Xu Han nodded slightly.

He could feel that the last remaining breath of life had all flowed into his heart.

If needed, it could be mobilized at any time.

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Whether it is to recover one's own injuries or to recover the injuries of others, it is very effective.

Life breath, this is much more useful than any medicine.

He opened his attribute panel and took a look.

[Name: Xu Han]

[Race: Human]

[Occupation: SSS-level Great Gourmet (Second Level)]

[Level: 48]

[Strength: 9654]

[Constitution: 7578]

[Agility: 6270]

[Spirit: 6280]

Xu Han looked at his attributes with astonishment.

All attributes have increased by 50%!

This is really too exaggerated!

And the level was directly increased by 4 levels, reaching level 48!

This upgrade speed is just like riding a rocket!

If I come a few more times, I might be able to directly advance to the third level.

But this is just a thought.

The baptism of life may only achieve such an effect for the first time.

He clasped his fists and said to the little girl: "Thank you."

The little girl waved her hand with a smile: "You're welcome, this is the reward for your help."

"I'm leaving now. If you have anything else next time, you can also ask me for help."

After that, a green light with stars lit up on her body.

The light surrounded her, and then she disappeared completely.

Xu Han put away a piece of origin tree marrow at his feet, and then summoned the little eagle and flew towards the exit.

A few minutes later.

Xu Han appeared at the top of the tree of origin again.

His eyes swept across the treetop.

However, the branches and leaves on the top of the tree were all withered and yellow, and there were no tender green branches and leaves at all.

But Xu Han was not in a hurry.

Since the little girl said there was, there must be.

He jumped off the little eagle and looked around.

Everything he saw was withered and yellow.

He closed his eyes and slowly released his mental power.

The mental power was like a big net, covering everything around him, looking for branches full of vitality.

Finally, he found three branches with green leaves in a corner.

These three green branches swayed gently with the breeze.

Xu Han was delighted, stepped forward quickly, gently broke off a branch, and put it into the space ring.

Then he jumped on the back of the little eagle and flew quickly to the bottom of the tree of origin.

In the Xuanlu tribe.

Xie Xuan woke up from a deep sleep, and then he got up and went outside the house.

A strong man was standing outside the house, waiting quietly.

Seeing Xie Xuan come out, he said respectfully: "Meet the clan leader."

Xie Xuan clenched his fists, and a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, but he soon made up his mind.

"Beat the drum and order everyone to gather!"

"The sacrifice is about to begin!"


The strong man said respectfully: "Yes!"

Then he turned around and left in a hurry.


The heavy drum sound spread throughout the village of the Xuanlu tribe.

The originally quiet village suddenly became lively.

Everyone put on light green robes, walked out of their houses, and gathered towards the patriarch's wooden house.

Xie Xuan stood in front of the wooden house, looking at the villagers who kept gathering, took a deep breath, and slowly said: "Everyone, I will announce something next!"

"In order to save the Tree of Origin, I decided to sacrifice my child!"

"To preserve the immortality of my Xuanlu clan!"

All the tribesmen below clasped their fists and said in unison: "The clan leader is wise!"

Xie Xuan took a deep breath and said: "Send the holy object up!"

A path was cleared in the middle of the crowd.

Four strong men were carrying a huge wooden board.

And in the middle of the board was the sleeping little Xuanlu.

Xie Xuan sighed slightly.

In order to appease the little black deer and prevent it from being scared.

He ordered his men to use some coma drugs for the little black deer to take.

The little black deer was sleeping soundly now and could not be awakened no matter what.

Looking at the sleeping little black deer, Xie Xuan's eyes were full of reluctance.

He looked at the little black deer deeply, then slowly closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down.

After all, Xie Xuan was also an old monster who had lived for a long time.

Soon, he calmed down completely.

He slowly opened his eyes and said, "The sacrifice is about to begin!"

"Prepare for bloodletting!"

The strong man on the side held a dagger and walked straight towards the little black deer.

Many people couldn't bear to watch this scene and turned their heads away.

The strong man raised his hand and was about to drop the dagger.

A voice came from the sky: "Stop!"

Everyone present was attracted by the voice and looked up.

I saw an eagle with a body of more than ten meters long flapping its wings and flying quickly from the sky.

And there was a person standing on the back of the eagle.

When Xie Xuan saw this person, he was stunned.

He immediately recognized him. Wasn't this Xu Han?

When the flying height of the little eagle dropped to more than ten meters.

Xu Han jumped and jumped to the ground.

He landed steadily on the ground, looked at Xie Xuan and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xie Xuan, I have solved the problem of the Tree of Origin!"

"No need to sacrifice."

The whole audience was in an uproar.

"What?! This human actually solved the problem of the Tree of Origin?"

"I think he is just bragging! The problem of the Tree of Origin is so serious that our Xuanlu tribe is helpless. How can he, a human, solve it?"

"That's right, I suspect he has other intentions."

"I didn't see him in his house just now. Who knows what he did!"

Many Xuanlu tribe members talked about it, and looked at Xu Han with some unfriendly eyes.

Xie Xuan's eyes were also a little shocked.

No one knew the problem of the Tree of Origin better than him.

Even he couldn't solve it, how did Xu Han do it?

Seeing that everyone looked puzzled, Xu Han immediately told everyone present what happened last night.

However, the people of the Xuanlu tribe did not buy it.

"Who knows whether what he said is true or not? I think he just wants to destroy our Xuanlu tribe!"

"That's right, the problem of the Tree of Origin has existed for so long. If it is not solved in time, our Xuanlu tribe will probably be completely destroyed! This human is actually trying to stop us. Obviously, he has bad intentions!"

Xie Xuan frowned slightly and looked at Xu Han: "Brother Xu Han, you said that the origin tree marrow was eaten by the wood-eating insects, which led to the loss of the spiritual energy of the origin tree. Do you have any evidence?"

Xu Han nodded: "Of course."

He stretched out his hand and wiped the space ring.

The corpse of a long-dead wood-eating insect was thrown out by him and fell heavily on the ground.

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