The sky was filled with smoke and dust.

Bazhi stared at the thick smoke and dust with a serious look.

He was looking for Xu Han's trace.

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The next second.

A cold voice sounded.

"Red Sun Suppression!"

The red spiritual energy suddenly rushed upwards!

The rich red spiritual energy instantly turned into a bright sun!

The sun burst out with blazing light.

The golden sunlight covered the entire origin tree marrow with a layer of golden gauze.

Bazhi stared blankly at the sun in the sky.

He didn't know what the sun was for?

It looked very intimidating, but it seemed to have no effect on him at all.

Just when Bazhi was puzzled.

The sunlight in the sky suddenly began to shrink!

The scorching sunlight was like a spotlight, gathering all the sunlight on Bazhi.

Bazhi's face suddenly changed.

He felt a burst of hot breath rushing in from the outside, just like a terrifying poisonous insect, drilling into his body like crazy.

When these scorching spiritual energy drilled into his body, they quickly blocked his meridians.

Meridians are channels for the flow of spiritual energy.

Once the meridians are blocked, the spiritual energy in his body cannot be mobilized at all.

This is different from the seal just now.

The seal only isolates him from the surrounding spiritual energy and cannot release skills.

But he can still mobilize the spiritual energy in his body to break the seal.

But now, the meridians in the whole body are completely blocked, even the meridians in his body cannot be mobilized. It will take a long time to break this blockade!

And during this time, he can only rely on his own strength to deal with Xu Han.

Just when he was about to break the blockade.

A sharp sword light cut through the sky and came to Bazhi in an instant!

Looking at the lightning-fast sword light, Bazhi's face changed, and he subconsciously retreated to the back!


The sharp sword light swept past in an instant.

A deep scar that could be seen on his chest was left.

The severe pain of the wound stimulated Bazhi.

He was panting with lingering fear.

This sword light was directly slashing towards his neck!

If he dodged a second slower, I'm afraid he would have been beheaded now.

He clenched his teeth, his eyes flashed a blood-red light, and stared at the smoke in the distance.

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing a figure with golden light.

It was Xu Han.

Xu Han slowly raised the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword.

He used the blood burning skill, and time was limited, so he had to solve it as soon as possible.

At this time.

A familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Hey, Xu Han, what are you doing?"

Xu Han was stunned and slowly turned his head to look.

He saw a woman holding a staff standing behind him.

She had a playful smile on her face, looking pure and lively.

It was Hua Piaowu.

"Why are you here?"

Xu Han blurted out subconsciously.

Hua Piaowu's pretty face turned slightly red, and she bit her red lips with her pearly teeth: "Long time no see, I miss you."

As she said that, she tapped her jade feet and slowly walked towards Xu Han.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Xu Han's eyes turned cold, and the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword was instantly raised and stabbed out!


The sharp sword edge instantly penetrated Hua Piaowu's body.

Blood splattered.

Hua Piaowu's face turned pale instantly.

There was a trace of shock in her beautiful eyes: "Xu...Han, you...why..."

Xu Han ignored her, but turned his head to look at Bazhi: "Do you think that you can confuse me by casting an illusion?"

Bazhi's face sank.

He didn't expect that Xu Han's mental power was so strong and firm!

Even the illusion couldn't confuse him!

The blockade in his body was only partially unlocked.

His strength has not yet fully recovered, so he must delay for a while.

He gritted his teeth, frantically urged his mental power and stared at Xu Han.

Xu Han frowned slightly, and when he was about to continue, he felt a dark light coming.

When the dark light faded.

Xu Han was stunned.

He was now standing in an old house.

The old coffee table and sofa were placed in the living room.

The surrounding walls were painted with all kinds of strange little people with brushes.

And there were also many cartoon character stickers.

He was so familiar with all this.

Isn't this his former home?

His body was trembling slightly.

This was the place he wanted to go back to in his dreams.

There were many times when he dreamed that he returned to this familiar home and his parents had prepared dinner.

The family was eating happily and chatting about family matters.

However, when he woke up, everything became a cloud and disappeared.

Every time at this time, a huge sense of loss would sweep his heart.

The homesickness reached a climax at this moment.

His eyes were slightly red, and he looked around.

He saw a man and a woman sitting at the old dining table.

They had some white hair on their heads and many wrinkles on their faces, looking like they had been through a lot.

When Xu Han saw the two people.

The emotions in his heart were like a river bursting its banks, collapsing with a bang!

Tears slid down his cheeks.

His voice became hoarse, and he opened his mouth, but could not make any sound.

Endless thoughts surged into his heart.

He seemed to have exhausted all his strength and shouted, "Dad, Mom."

The man and woman seemed to have heard Xu Han's call.

They all turned their heads to look at Xu Han in confusion.

When they saw Xu Han, ripples appeared on their originally calm faces.

They smiled in surprise, immediately stood up, and walked quickly towards Xu Han.

Looking at his parents, Xu Han's tense nerves instantly relaxed.

He walked quickly towards the two elders, his eyes full of excitement.

Although, he knew that all this was just an illusion.

But even if it was an illusion, he wanted to reunite with his parents once.

Looking at his parents running quickly, tears burst out of Xu Han's eyes.

He subconsciously wanted to throw away the sword and hug his parents.

Hug these two people that I have been thinking about day and night!

However, at this time.

A golden light flashed.

The next moment, the Thunder Golem instantly floated in front of Xu Han.

The orange light spots on the Thunder Golem kept flashing, as if it was very anxious.

Xu Han was stunned, and his originally excited mood instantly calmed down a lot.

He looked at his parents.

There were still excited smiles on his parents' faces.

But that smile was so fake and mechanical.


This is fake!

Can't sink here!

Still have to become stronger, and still have to find them!

Xu Han's heart suddenly became firm.

His eyes suddenly became firm.

Holding the Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword tightly, he roared: "Break it for me!"

The Yin-Yang Qiankun Sword suddenly slashed forward!

The sharp sword light flashed.

The house in front of him was like a piece of glass, with fine cracks appearing on it.

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