Xu Han looked at Luo Tian, ​​thoughtfully.

This is also a legendary leader.

It's just that his strength seems to be a bit behind that of the Golem King, who is also a legendary leader.


Could it be said that legendary leaders are also divided into three levels, upper, middle and lower, just like legendary equipment?

Luo Tian seemed to notice Xu Han's gaze.

He slowly turned his head to look at Xu Han, and met those dark golden eyes.

He looked at Xu Han curiously and seemed to feel a familiar aura from Xu Han.

When Luo Zhou saw Luo Tian coming out, he quickly stood up and said respectfully: "See the clan leader."

Luo Tian waved his hand: "There are no outsiders here, so there is no need to be so polite."

"You said that the person who can cure the hidden disease in my body is this little brother?"

Luo Zhou nodded heavily and said with certainty: "That's right!"

Afterwards, he told Luo Tian in great detail the entire process of Xu Han's treatment for him.

After listening to Luo Zhou's description, it was obvious that Luo Tian was also moved!

Although the hidden injuries on Luo Zhou's body were not as good as his, they still plagued him for a long time, so that Luo Zhou's strength has been unable to break through.

Now, not only has Luo Zhou's hidden wounds in his body been completely healed, but his strength has also taken a big step forward and he has officially broken through!

It’s a huge profit!

Luo Tian hesitated for a moment, looked at Xu Han and said in a deep voice: "Little brother, to tell you the truth, the wounds in my body are actually not only hidden wounds, but also poisonous."

Xu Han was a little surprised.

Extremely poisonous?

Poison and hidden damage are two different things.

Although the tree of origin's life breath healing ability is extremely powerful, he is somewhat unable to grasp the poison.

He rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and asked, "Can you tell me the source of this injury in detail?"

Luo Tian nodded: "That happened a hundred years ago..."

After Luo Tian's explanation, Xu Han finally understood the cause and effect of the matter.

A hundred years ago, the Taotie tribe was still the most powerful race of alien beasts in the mountain realm.

The territory of the Mountain Boundary is far from as large as it is now, accounting for only about 30% of the entire Mountain and Sea Boundary.

The remaining 70% is all the territory of the Sea Boundary.

However, despite this, the strange beasts in the sea realm still refused to give up, and often had frictions and fights with the mountain realm.

And during a certain battle.

Many strange beasts in the Mountain Realm joined forces to kill the child of the leader of a super clan in the Sea Realm, the Thousand-Armed Giant Demon Clan.

This time it directly led to the escalation of the conflict!

The leader of the Thousand-Armed Giant Demon Clan sent several powerful elders to attack the border of the Mountain Boundary, destroying thousands of alien beasts.

And the actions of the Thousand-Armed Giant Demon Clan made many strange beasts in the mountain realm even more angry!

There were fierce conflicts between the two sides, so that alien beasts continued to join the battle.

It eventually turned into a battle between the mountain realm and the sea realm.

This war lasted for several years.

Both sides suffered losses in the fight.

Due to the heavy losses suffered by their own people, several alien beast race clan leaders in the Sea Realm personally took action to completely destroy the Mountain Realm.

The strength of the mountain realm is far inferior to that of the sea realm.

The reason why there was no destruction was that the various races in the Sea Realm were not united and were suspicious of each other.

But this time, the various alien beast races in the Sea Realm are united as never before to destroy the Mountain Realm.

Several clan leaders from the other side joined forces, and there was no strong person on the Mountain Boundary side who could resist.

In the end, Luo Tian took action personally and single-handedly fought against the clan leaders of the Sea Realm.

This battle lasted three days and three nights.

In the end, Luo Tian killed several clan leaders, leaving only the clan leader of the Thousand-Armed Giant Demon Clan who was seriously injured and fled.

This battle directly weakened a large amount of the combat effectiveness of the Sea Realm, and also calmed the Sea Realm's desire to destroy the Mountain Realm.

However, Luo Tian also suffered serious injuries in that battle.

He has been recuperating in a low profile for a hundred years.

But the toxins accumulated in his body reduced his strength a lot.

In order to recuperate and recuperate, the Taotie clan no longer cares about the affairs of the mountain realm.

Only then did the Nine-tailed Fox clan rise and become a new super clan.

Xu Han nodded slightly.

"I understand, let's try it first. Although I can't guarantee that I can completely cure you, I can at least be a little stronger than you are now."

Luo Tian was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly: "Then I'll trouble you little brother!"

"When this is done, my Taotie family will be deeply grateful!"

Xu Han looked around and said, "It may take a long time to treat you, so you have to find a quiet place."

Luo Tian pointed to the practice room behind him: "Just go there."

Then he looked at the woman next to him and said, "Xiaoya, stay here and no one can disturb me!"

The woman nodded slightly.

Then Luo Tian made an inviting gesture to Xu Han.

The two walked into the practice room together.

The huge practice room is very empty.

There is no furniture.

On the floor of the practice room, there is a large formation painted on it.

This large formation seemed to be absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, making the concentration of spiritual energy in the practice room far exceed that of the outside world.

The Pearl of Inspiration greedily absorbs the aura here and converts it into experience points.

Xu Han had a feeling that if he could stay here, he would be able to level up easily even if he didn't have to do anything.

He looked at Luo Tian and said, "Sit down."

Luo Tian nodded, casually sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes slightly closed.

Xu Han put his hand on Luo Tian and said, "Relax your whole body, and take back all the spiritual energy in your body. Don't let the spiritual energy flow in your meridians."

Luo Tian also did it one by one, taking back all the spiritual energy.

Xu Han closed his eyes, mobilized the life breath in his heart, and gradually injected it into Luo Tian's body.

Luo Tian immediately felt a cool and comfortable breath rushing into his body, slowly flowing through his meridians.

He was naturally very familiar with this breath.

This is definitely the life breath of the Origin Tree!

And it is an extremely pure life breath!

This time he finally understood why Xu Han was sure to cure the hidden injuries in his body.

The life breath of the Origin Tree is much stronger than those natural treasures!

As the life breath flowed, the hidden injuries in his meridians were quickly repaired.

Even the aging meridians gradually regained their youthful vitality under the infiltration of this life breath.

Xu Han controlled the life breath to flow slowly into the depths of Luo Tian's body.

Soon, he encountered a mass of blood clots that had accumulated in the meridians.

Although this mass of blood clots only blocked this meridian, the meridian had become fragile because the spiritual energy could not pass through.

Luo Tian did not dare to force it open with spiritual energy. If he was not careful, the meridian might be broken.

However, the life breath was very gentle.

Xu Han controlled the life breath to flow slowly into that meridian.

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