Xie Yuze and Yang Liting were also severely frostbitten, but in order to continue leveling, they insisted on being discharged from the hospital.

Recently, not only the secret realm is about to start simulating, but the new areas of those leveling areas are also about to open.

The two went to the forest together early, and somehow the two guys who liked to walk alone turned out to be in a team.

Maybe fighting side by side in the copy cultivates emotions?


electronic sound sounded, and they looked inside the forest, and the blockade had been lifted.

A large number of students entered, but everyone noticed something was wrong.

"How did the tree fall?"

"How come there are huge footprints again!"

"The box is empty!"

After hearing these words, the two of them glanced at each other and walked in quickly.

However, the scene in front of them made them dumbfounded, and they saw that several of the trees in the field were falling or tilted.

Several of the boxes were empty, and this time they had just been unprotected, and it couldn't have been done by these students.

They found the huge footprints on the ground, and suddenly remembered the previous picture.

"It can't be a Majin!"

It was also in the forest before, and it was not carefully stated at that time.

However, after experiencing the copy incident, everyone is sensitive to this strange thing.

Only Xie Yuze and Yang Liting know what this footprint means, it's not a demon at all, it's a bumblebee!

Unexpectedly, Liu Kunpeng had already entered this place before, and swept it with his own mecha.

No wonder there is a legend of the acquisition office, it turns out that the price is a large piece of virgin land, and it has not yet been involved.

"Let's go"

As soon as they thought that Liu Kunpeng did it, the two of them were surprised, since there is no one here, just go inside.

And other people who did not know also panicked and reported the situation, causing a person to panic.

Only then did Li Yunqing's news come about, and he quickly rushed to the forest after learning about it.

Suspected Majin, if there is still Majin on this island, he feels that his hat is not safe.

Three days! It has not been checked for three days, and it is a shame to continue to stay here with this ability.

"What's the situation?"

"Let's see for yourself!"

There are already a lot of staff here, and the evidence collection work is carried out here.

The most conspicuous thing was the huge footprint opened by the yellow cordon, and Li Yunqing walked over anxiously, and indeed saw this big footprint.

It doesn't look like a human footprint, because the shape is so strange, it's like a heavy iron plate pressed on it.

Wait, heavy iron plates?

Li Yunqing suddenly thought of the bumblebee that Liu Kunpeng showed him just now, the feet of the two... How does it feel so consistent?

Think about the fact that the box was opened, Majin is idle and will engage in this thing?

And these trees, if the demon is so blatant, they don't need to waste so much effort to do all kinds of investigations.

"Let's all go back, the scene production is wrong, just make up the boxes at night"

Li Yunqing breathed a sigh of relief and let these people go back, after all, this kind of thing can be confirmed directly with Liu Kunpeng.

And he had already confirmed this matter just now, and it was not a demon at all.

"Yes... Okay"

Everyone found that it was a false alarm, and they were also relieved, after all, this kind of thing of the demon left a deep impression on them.

"Don't be in a hurry, the boxes will be replenished tomorrow"


After Liu Kunpeng finished demonstrating for them, he returned to the ground.

About the one-person single-pass copy, word has spread here, and everyone knows that there is a man who fought alone at the end of the boss battle and succeeded... What's more, he is a copy of No. 2.

This person is very famous among students, but most people do not know who it is.

A small number of people deduced that this person may be Liu Kunpeng based on the previous and available information.

But after figuring out why they were so strong, they became dumb about it.

The secrecy method really works, from Li Yunqing to Zhou Shihong, as long as he knows the specific things, he will keep silent about these.

Even Zhang Jingyi had to transmit data confidentially, and this time they were going to upload Mark 14.

The Mark 14 is a boilerplate, without any characteristics, very ordinary, and has no weapons yet.

This kind of data upload is insignificant to Liu Kunpeng, after all, Mark's update is very fast.

And these data, which he does not value, can make the Dragon Kingdom stronger and increase his importance in the Dragon Country.

Not only that, but it will also give a large amount of wealth, which is really beneficial and harmless for Liu Kunpeng.

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