Job Transfer For All: What? My Skills Are Blackened?

Chapter 72 The Gods Are Terrified, Luo Cheng Must Die?

"A second-order creature? God of Mist, is there anything special about this human being?"

Although separated by a world barrier, the gods present could still see Luo Cheng's life level at a glance.

"That trace of curse power, which contains the origin of the law of curse, emanated from this person.

"What? How is this possible?"

"The second-order creature controls the power of the original law. Doesn't he have some extraordinary artifact?"

"Impossible! The law of curse is one of the thirteen supreme laws. The artifact that can carry these laws must be an ancient artifact above the seven stars. That kind of thing can be possessed by a small second-order human race? "

"It's not certain. The Blue Star human race has just been selected by the evolutionary heaven. It is not impossible for any outrageous things to happen on the Blue Star within this thousand years."

"A millennium tide period can indeed allow an ordinary race to emerge a group of peerless geniuses with extraordinary aptitude...but that is an ancient artifact above the seven stars!"

"What about ancient artifacts... In the universe, it is not unheard of for supreme artifacts to take the initiative to recognize their masters."


Hearing the explanation of the god of mist, these alien gods, even if they have lived for tens of thousands of years, it is difficult to maintain the state of the ancient well without waves.

You know, even they, even the whole race behind them,

Even a seventh-order desolate ancient artifact can't be produced.

As far as their race is concerned, if they can possess such a profound artifact, their status among all races in all worlds can be raised to another level in an instant.

Just when all the god-level powerhouses were discussing and arguing about the source of the curse law.

The Ancient God Burning Spirit, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth and uttered a piece of news that made it even more difficult for the gods present to keep calm.

"My spiritual sense tells me that this human being with only second-level strength is the target we are looking for."

The tone of Ancient God Burning Spirit did not fluctuate.

However, the endlessly beating nine-color flames above the copper lamp behind him proved that the waves in his heart were churning.

"Second order..."

"Pass down the order, let the people below stop worrying about the space storm in the passage between the two worlds, no matter how much you pay, you must send a ninth-level warrior in!

In addition, pass on the image and appearance of this human being to all fighters!

Tell them, no matter who it is, as long as they can kill this human being, the deity will resurrect him in the kingdom of God no matter the cost, and give him the status of demigod!"

After the ancient god Burning Spirit told the several gods present the information he deduced with his spiritual sense.

The most powerful Styx god, Dang even issued an oracle to the demigod-level aliens waiting below.

Perception of the Mist God,

The speculation of Burning Spirit Ancient God,

If these two are only the same, although the gods present will pay enough attention to it, it will be difficult for them to really relate this matter to themselves.

But, when these two conditions are superimposed together.

In their hearts, there was a trace of extremely bad premonition.

A second-order human race who might have obtained the seven-star desolate ancient artifact...

Regardless of the facts,

He must be strangled in the cradle!

Blue Star, Tianhai Territory.

The ghosts of the Yinming tribe have been hovering in the sky for three minutes.

During this period.

More than 5,000 city guard soldiers who were closer to the city had already successfully supported them.

And perfectly integrated into the four elephants and white tiger formation opened by Yin Fengnian.

With the addition of more than 5,000 fresh troops.

The original more than 4,000 soldiers of the City Guard suddenly lost pressure and had a chance to replenish their energy.

In the air, the phantom of the white tiger that was 20 to 30 meters long also became more solid.


Before Yin Fengnian breathed a sigh of relief.

The passage between the two worlds above the sky suddenly heard bursts of broken sounds again.


"Boom Kaka—!!"

Hear voices behind.

Ming Ling, who had been hovering in the air, suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly flew upwards for more than ten meters, looking at the two-thinking channel behind him with a suspicious expression.

"No, isn't this channel going to be closed?"

"Didn't the oracle say to send an army to destroy this human city? Where's the army?"

"What does it mean to send only the vanguard to die?"

Mingling, who was not sure about the situation, looked nervous, staring at the passage between the two worlds below.

Before passing through this passage, although he was ready to sacrifice death.

However, it would be unacceptable for him to let someone who is worthless die.

Fortunately, just when he wondered if he was abandoned by the gods.

The two-world passage that was originally only less than three meters in diameter.

Suddenly, at an extremely fast speed, it suddenly expanded.

In just a short moment, its diameter increased to about eighteen or nineteen meters.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of alien warriors surged out of the hollow like beans falling from a bamboo tube.


The situation in this channel does not seem to be very stable.

This time, although the number of alien races pouring out from inside has increased a lot.

However, among them, at least a quarter of the foreign races have only half.....remnants left.

It seems that when passing through this passage between the two worlds, some terrifying beasts were encountered and their bodies were torn apart.

"Arrow rain skill preparation, A, B, C, D, cast in three batches!!"

"Fire Legion, spread the sea of ​​fire!"

At the moment when the passage between the two worlds expanded and a huge number of alien races descended.

Yin Fengnian ordered the three armies to launch a full-coverage and devastating blow to them again.

But, this time.

The underworld, which had been hovering in the air for a long time, suddenly fell from the air.

Immediately afterwards.

As he stretched his arms, a huge shield wall like black jade appeared above the battlefield.

"Jingle bells!!"


Under the full force of the underworld.

The rain of energy arrows shot by nearly a thousand archers was blocked by him all by himself.

The large number of alien fighters who fell from the sky to the ground also gained a breathing space.

"Giant Spirit Race! Formation!!"

The moment it landed.

The Giant Spirit warriors, who were more than 100 meters tall and strong, and whose appearance was not much different from humans, immediately formed an army formation.

The one at the front, the giant spirit clan general with the sixth-level peak strength, was confessed by the giant spirit clan elders before passing through the passage between the two worlds.

The elder told him that as long as he can lead the giant spirit warriors to show their power.

His relatives will be protected and nurtured by the ancestor gods.

If he can't do it, his relatives will be ruthlessly executed by the elders!

Under such a tough military order.

This giant spirit clan general did not dare to neglect at all.

The moment it landed, it opened the unique army formation of the Giant Spirit Race, the Witch God Formation!


"For my God!!"

"Come on!!"

The first batch of giant spirit warriors who landed intact were only a little over a hundred.

However, after successfully opening the Witch God Formation, these more than a hundred giant spirit warriors.

But without fear, Yin Fengnian's army of ten thousand people launched a berserk charge towards the front.

The average strength of the giant spirit warriors is very strong.

Except for twenty or thirty fighters of Tier 4, the others are all at the peak of Tier 5!

With the blessing of the Witch God Formation, they were already more than three or four meters tall.

His body suddenly doubled in size.

Looking at this violent giant who was carrying the sea of ​​flames and charged towards his own army.

Yin Fengnian's face could not help showing a bit of caution.

"Shield battle, Yu!"

Yin Fengnian, who was originally standing at the forefront of the army, suddenly took two steps back.

Immediately afterwards.

More than a thousand shield fighters in the first sequence took the initiative to step forward, and alternately divided into three rows, and activated the shield wall skill.


Three layers of a huge golden shield wall with a height of five or six meters appeared at the forefront of the legion.


"Legion skill, charge through formation!!"

Accompanied by the roar of the giant spirit generals at the front.

Above the heads of more than a hundred giant spirit warriors, a phantom of a crimson giant with a height of more than 60 meters suddenly appeared.

Under Yin Fengnian's command, the White Tiger's army soul, condensed by the will of more than 10,000 soldiers, is like a domesticated kitten in front of this scarlet giant.

Under the protection of this giant, as well as the seventh-order powerhouse in the air, the underworld.

The Witch God Legion, composed of more than a hundred giant spirit warriors, was able to bear the attack of nearly ten thousand professionals.

He successfully bumped into the golden shield wall formed by more than a thousand shield fighter professionals.


There was a loud crash.

The first golden shield burst in response.

More than a hundred professional shield fighters with the blessing of the legion formation were directly knocked out.

Even the two at the front, the shield warriors with fifth-level strength, were hit by the general of the giant spirit clan with broken arm bones and spit blood.

However, the power of the giant spirit clan army that activated the legion skill - Breaking the formation charge has not disappeared.

After breaking through the first shield wall.

The crimson giant on top of the Giant Spirit Tribe legion suddenly burst open.

Immediately, the power of more than a hundred giant spirit warriors increased instead of falling.

"Bang! Bang!!"

There were two more compact impact sounds in succession.

There are more than one hundred giant spirit warriors.

Unexpectedly, it broke through the triple shield wall formed by more than a few professional shield fighters.

Even, after breaking through the shield wall.

They still have enough energy to attack the surrounding human warriors.


Their number is really too small.

After losing the protection of the scarlet giant.

Countless spells and arrows finally landed on their huge bodies.

Less than three seconds.

All the giant spirit warriors except the generals of the giant spirit tribe were all smashed into pieces by the raging magic energy.

"Hey! For my God!!"

Seeing all his subordinates die.

The giant spirit clan general also knew that he had no hope of surviving.

However, just as he raised his fists high, he was about to launch a suicide attack and replace the lives of several human warriors.

A sword light containing a strong Qi of Gengjin suddenly flashed across his neck.



Under Yin Fengnian's angry attack, the general of the giant spirit tribe who had already lost most of his vitality was directly beheaded.

Its huge body also fell to the ground.

However, Yin Fengnian, who successfully killed the powerful enemy, did not feel any joy.


Three brand-new alien races exuding a seventh-level aura have penetrated the space of the two worlds and arrived at the sky above the White Tiger Army Formation.

"Quick! Reorganize the formation!"

Looking at the three strong men of different races in the sky, Geng Zhong ordered the legions under his command to reorganize their formation.

Holding the Youlong Sword in one hand, guarding against the attacks of three strong alien races.


Let him some unexpected is.

These three seventh-rank powerhouses did not take this opportunity to attack the city guards under his command.

Instead, it passed directly over their heads and rushed towards...

Luo Cheng?!!

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