After the appearance of the Mark mecha, the Dragon Kingdom had two more research institutes.

One is the Thermal Weapons Research Institute, and the other is the Mecha Research Institute.

This time, Mark 14 was uploaded to the Mecha Research Institute.

Responsible for receiving is Zhao Renyu, a forge master by profession, and his main occupation is to study mecha.

After seeing the video of Mark Mecha, he was so excited that he didn't sleep for several days.

That Mark mecha is simply Zhao Renyu's ideal type, he never expected to see this kind of mecha appear in his life.

After being commissioned as the person in charge of the place and receiving the scan data of Mark 2, his head was down.

Zhao Renyu vowed to personally manufacture this Mark mecha, but after actually implementing it, he found it very difficult.

Mark 2 is so outrageous, there are many things they have to study from scratch, and other research institutes need to cooperate with joint research.

The current progress can be said to be like nothing, they have not even built a theoretical model, and the path of Mark 2 is too far away.

However, today, the message of Mark 14 was uploaded again, and he sighed one after another, this thing is too outrageous.

The Mark 2 has not yet been thoroughly studied, and the new model of the Mark 14 is here.

That value, that design, really rubbed the entire mecha research institute on the ground.

Near-perfect aerodynamic design, powerful storage of energy, and completely clueless shock absorbing design.

The original problem was not solved, which gave another blow.


"Why is it updated again?!"

Others also felt the same way as Zhao Renyu after seeing it, but this strengthened their confidence to continue their research.

At present, various countries are also studying mecha and thermal weapons, and they have Mark's data, which should be one step faster.

All kinds of pressure made them breathless, and the mecha couldn't do this kind of thing, so they could only grab their hair and study it desperately.

"Is this really a one-person researcher?"

"The mysterious man... They

know that these data can sensationalize the world, so they are very careful about it.

"At least he is from our

Dragon Country" Zhao Renyu's words are correct, the mysterious person is from the Dragon Country, which is very important, especially important.

Because it is from the Dragon Kingdom, then there is no need to worry that other countries will lead, and there is no need to use strength to desperately track down.

They can now study here with peace of mind, all thanks to the reputation of the mysterious man.

The progress of the Dragon Kingdom is ahead of the world, and their pressure is great, but it is much less than other countries.

"Okay, I'll lock it up after reading it"

Zhao Renyu closed this detailed data page, they all knew that it was impossible to create a Mark 14 just with the current things.

After all, they couldn't even imitate Mark 2!


Leveling Island.

Liu Kunpeng put away Mark 14, and the rest of the day made him a little unsure of what to do.

Leveling? There is still more than a month to go, and there is really no need to be in such a hurry.

Unless there is a large amount of experience stone enough for him to store experience.

It seems that there are really many experience stones, those experience stones with low circulation bought in the previous experience market.

However, these are not enough, the monsters of the leveling island are experienced, and any quest can fill a larger experience stone.

Then he had to order a little more experience stones to use, and it just so happened that he had recently obtained a lot of money and materials.

On this leveling island, both of these can be used to engage in experience stones.

So Liu Kunpeng looked at the map and went to the relevant place, and there were few people here, and even fewer students.

After all, today's students are leveling up, and if there is a demand for experience stones, most of them will come to fill up experience stones to quickly upgrade their levels.

Liu Kunpeng is different, this time he does not need full experience stones, but empty, the more he can hold, the better.

He wrote down his requirements on paper and handed them to the staff.

"Bulky, low-cycle, empty experience stones are needed... 1000 ?!! "

The staff was shocked to see this number, and checked it again and found that it was indeed 1,000 instead of 100.

He looked at the paper, and then at Liu Kunpeng, what does this student want to do, come to play?

How could a student have the money to buy so many experience stones.

"Did you write an extra 0?"

The staff tried to return the paper, but Liu Kunpeng shook his head without looking at it.

"Just 1,000

" "Hiss——!!"

The staff took a breath, that's 1,000, this guy is not buying experience stones for the first time.

"Classmate, 1,000 experience stones of your required scale, even the container has to be loaded with several

" "And it takes a lot of money or materials, even if you have, it is better to use it to upgrade equipment to do this kind of thing"

The staff confirmed again, this Liu Kunpeng's order is too scary, like a large piece or empty experience stone, the warehouse on this island may not be able to find it all!

"I want experience stones"

Liu Kunpeng is very sure, he only needs experience stones, money materials or something, and he has recently obtained enough squandering.

1,000 experience stones can last a long time, and if this month is filled, then he has to make another 1,000.

"That's 1,000

" "... You are verbose"

The staff wanted to confirm again, but seeing that Liu Kunpeng was already a little impatient, he closed his mouth.

Staring at this outrageous order, the staff trembled and took out something to calculate the value.

The result made his scalp numb, this string of numbers, I don't know whose social account I thought.

"Please... Please prove your economic strength"

Liu Kunpeng directly took out the kind of bank card given by Zhang Jingyi, which had a lot of money in it, including the mental loss fee because of the copy mutation.

This is a huge amount of money, let alone ordinary people, professionals want to make so much money, I don't know how many years to be busy!

"That... The transaction was completed"

This staff member opened his eyes today, there were students who could have so much money, and directly ordered 1,000 experience stones.

"Because this requirement is a bit stringent, our warehouse may not be able to, so we need to pull goods from the outside" is

busy here, not only that, they also have to buy goods to meet the demand.

"How many days does it take?"

"Within 2 days, soon!"

2 days, to be honest, still acceptable.

However, Liu Kunpeng wanted to take some experience stones first to see how many backpacks this kind of big guy would occupy.

1000 ah, how much pressure must be placed on the backpack, the warehouse can't fit so much!

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