Hearing the little girl's words.

Xu Han widened his eyes in astonishment.

"Thousands of years old and still in infancy? What race are you?!"

The little girl stretched out a finger and poked her chin, revealing a thoughtful look.


But she looked very cute, as if she was pretending to be a mature adult.

"My race... seems to be called... Tree of Life."

Xu Han suddenly widened his eyes and said in a lost voice: "Tree of Life?!"

The Tree of Origin is actually the infancy of the Tree of Life? !

This news is really shocking!

So far, the only Tree of Life on Blue Star has appeared in a super-large secret realm in Bermuda.

That is one of the top dangerous places on Blue Star.

Even a ninth-level strongman may not be able to come back if he enters.

I didn't expect to encounter a Tree of Life here.

He still remembers that among the three things that the demon asked him to find, one of them was the trunk of the Tree of Life.

I wonder if the trunk of the Origin Tree can meet her requirements?

The little girl nodded slightly and asked curiously, "What's wrong, little brother?"

Xu Han's mouth twitched.

The little girl in front of him seemed to be only five or six years old.

But if we really talk about age, I'm afraid that even his ancestors can't compare to her.

He waved his hand: "I'm just a little surprised. I didn't expect that the original body of the Origin Tree is the Tree of Life."

"I have a request. I wonder if you can agree to it?"

The little girl nodded slightly: "You want the pith, right? Of course."

As she said that, she stretched out her short and cute fingers and pointed at the pith under her body, and wanted to dig the pith.

Seeing this, Xu Han hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, I don't want the pith."

This time, it was the little girl's turn to be surprised.

She looked at Xu Han with a puzzled look: "Those bad guys came here to want my pith, little brother, aren't you interested?"

Xu Han smiled awkwardly.

Of course, he was tempted by the top treasure of the Origin Tree Pith.

But what he wanted was not the Origin Tree Pith.

He said, "I just want a branch."

The little girl stared at Xu Han with her big green eyes.

After watching for a while, she did not find anything strange on Xu Han's face.

She smiled and said, "Little brother, you are a very honest person, I like you very much."

"You not only helped me kill those hateful bugs, but also drove away the bad guys who were plotting against me."

"How about this, I'll give you a piece of pith, as for the branches, you can go outside to get them."

"I'll tell you secretly, the branches at the top are the branches with a hint of the breath of the Tree of Life."

"I guess that's what you want, right?"

Xu Han was stunned, then nodded heavily and said, "Thank you."

The little girl smiled and said, "You're welcome. Of course, I have to be polite to my friends."

"This is what my mother taught me."

Xu Han was very curious, who was the mother of this little girl?

Could it be the legendary Tree of Life?

Could it be that there is a hidden Tree of Life in the Mountain and Sea Realm?

Just as Xu Han was guessing.

The little girl's voice sounded again.

"In addition, I have something to give you."

Xu Han looked at the little girl in front of him with a puzzled look.

He didn't know what else the little girl had to give him.

The little girl slowly raised her little hand and tapped Xu Han lightly.

The green light spots around him rushed towards Xu Han's body and drilled into his body frantically.

When these light spots drilled into his body.

Xu Han suddenly felt that some of the life breath that had been lost in his body was gradually recovering!

In just a few seconds, the life breath that had been lost was completely made up.

But the influx of life breath still had no intention of stopping.

It was still pouring into his body continuously.

These life breaths flowed through the meridians in his body like a surging river.

Soon, they completely filled up the meridians in Xu Han's body.

However, this life breath still had no intention of stopping.

The majestic life breath was continuously poured into Xu Han's body.

The expression on Xu Han's face also gradually changed from the original joy to shock, and finally to a frown.

This huge life breath is absolutely a great tonic for everyone.

But overdoing it is not a good thing.

At this time, the meridians in his body have been completely occupied by the breath of life, and the spiritual energy has been squeezed into the corner, which is no match for the breath of life.

The majestic breath of life slowly flows in the meridians, forcibly expanding the meridians by twice.

The severe pain stimulated Xu Han's brain.

He felt that his meridians were gradually being torn.

However, before he could get nervous, the rich breath of life completely repaired the torn meridians.

A lot of life breath was integrated into the repaired meridians, making them more tough and wide.

However, Xu Han was in so much pain that his face turned pale.

At this time, he couldn't even speak, and could only bear the baptism of the breath of life.

As the meridians were damaged and repaired again and again.

Xu Han felt the pain in his body gradually disappear and slowly returned to normal.

And the extra life breath in the meridians seemed to be attracted and gathered in Xu Han's heart.

The life breath continued to condense, and finally completely merged into Xu Han's heart and disappeared.

Xu Han gasped for air.

Although he felt that his body was in better condition than ever before, he didn't want to endure this severe pain again.

Muscles, bones, and meridians were constantly broken and repaired.

This pain is probably comparable to slow slicing.

The little girl looked at Xu Han with a smile on her face and said, "How do you feel?"

Xu Han smiled bitterly and said, "You didn't even say hello in advance. It's too torturous. I can't live or die."

The little girl pouted and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect the human body to be so fragile..."

Looking at the little girl in front of him with a self-blaming face, Xu Han shook his head helplessly.

It's true that she can't be blamed.

After all, this little life breath is just a drizzle for the Tree of Origin.

But for him as a human, it is really unbearable.

Fortunately, his body was stronger than others, so he managed to resist it.

If someone else came, they would probably be traumatized.

He asked, "What was that just now?"

The little girl answered truthfully, "This is the baptism of life."

"The physical fitness of creatures that have experienced the baptism of life breath will be greatly improved."

"Moreover, the excess life breath is hidden in your body. If you need it, you can mobilize this life breath to heal yourself or others, and the effect is very good."

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