Luo Hao frowned and said in a deep voice: "Luo Qiu, do you know what you are doing?"

"You actually brought an outsider to our Taotie tribe's territory! This is against the tribe's rules!"

Luo Dan looked at Luo Qiu and frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but finally held back.

Luo Qiu gritted his teeth and said: "I know, but it was my master who saved me, otherwise I would have been killed by someone now."

Hearing this, Luo Zhou and the other two suddenly changed their faces.

Luo Zhou said in a deep voice: "Tell me what happened in detail."

Luo Qiu nodded, and then told everything that happened just now.

After listening to Luo Qiu's description.

The faces of the three people suddenly became uglier.

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Luo Hao gritted his teeth and said angrily: "That must be someone from the Nine-tailed Fox Clan! Damn beast! How dare you run to our territory!"

The eyes of Luo Zhou and the other two looking at Xu Han gradually softened.

However, the vigilance in their eyes still did not completely disappear.

Luo Zhou clasped his fists to Xu Han and said: "This little brother, thank you very much for saving Luo Qiu."

Xu Han waved his hand: "You're welcome, I just happened to pass by."

However, Luo Hao frowned and looked Xu Han up and down.

That look was as if he was examining a prisoner: "Are you acting for us with the beasts of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan?"

"To win our trust, you deliberately acted to make us believe, and then stabbed us in the back?"

"With the insidiousness and cunningness of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, such a thing is definitely possible!"

"Don't even think about curing the leader, we won't agree."

Xu Han frowned.

He came here purely because of Ning Yu's request.

And since the other party said so, he was not a person who would be bullied.

He said coldly: "Since you don't want to believe me, I won't force you. Goodbye."

After that, he turned around and planned to leave.

Luo Qiu was anxious and hurried forward and said: "Sorry, Master, Uncle Luo Hao didn't mean that."

"It's just because of what happened recently that everyone is nervous."

Seeing this, Luo Hao showed a sarcastic smile on his face.

"You want to run away after being exposed by me, and you really think I will believe it? This acting is too poor."

But Luo Zhou on the side was a little hesitant.

He slowly said, "I don't think he is lying to us."

Luo Hao was stunned, then frowned and said, "Brother, don't let this kid brainwash you."

"It's obvious that he is a spy of the Nine-tailed Fox clan, and he wants to rely on Xiao Qiu to get close to us."

Luo Zhou stroked his chin and slowly said, "No, you may not feel it."

"But I can feel that there seems to be a trace of life in Xiao Qiu, which is the unique life breath of the Tree of Origin."

"This is something that the Nine-tailed Fox clan can't touch at all. After all, the Tree of Origin is in the territory of the Black Deer, and except for the Black Deer clan, other alien beast races can't absorb the life breath of the Tree of Origin at all."

Luo Dan immediately understood what Luo Zhou meant: "You mean, this young man may be related to the Black Deer clan?"

Luo Zhou nodded slightly: "Yes, only the Black Deer clan can have such a special life breath."

"And according to the current information, All other alien beasts joined the Nine-tailed Fox camp, but the Black Deer Clan did not make any moves. I think maybe the Black Deer Clan had different ideas, and they were not bewitched by the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. "

Luo Hao frowned and said, "Brother, I don't think things are that complicated, right?"

Luo Zhou shook his head and said, "There are at least five epic-level fighters and one legendary-level fighter in the Nine-tailed Fox Clan now."

"And the current combat power on our side is only three elders of epic level, and the top combat power is only the clan leader."

"But with the clan leader's current state, at most he can only fight against the clan leader of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, but cannot kill him."

"If the battle is delayed, we will definitely lose!"

"The only chance of winning is to allow the clan leader to recover from his injuries. Once the injuries are recovered, his strength will reach the peak state, and there will be a chance to directly kill the clan leader of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan completely!"

"Then the balance of victory will tilt towards us."

After hearing Luo Zhou's analysis.

Luo Hao shut up and said no more.

Luo Dan nodded slightly, thinking that what Luo Zhou said made sense.

Luo Zhou looked at Xu Han and said, "Little brother, please stay."

Xu Han frowned slightly, turned to look at Luo Zhou, and his tone became a little unfriendly: "Is there anything else?"

Luo Zhou bowed to Xu Han with a little apology: "I'm really sorry, just now my friend was too impulsive and misunderstood little brother, please forgive me."

Seeing the other party's sincere attitude, Xu Han's expression also eased a little: "Originally, I planned to help the clan leader recover from his injuries. Since I can't get trust, I won't do these useless efforts."

Luo Zhou hurriedly said: "Little brother, don't worry, I have something to ask."

Xu Han looked at Luo Zhou in confusion: "What is it?"

Luo Zhou smiled and said: "Over the years, I have left a lot of hidden injuries on my body because of cultivation. If little brother is willing, please help me heal them."

"Of course, I will never ask you to help me for nothing. As long as you are willing to help me, I can take this as a reward."

As he said this, he took out a yellowish-brown fruit.

This fruit is about the size of a fist, and there is a fierce aura emanating from it.

Xu Han opened the Eye of Delusion to check the information of this fruit.

[Name: Earth Spirit Blood Fruit]

[Quality: Epic]

[Introduction: Earth attribute pet food, containing the blood of dozens of fierce beasts, the fruit contains extremely fierce beast aura, if you swallow it rashly, you will be backfired by the beast aura and cause your mental power to be broken, which may cause dementia or even death on the spot]

Xu Han's heart moved.

Earth attribute epic pet food.

If Xiaohu eats this thing, it will definitely raise Xiaohu's bloodline to another level.

In this way, Xiaohu is not far from the legendary beast.

He thought for a moment and said, "It's a deal."

Luo Zhou smiled and nodded, made a gesture of invitation and said, "Please come this way, little brother."

Xu Han nodded and walked straight ahead.

Luo Zhou followed Xu Han half a step behind him to show his respect for Xu Han.

When Luo Hao saw the two of them walking away, he looked at Luo Dan anxiously and said, "What do you think, brother? You actually let this kid heal him?"

"What should I do if this kid really wants to harm me?"

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