritual energy in his body roared out and hit the seal in his body!


There was only a loud noise.

The milky white light was suddenly dimmed a lot.

Xu Han narrowed his eyes slightly.

This skill will definitely not be able to trap Bazhi.

We must take advantage of the time when Bazhi breaks the seal!

He stretched out his hand and wiped it on the space ring.

A long sword with red and blue intersection appeared in his hand.

This sword is the pseudo-legendary weapon he once got, the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword!

Feeling the breath of the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword.

Bazhi's face suddenly changed.

His eyes were full of heat, staring at the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword.

"Another legendary spiritual object! You really have a lot of good stuff in your hands."

"But the power contained in this sword is very strong, and you can't use it at all!"

"You should give it to me! This sword is a waste in your hands!"

Xu Han showed a cold smile on his face.

"Do you really think that I would take it out if I can't use it?"

Bazhi looked at Xu Han, his brows slightly frowned, and he felt something was wrong in his heart.

Xu Han slowly raised his hand to his mouth and bit it down.

He bit a hole in his palm.

Blood continued to pour out of the mouth.

These bloods kept dripping down.

When they fell in the air, they actually burned one after another.

These burning bloods turned into golden butterflies, flying in the air, looking extremely spectacular.

These flying butterflies quickly flew into Xu Han's body.

When these butterflies entered the body.

The breath in Xu Han's body rose steadily!

Bazhi's face changed.

What kind of weird skills did this human kid use?

He could even forcibly improve his strength?


He must be interrupted!

Bazhi gritted his teeth and desperately attacked the seal in his body.

With a crisp "bang".

The seal in his body was instantly broken.

The original powerful breath returned instantly!

He stomped his feet hard, and his body rushed out violently, rushing towards Xu Han quickly!

Xu Han slowly closed his eyes.

His body was completely surrounded by the light transformed by those golden butterflies.

The next moment.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw that his eyes had completely turned golden.

As if coated with a layer of gold!

His strength has also been greatly improved.

Xu Han slowly stretched out his hand and grasped the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword.

The Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword, which originally had a dim light, suddenly burst into a brilliant red and blue light!

Behind him, a bright sun seemed to rise.

And on the other side of the sun was a bright moon.

Bazhi looked at Xu Han, his eyes flashing with cold light.


He roared, and the dark purple spiral shadow ball whizzed towards Xu Han.

Xu Han raised the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword and slashed it straight at the spiral shadow ball!


The Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword fell on the spiral shadow ball.

The spiral shadow ball exploded!

The terrifying shock wave instantly spread in all directions.

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