Seeing this huge wood-eating worm.

Many of the Xuanlu people present widened their eyes in shock.

"This worm looks so disgusting. Is this the wood-eating worm that the human said?"

"Who knows? We haven't seen the so-called wood-eating worm either. Maybe that guy is using it to scare us."

"That's right, we can't just listen to him."

Most of them have never left Xuanlu Village and don't know what's going on outside.

The village is protected by the Tree of Origin, and ordinary beasts can't get close at all.

Naturally, they haven't seen the appearance of other beasts.

They just heard about some news about beasts by word of mouth.

However, Xie Xuan looked at the thick, cone-shaped worm on the ground, but his pupils shrank suddenly.

Others didn't know, but he knew it very well.

This worm is indeed a wood-eating worm!

And its size is far beyond that of ordinary wood-eating worms.

Obviously, this wood-eating worm has obtained a lot of nutrition during its growth process, so it can grow so big.

He looked at Xu Han with some doubts.

"Did this wood-eating worm really come from the core of the Tree of Origin?"

Xu Han nodded seriously: "Yes, and there is a huge hole at the top of the Tree of Origin, which is where these wood-eating worms came out."

"They have been living in it, devouring the pith of the Origin Tree, and gaining a lot of life breath, so they can grow so big."

Xie Xuan nodded slightly.

He already believed what Xu Han said.

After all, the energy required for a wood-eating worm that grows so big is definitely an astronomical figure!

I'm afraid only the top-level treasure of heaven and earth, such as the pith of the Origin Tree, can provide sufficient energy.

"Then how can we restore the Tree of Origin?"

Xie Xuan asked.

Xu Han thought for a moment and said: "Unless you use a lot of treasures of heaven and earth that contain the breath of life to replenish the Tree of Origin."

"Otherwise, we can only wait for it to recover slowly, but at least it won't be like before, where it will decrease instead of increase."

Xie Xuan's eyes flashed with disappointment.

If we want to wait for the Tree of Origin to recover completely, it's still unknown how many years it will take?

But fortunately, the Tree of Origin will no longer lose spiritual energy like before.

He looked at Xu Han and said solemnly: "Thank you, brother Xu Han."

"You have helped our Xuanlu tribe a lot!"

Xu Han smiled and waved his hand: "No, it's just a small favor."

Xie Xuan nodded slightly and turned to look into the distance.

In the distant sky, there is a towering mountain standing.

That is the top of the mountain.

"Damn Nine-tailed Fox Clan, they really used all their dirty tricks to make our Xuanlu Clan surrender."

"I will never let them go!"

Xu Han said: "Brother Xie Xuan, my goal this time is to deal with the Nine-tailed Fox Clan."

"Now they have killed their elders, and they are already in a life-and-death relationship."

"When dealing with the Nine-tailed Fox Clan next time, I hope Brother Xie Xuan can help."

"If the Nine-tailed Fox Clan can be completely destroyed, then the Mountain Realm can return to its former peace."

Xie Xuan nodded: "Don't worry, I have heard about the things on the top of the mountain."

"The Nine-tailed Fox Clan wants to take advantage of the decline of the Taotie Clan and completely destroy it. In this way, their Nine-tailed Fox Clan can become the true king of the Mountain Realm."

"Originally, in order to save the Tree of Origin, I also considered agreeing to their conditions, but now, I will make them pay the price!"

Xie Xuan's voice was full of determination, and it was obvious that he had made up his mind.

He reached into his arms, then took out a dark wooden token and handed it to Xu Han.

Xu Han took the token and took a look.

The token was engraved with a majestic black deer pattern, which looked very imposing.

Xie Xuan said: "This is the token of our black deer clan. If you are in danger, you only need to crush this token, I will be able to feel it and rush to your side as soon as possible!"

"If you encounter the nine-tailed fox clan, just crush it, I will definitely come to help!"

Xu Han nodded, and then put the token into the space ring.

Then, Xie Xuan looked at the sleeping little black deer again, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

He smiled helplessly and said: "Brother Xu Han, I have another unwelcome request, I hope you can agree."

Xu Han nodded: "Please say it."

Xie Xuan looked at the little black deer and said slowly: "Please take care of my child."

Xu Han was stunned, not knowing why Xie Xuan suddenly said this.

Xie Xuan seemed to see Xu Han's doubts.

He smiled and said, "Although I am reluctant to part with this little guy, I am not a qualified father."

"I think it will be much happier if it follows you than here."

"I wonder if you are willing?"

Looking at the sleeping little black deer, Xu Han nodded without hesitation and agreed.

His team just lacked a recovery profession.

With the addition of the little black deer, the team was immediately complete.

Seeing Xu Han's agreement, Xie Xuan showed a happy smile on his face.

He reached out and took out a skill book from his arms and handed it to Xu Han.

"This is my thank you gift, I hope you can take good care of it."

Xu Han took the skill book and looked at it in confusion.

[Name: Force of Nature]

[Quality: Epic]

[Introduction: Gather natural elements to cause huge damage to the local area, and summon a large number of elemental spirits to attack the enemy]

[Usage restrictions: None]

Xu Han widened his eyes in shock.

It turned out to be an epic skill book? !

And there are no usage restrictions.

If this skill book is sold, it will definitely sell for billions of dollars.

And it is still in short supply!

Although the introduction of this skill is very simple, the actual effect is not ordinary at all.

Natural elements are not just one element.

It is a general term for multiple elements.

Fire element, water element, ice element, grass element, etc.

Almost more than half of the elements are natural elements!

Bringing so many different elements together, due to the mutual promotion and restraint between elements, will cause the attack power to increase exponentially.

And it is not just a huge increase in attack power.

It can also summon a large number of elemental spirits to attack the enemy.

The combat power exerted is extremely powerful.

He took the skill book and said with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Xuan. I will take good care of this little guy."

Xie Xuan nodded slightly: "I feel relieved with your words."

"This little guy's blood is purer than mine. If it can grow up, its strength will definitely not be inferior to mine."

"It may even become the strongest person in the history of the Xuanlu clan!"

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