Luo Zhou was immersed in ecstasy.

He turned around and raised his hands to Xu Han and said, "Thanks to my little brother for your help, I was able to successfully break through!"

He has been stuck in this realm for hundreds of years without any breakthrough.

It was precisely because he couldn't open up the meridian just now.

But just now, with Xu Han's help, he finally successfully opened up that meridian and achieved a breakthrough in one fell swoop!

It has officially reached epic proportions.

He could clearly feel that his strength had improved by more than one level compared to before!

And there are no side effects.

This time, he completely believed in Xu Han's ability.

Xu Han waved his hand: "This is a deal, and I will naturally fulfill my promise."

"The breakthrough is just a matter of convenience."

Luo Zhou handed the Earth Spirit Ferocious Blood Fruit to Xu Han: "Little brother, this Earth Spirit Ferocious Blood Fruit is yours."

"In addition, I would also like to ask for your help. You can help our clan leader heal his injuries."

"The hidden wounds in the patriarch's body are much more serious than mine. If you can help heal them, the reward will definitely be huge."

Xu Han said with a half-smile, "Are you willing to believe me this time?"

Luo Zhou was a little embarrassed. He said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, little brother, we were too reckless just now. I apologize to you. I hope you can understand. After all, this is a special period. If we are not careful, our Taotie clan will I’m afraid it will be a disaster.”

Xu Han nodded slightly and stopped pursuing it: "Then take me to have a look first. I can't guarantee that it can be cured."

Luo Zhou nodded quickly: "Just do your best. The rest depends on fate."

Luo Zhou took Xu Han and left the cabin.

Outside the cabin.

Luo Qiu and the others are waiting.

When Luo Hao saw Luo Zhou for the first time, he felt that the aura on Luo Zhou's body became more terrifying and restrained.

If anything, he was still confident that he could last dozens of rounds under Luo Zhou.

So now, he doubted that he could even block three moves in front of Luo Zhou.

The difference in strength is really too big.

He looked at Luo Zhou in shock: "Brother, have you made a breakthrough?!"

Luo Zhou smiled and nodded: "Thanks to this little brother, if he hadn't helped me heal the hidden wounds in my body, I don't know how long it would have taken for me to break through."

Luodan smiled and said, "Congratulations, brother."

Luo Zhou nodded and said: "Next, I will ask this little brother to treat the clan leader. You continue to be vigilant and report immediately if you find any problems."


Luo Hao nodded in response.

They watched Luo Zhou and Xu Han leave, their eyes full of envy.

"If I had known earlier, I should have asked this little brother to help me with treatment."

Luo Hao murmured.

Luodan smiled and said: "Then you may not have a chance. This little brother should remember you."

Luo Hao sighed, his eyes full of helplessness.

Luo Zhou took Xu Han to the wooden house in the center of the village.

He stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The door of the cabin slowly opened.

I saw a woman wearing a black robe and a cold face standing quietly in the house.

When the woman saw Luo Zhou, her cold face showed a hint of gentleness: "Uncle Luo Zhou, what can you do? My father is still in retreat in the practice room. He asked me not to disturb him if there is nothing else."

Luo Zhou sighed slightly and said, "Is the clan leader still recovering from his injuries?"

The woman nodded slightly: "Yes, ever since he learned about the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, he has been locking himself in the practice room and not allowing anyone to disturb him."

"If nothing happens, please come back."

Luo Zhou turned around and pointed at Xu Han behind him: "I invited a little brother to heal the clan leader's injuries. I hope you can tell him."

The woman's beautiful eyes swept over Xu Han's body.

His eyes became dim.

She could feel the aura on Xu Han's body was very weak.

How could she possibly heal her father if he couldn't even compare to her?

Seeing that the woman didn't believe it, Luo Zhou quietly released a trace of his body's aura.

The terrifying aura rushed out like an ancient ferocious beast.

The woman was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of surprise: "Uncle Luo Zhou, have you made a breakthrough?!"

At this critical moment, one more powerful combatant will have a considerable impact on the situation.

At least they won't be defeated so easily.

Luo Zhou smiled, nodded, and said, "That's right, all this is thanks to this little brother!"

"If it hadn't been for him, I probably wouldn't have been able to reach this threshold in my life."

"So I brought him here specifically to let him treat the clan leader and recover from his injuries."

The woman looked at Xu Han. After a moment, she nodded slowly: "You two, please come in first. I will tell my father about this."

Xu Han and Luo Zhou walked into the house together.

Compared to Luo Zhou's house.

This room is obviously much larger, and the furniture inside is more distinctive.

Wait a moment.

A muscular middle-aged man slowly walked out of the room at the back.

Xu Han looked at this middle-aged man.

He could feel the strong sense of oppression on the middle-aged man.

He opened his Eyes of Deception and looked at the other party's information.

[Name: Luo Tian (Legendary Leader)]

[Race: Taotie Tribe]

【Level: 170】

[Skill 1: Devouring Mouth LV.9 (Open your mouth to swallow everything that comes directly. The swallowed skill cannot cause damage to yourself, and can be converted into your own aura, and you can also reflect the swallowed attack to the opponent. , cooling time 5 minutes)]

[Skill 2: Hunger LV.10 (passive skill, enters a hungry state, strength and agility increase by 100%, physical and mental strength decrease by 10%, return to normal after eating)]

[Skill 3: Devouring Black Hole LV.8 (Summons a huge black hole, the black hole will swallow everything around it, and turn into nutrients to supply the self, duration is 10 seconds, cooling time is 20 minutes)]

[Skill 4: Transformation LV.8 (after devouring the enemy, you can temporarily gain the enemy's abilities, and the abilities will be improved with your own strength, lasting 30 minutes, no cooling time)]

[Skill 5: Greed LV.5 (Passive skill, swallow a large amount of food, and your own attributes will also increase accordingly, duration is 10 minutes, no cooling time)]

[Skill 6: Wave of Destruction LV.8 (activates the spiritual energy in the body to release waves of destruction, causing a large amount of damage to the enemy and destroying defenses, cooling time is 20 minutes)]

[Skill 7: Hunger Spread LV.7 (Enemies will fall into a state of hunger and will devour everything around them at all costs until they are exhausted, duration 1 minute, cooling time 20 minutes)]

[Skill 8: Devouring Domain LV.5 (Open the Devouring Domain, covering the surrounding area of ​​1,000 meters. Anything that enters it will be instantly swallowed and turned into nutrients, providing itself with a large amount of spiritual energy. The duration is 3 minutes and the cooling time is 1 day. )]

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