Luo Dan held his chin in his hand and said slowly: "Don't worry, my eldest brother will live longer than you. With my eldest brother's knowledge, ordinary people can't hurt him at all."

"If there is really something strange about this person, my eldest brother will definitely discover it immediately and kill him instantly."

After hearing this, the anxiety in Luo Hao's eyes diminished a bit.

Indeed, the eldest brother's knowledge far exceeds theirs, and it is not easy to plot against Luo Zhou.

Moreover, they had just sensed that the human's strength was barely enough, but it was not enough for them.

Not to mention Big Brother.

If he really wants to take action, that kid will definitely not be his opponent.

Thinking of this, Luo Hao gradually relaxed.

He glared at Luo Qiu: "Bring everyone to the clan! If something happens, can you bear the responsibility?"

Luo Qiu curled her lips and did not dare to speak.

If you dare to talk back again, I'm afraid you'll get beaten.

Luo Zhou took Xu Han to an ordinary cabin.

Walking into the cabin, the furniture inside is also very simple.

In addition to the bed, there are coffee tables and stools.

There is also a huge bookcase with all kinds of books on it.

Xu Han felt that the spiritual energy around him became more intense.

It's like this cabin is constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy and gathering it.

The Pearl of Inspiration also absorbs spiritual energy a little faster.

The next moment, he felt a warmth surge through his body.


It is now level 49.

Xu Han never dreamed that a trip to the realm of mountains and seas could actually improve his level so quickly.

Luo Zhou looked at Xu Han and asked, "How to heal?"

Xu Han casually pointed to the stool next to him and said, "Just sit down."

Luo Zhou nodded slightly and sat casually on the chair.

Xu Han put his hand on Luo Zhou's back and said, "Relax your whole body and don't let any spiritual energy block it, otherwise the therapeutic effect will be greatly reduced."

Luo Zhou was also very obedient and did as he was told.

He temporarily took back the spiritual energy in his body, and his body gradually became relaxed.

Xu Han checked it carefully and confirmed that there were no fluctuations of spiritual energy in the meridians in Luo Zhou's body, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Although the life breath of the Tree of Origin will not have any impact on Luo Zhou.

But for a strong man like Luo Zhou, powerful spiritual energy flows through the meridians in his body.

Even if he does not mobilize these auras to defend himself, out of instinct, these auras will still spontaneously resist any external aura.

Naturally, it must be suppressed in advance.

Xu Han put his hand on Luo Zhou.

Then he closed his eyes and felt the breath of life in his heart.

With his transfer.

The life breath from the heart slowly flowed out and rushed into Luo Zhou's body.

Luo Zhou felt a cool breath flow into his body, flowing slowly along his body's meridians.

This breath flowed through, and the hidden wounds that had been accumulated in the body were recovered instantly!

Luo Zhou's heart moved.

It seems that this human being does have real abilities!

Even he can't deal with these hidden wounds, but this human can actually do it!

If word of this move alone were to spread, it would definitely cause quite a commotion.

When that breath flowed into Luo Zhou's abdomen.

But encountered obstacles.

Xu Han felt that the meridian seemed to be blocked by something, preventing the breath of life from passing through.

He frowned slightly and slightly increased the output of his life breath.

A large amount of life energy rushed towards the blocked meridian like a tide.

Luo Zhou groaned, his body trembled slightly, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Obviously, hitting this meridian would be uncomfortable for Luo Zhou.

However, Luo Zhou didn't say anything, which meant that this meridian was also one of his hidden injuries.

Since he agreed to help Luo Zhou solve his hidden injury, he must abide by his promise.

He continued to mobilize a large amount of life energy and crashed towards the blocked meridian.

With the constant impact of the breath of life.

Xu Han could clearly feel that the blocking power of the meridians was gradually weakening, and it would not take long for it to be broken open.

However, blood continued to flow from the corners of Luo Zhou's mouth.

The bright red blood dripped on his clothes, turning him into a bloody man.

Xu Han hesitated a little, and the speed of hitting the meridians was a little slower.

However, Luo Zhou said in a deep voice: "Don't stop, continue!"

With Luo Zhou's words, Xu Han suddenly became determined.

He continued to control the breath of life to hit that meridian.

Only a loud "boom" was heard.

The obstruction of the meridians was instantly knocked away!

Luo Zhou's aura suddenly increased!

A powerful aura burst out from his body, shocking Xu Han and taking several steps back before he could barely stand still.

He looked at Luo Zhou, his eyes full of surprise.

Luo Zhou, who had always looked calm, showed a look of ecstasy on his face.

"Breakthrough! I finally broke through!"

Luo Zhou said in surprise.

Xu Han used the Eye of Delirium to check Luo Zhou's information.

[Name: Luo Zhou (epic leader)]

[Race: Taotie Tribe]

【Level: 150】

[Skill 1: Swallowing Mouth LV.7 (Open your mouth to swallow everything that comes directly. The swallowed skills cannot cause damage to yourself, and can be converted into your own aura, cooling time is 5 minutes)]

[Skill 2: Hunger LV.5 (passive skill, enters a hungry state, strength and agility increase by 50%, physical and mental strength decrease by 50%, return to normal after eating)]

[Skill 3: Swallowing Black Hole LV.3 (Summons a huge black hole, the black hole will swallow everything around it, duration is 3 seconds, cooling time is 20 minutes)]

[Skill 4: Transformation LV.5 (after devouring the enemy, you can temporarily gain the enemy's abilities, and the abilities will be improved with your own strength, lasting 10 minutes, no cooling time)]

[Skill 5: Greed LV.5 (Passive skill, swallow a large amount of food, and your own attributes will also increase accordingly, duration is 10 minutes, no cooling time)]

[Skill 6: Wave of Destruction LV.5 (activate the spiritual energy in the body to release waves of destruction, causing a lot of damage to the enemy and destroying defenses, cooling time 20 minutes)]

[Skill 7: Hunger Spread LV.3 (Enemies will fall into a state of hunger and will devour everything around them at all costs until they stretch themselves to death, duration 1 minute, cooling time 20 minutes)]

[Skill 8: Devouring Land LV.1 (turn the surrounding area of ​​100 meters into a devouring land, anything that enters it will be instantly devoured, providing itself with a large amount of spiritual energy, duration is 1 minute, cooling time is 1 day) 】

Xu Han rubbed his chin.

This Luo Zhou is actually an epic leader? !

It seems that the strength of this Taotie clan is indeed very powerful.

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