The top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist.

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In the village of the nine-tailed fox.

Many nine-tailed fox tribe members are preparing weapons and some wound medicine with solemn faces.

And a figure is crawling towards the house in the center of the village.

The nine-tailed fox tribe members around saw that figure, and their faces showed doubts.

"Isn't this Lobu? Didn't he go to the Xuanlu tribe with Elder Bazhi? Why did he come back alone? Did he say something happened?"

"Look at him, it seems that he encountered something terrifying."

"Humph, what a coward, he was so scared, it really lost the face of our nine-tailed fox tribe!"

The voices of the people around him were also undisguised and directly transmitted to Lobu's ears.

However, Lobu didn't want to argue with them at this time.

His eyes were fixed on the big house in the center of the village.

He wanted to find the chieftain!

He had to tell the chieftain everything immediately!

At this time, in the house.

Baiyi was facing the stone.

The one-eye on the stone stared at Baiyi, exuding an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Baiyi lowered his head and didn't even dare to breathe, as if he was afraid of angering the other party.

A low voice sounded in the house.

"Bai, are you Nine-tailed Fox tribe ready? Why haven't you launched a war against the Taotie tribe for so long?"

Bai said respectfully: "Your Excellency, all our preparations are ready, and we are just waiting for good news from the Xuanlu tribe."

The voice was still a little dissatisfied: "Humph, what a waste!"

"You can't even deal with a half-disabled Taotie tribe member, and you have to wait for the Xuanlu tribe to join?"

"Based on the strength of the Xuanlu tribe, even if they join, it will not have much impact on the war situation."

Bai smiled and said: "We do this to be foolproof."

"After all, no one knows what kind of trump cards the Taotie tribe has in their hands? So it's better to be careful."

The eye on the stone narrowed, seeming to be very dissatisfied with Bai's words.

But it couldn't refute it.

In the end, he could only snort coldly and said in a deep voice: "I don't care about other things, three days, at most three days!"

"We must attack the Taotie tribe!"

"If you haven't attacked the Taotie tribe after three days, then wait for the consequences."

After that, the eye on the rock disappeared.

Bayi wiped the sweat from his forehead and put away the smile on his face.

"That bastard Bazhi has been gone for so long and still hasn't solved the problem!"

"No matter, wait for three more days. If he hasn't come back after three days, then go to war with the Taotie tribe directly!"

At this time.

There was a rapid knock on the door outside the house.

Bayi said in a deep voice: "Come in."

The door of the room was pushed open.

A young man rushed in with a pale face, knelt in front of Baiyi with a "thump", and said tremblingly: "Chief, something bad has happened!"

"Elder Bazhi was killed!"

Hearing this, Baiyi's face suddenly changed.

He widened his eyes, grabbed the man's shoulders and lifted him up.

His palms were so powerful that they squeezed the man's body slightly out of shape.

The man's facial features were distorted in pain, but he dared not say a word.

He knew that Bayi was in a state of rage, and if he was not careful, he would probably become the target of venting.

"What happened?"

Bayi's eyes were slightly red, and his eyes were cold.

"It's... it's like this..."

The man told Bayi everything that happened in a disjointed manner.

After listening to Bayi, his eyes revealed a murderous intent.

"Damn human! How dare you kill the elder of my Nine-tailed Fox Clan! It seems that my Nine-tailed Fox Clan has really been patient for too long!"

"Even these weak guys dare to jump over our heads and act arrogantly!"

"Pass my order! The army will set out to destroy the Black Deer Clan first to sacrifice the flag! I want to let all the alien beast tribes know the fate of those who dare to provoke our Nine-tailed Fox Clan!"


The man nodded hurriedly and turned to walk outside.

At this time, a dark purple light shot out from the stone behind and instantly fell on the man's heart.


The light was like a sharp sword, instantly piercing the man's heart.

The man's movement stagnated, his body froze in place, and then he lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground, lifeless.

Baiyi's face changed, he turned back and glared at the stone, gritted his teeth and said: "What are you doing?! Why do you want to attack my people?!"

The huge eye appeared on the stone again.

The eye slowly floated out of the stone and flew towards the man's body.

Then he landed in the body.

The man who had been dead actually stood up slowly.

But his pupils turned into a strange dark purple, full of evil aura.

He grinned and looked at Bayi.

Bayi suddenly felt a little creepy.

The man said slowly: "There is no need to deal with the black deer tribe. Such a weak beast will not do us any good even if it is exterminated."

Bai gritted his teeth and said, "We can't just let this grudge go! This is related to the reputation of our Nine-tailed Fox Clan!"

"If other races knew that our Nine-tailed Fox Clan's elders were killed by the Black Deer Clan and we didn't react, our Nine-tailed Fox Clan's reputation in their hearts would definitely be greatly reduced!"

The man sneered, "Idiot, everything is done with fists!"

"As long as the Nine-tailed Fox Clan is strong enough, why worry about other people's suspicion?"

"As long as the Taotie Clan is completely destroyed, how can there be any other beast races in the Mountain Realm that dare to provoke the Nine-tailed Fox?"

Bai hesitated.

I have to admit that this makes sense.

The man said slowly: "You spread the news now, saying that the Taotie tribe sent people to attack the Nine-tailed Fox tribe in order to dominate the entire mountain world, and killed the elders of the Nine-tailed Fox tribe."

"As long as you don't say it, who will know how the elder died?"

"Whoever spreads the news first will take the initiative. Other alien beast tribes can't distinguish the truth from the false."

"They only know that one of the elders of the Nine-tailed Fox tribe has died, which naturally proves the authenticity of this news."

"By then, those small tribes who don't know why will also attach themselves to the Nine-tailed Fox tribe, and dealing with the Taotie tribe will be a piece of cake."

Hearing this, Bayi's eyes suddenly lit up and nodded slightly: "I understand, I'll do it now!"

The man nodded slightly: "Yes, go ahead."

He sat in Bayi's exclusive seat, took the stone off and placed it in front of him.

The stone actually slowly sank into his body.

After a moment, he opened his eyes again, and his pupils had returned to normal.

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