
Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The space collapsed instantly.

The familiar house and the two familiar people completely disappeared as the space collapsed.

The surrounding scene once again returned to the Tree of Origin.

And Ba Zhi was only two meters away from Xu Han!

There was a cold smile on Bach's face.

The seals in his body have been broken.

The strength has basically been restored!

In close combat, he could easily kill Xu Han instantly!

However, Xu Han took a deep breath, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.

This bastard!

How dare you use your parents to confuse yourself!

He raised the Yin-Yang Universe Sword and roared: "Ghosts of the Moon!"

I saw a faint blue light blooming from the Yin Yang Universe Sword.

next moment.

The faint blue light turned into a bright moon and rose into the sky, replacing the original position of the scorching sun.

A faint blue light falls.

Mysterious runes vaguely appeared on the ground.

These symbols formed a large formation, with Xu Han as the center and spreading to all directions.

Behind Xu Han, a huge figure slowly rose from the ground.

Looking at the huge figure, a trace of shock and fear flashed in Ba Zhi's eyes.

It was a humanoid ghost dozens of meters high.

And in the hand of this ghost is a big sword more than ten meters long!

When the big sword was swung, it covered the sky and the sun, and was full of power!

Facing this ghost, Ba Zhi felt a sense of powerlessness welling up in his heart.

The strength was suddenly weakened a lot.


Xu Han's voice was cold and emotionless.

The Yin Yang Universe Sword was swung forward.

The ghosts and gods behind him also slowly swung their swords and slashed towards Bazhi!

Bach's eyes widened in shock.

He tried to move his body to dodge.

But that big sword seemed to cover the whole place, and no matter where he hid, he couldn't escape.


The sword fell suddenly.

Bach spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out, hitting the wooden wall behind him heavily!

A huge wound nearly one meter long was made on his chest by a long sword!

The wound almost split it in two.

Ba Zhi's breath was also extremely depressed.

The sword almost killed him instantly.

He struggled to support his body and wanted to continue to attack, but found that the shadow of the ghost and god had already arrived in front of him!

The big sword strikes again!

There was another loud "boom".

this time.

Ba Zhi was completely dead.

Lying quietly on the ground, he turned into a corpse.

The face of the remaining nine-tailed fox tribe member changed drastically.

He turned around and wanted to run away.

However, his companions followed closely and kept obstructing him.

Xu Han urged the ghosts and gods to slash at the nine-tailed fox clansman with a sharp knife!

The knife fell down and killed him easily.

Xu Han felt another wave of warmth gushing out of his body.

It's been upgraded again.

He opened the properties panel and took a look.

[Name: Xu Han]

[Race: Human]

[Occupation: SSS level great gourmet (second level)]

【Level: 44】

【Power: 6654】

【Physique: 5078】

[Agility: 4270]

【Spirit: 4280】

I took a look at the properties and found out.

He actually rose to level four directly!

But think about it.

After all, he killed a platinum-level leader alone!

The harvest this time will definitely not be less.

The blood-burning state was lifted, and he collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

Blood-burning skills not only reduce the upper limit of health, but also consume a lot of physical strength.

Fortunately, the opponent was completely solved.

He turned to look at the remaining nine-tailed fox clansman.

When the nine-tailed fox tribesman saw Ba Zhi being killed, he turned pale with fright.

He didn't dare to stay long, so he jumped up and rushed upward.

The resurrected Nine-tailed Fox tribesman was about to catch up, but Xu Han stopped him.

He is in a bad state now, and he cannot kill the opponent just by relying on a resurrected puppet.

Then of course there is no need to waste your efforts.

He sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

The consumed life force made him feel extremely weak, and he didn't even want to move a finger.

At this time.

The origin tree marrow under him actually bloomed with emerald green light.

Xu Han was stunned and looked down at the origin tree marrow beneath him.

A group of faint green light bloomed from the bottom of the origin tree's marrow and gradually surged upward.

It only takes a moment.

The originally dim marrow of the Origin Tree bloomed with dazzling light.

As the light blooms.

The marrow of the origin tree rises like stars, green light spots like fireflies.

These light spots disappeared into Xu Han's body.

Xu Han felt that his originally exhausted strength was recovering rapidly!

In just a few seconds, the strength in his body was completely restored to its original state.

Xu Han's eyes were full of surprise.

Is this Origin Tree Marrow helping him to recover?

At this time.

A strong breath of life spreads from the marrow of the Origin Tree.

A huge green ball of light slowly rose up from the marrow of the Origin Tree and floated in front of Xu Han.

Xu Han looked at the light group in front of him doubtfully. He didn't know what the tree of origin meant?

Just when he was doubting.

The light on the green ball of light gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of a little girl.

The little girl had short white hair and wore a light green princess dress.

The little girl's eyes slowly opened.

There was a trace of confusion in her green pupils, which looked like tender buds.

Her eyes fell on Xu Han, her eyes curved like a crescent moon, and the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a trace of joyful smile.

"Little brother, thank you for helping me drive away these pests."

The soft and cute voice entered Xu Han's ears, and Xu Han's old face immediately blushed.

He said awkwardly: "No need to thank me, it's just a small effort."

The little girl looked at the broken origin tree marrow, her eyes full of sadness.

"It's all because of those hateful bugs. They ate my tree marrow and caused me to lose too much spiritual energy."

"If I let those bugs eat it, I'm afraid I will die completely in another ten years."

Xu Han looked at the little girl in front of him with some surprise.

This little girl turned out to be the origin tree!

Although I had guessed it just now, I was still shocked when it was confirmed.

This tree of origin has a history of thousands of years at least.

After the transformation, it turned out to be a little girl?

The contrast between before and after is too great.

"Little brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Xu Han's surprised expression, the little girl said with a puzzled look.

Xu Han hurriedly shook his head: "No, I'm just curious, why is your transformation a little girl?"

"At your age, shouldn't you be a mature aunt?"

The little girl shook her head: "Of course not."

"Although I have lived for thousands of years, I am still in my infancy for my race."

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