Job Transfer For All: What? My Skills Are Blackened?

Chapter 73: Evil Fruit Robes Show Their Power! Surrogate!

At the beginning, all Yin Fengnian's thoughts were focused on the passage between the two worlds.

He didn't notice Luo Cheng who came to 'watch the battle' hundreds of meters away.

At this time, Luo Cheng was not riding on Xiao Hei.

Instead, he was alone, standing behind a broken tree.

Logically speaking.

Luo Cheng's position is not very noticeable.

Even the city guards under his command were scattered and collapsed.

Luo Cheng also had enough time to escape here.

However, what Yin Fengnian couldn't understand was that.

Why did those three powerful seventh-rank aliens ignore the army and attack Luo Cheng directly?

Three seventh-tier powerhouses besieged a second-tier professional.

Although Yin Fengnian was puzzled, it didn't mean that he would sit back and watch Luo Cheng be killed by a foreign race.

Seeing that three powerful aliens had already launched an attack on Luo Cheng.

He hastily swung the Long Sword of Youlong, manipulated the phantom of the black turtle in the air, and sprayed three dark blue water balls at the three strong aliens.

Although, the appearance of these three water polo is very ordinary.

But they are the legion skills that Yin Fengnian expended the power of the legion to condense - Weak Water Prison!

Once the three strong aliens were hit by the three balls of water polo.

They will lose all mobility in an instant and be trapped to death in this water polo.

However, these three strong alien races seemed to be crazy, they didn't even have any scruples about the water polo coming from behind.

Instead, without hesitation, they threw their strongest skills at Luo Cheng who was hiding behind the tree! 663



"Boom, boom!!"

The action speed of the seventh-order powerhouse is extremely fast.

In just one breath.

Standing behind the tree, Luo Cheng, who didn't know what happened, was attacked by the rock white palm, the shadow knife bowl, and the heavenly fire.


He has always been cautious, but before he came near the battlefield, he imposed a layer of "self-eating evil consequences" on himself.





Three unexpected damage values ​​jumped out of Luo Cheng's head.

Immediately afterwards.

A giant rock palm ten times larger than before shot out from Luo Cheng's body surface without warning, and directly slapped the three alien races who gathered together.


The three strong alien races who couldn't react in time were directly slapped into the weak water cage by the giant rock palm, flying from behind.


Accompanied by a strange liquid noise.

These three strong aliens were all trapped in the cage of weak water.

Under the influence of the Weak Water Cage, they lost all mobility, and even the energy in their bodies was restricted by Weak Water, and they couldn't even use their skills.

However, what shocked them and felt unbelievable did not stop there.

I see.

After the three alien races were trapped in mid-air by weak water cages. (cjbg) Two clusters of creepy and terrifying energy suddenly erupted from Luo Cheng's body surface.



Accompanied by Luo Cheng's will.

A shadow sword light about forty meters long and a skyfire magic ball with a diameter of more than twenty meters suddenly rose against the sky, slashed and hit the weak water cage that trapped three strong aliens.





Six consecutive damage values ​​that broke through seven digits suddenly appeared.

Each of the three strong alien races received nearly 300 points of terrifying damage!

In addition to the giant spirit with the highest body speed, there is still a trace of blood left, and the other strong aliens all died under their own skills!

no way.

They were going all out.

Use is their own most powerful explosive skills.

After the tenfold increase of the vestment of evil fruit,

Also affected by the 'Vulnerability Aura', they won't be able to resist their own attacks at all after getting a 60% damage increase debuff.

In particular, their own energy was imprisoned in their bodies by the power of weak water.

Even defensive and injury-free life-saving skills cannot be used...

【Ding! Kill [Yin Mingzu-Ming Ada] (level 7), faction points +240!】

[Ding! Kill [Burning Mozu Yanluo] (level 7), faction points +244!】

Unexpected but reasonable Tiandao prompt sounded in Luo Cheng's mind.

Speak the truth.

He also didn't expect that he, a person staying in the 'watching' position, would be attacked by three seventh-rank powerhouses.

If it weren't for him to have a robe of evil fruit by his side.

He didn't even have the chance to call Xiao Hei and bring him into the illusion space.

He had to be bombarded to pieces by these three seventh-rank powerhouses.

Even, even if he was lucky enough to enter the illusion space.

These foreign powerhouses whose strength has reached the seventh level also have the powerful ability to blast him out of the space interlayer, and then kill him.

It's a pity that nothing happens.

These three strong men from different races didn't know that he had the robe of evil fruit by his side.

It never occurred to them that the three seventh-tier powerhouses would turn over in front of a second-tier professional!

In the sky.

There is only a trace of blood left, the body is broken, and the life-threatening powerhouse of the Giant Spirit Race has escaped the control of the weak water cage.

But, full of astonishment, he forgot for a moment that he could still escape.

When he reacted and wanted to turn around and run away.

In the distant sky, a blood-colored long sword suddenly flew over, piercing through its head without hindrance.

[Ding! Assist in killing [Giant Spirit Race-Wu Handa], camp points +219. 】

Accompanied by the death of Wuhandamu.

In Luo Cheng's mind, the crisp Heavenly Dao reminder sound came again.

Although, Wuhandamu did not die by his hands.

However, because he was the main victim, he still got 219 camp points.

However, this is not the time to focus on camp points.

There is no evil fruit robe around me.

In Luo Cheng's heart, he suddenly lost a lot of sense of security.

Just when he called Xiao Hei, ready to merge into the fantasy space, avoiding the sight of the powerful foreign race who came out from the passage between the two worlds again.

A figure in a blood-red robe suddenly appeared in front of his eyes with a 'swish'.

"Take this, Bloody Pact, and hide! Remember, no matter what happens, don't come out!"

Luo Cheng hadn't seen clearly who the person was, when he was stuffed into a messy mess of straw by the other party.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man in a blood robe and holding a red jade staff turned into a cloud of blood mist and teleported directly above the city guard army.

"Yin Fengnian, open the black turtle to spit out fog!"

The sudden voice made Yin Fengnian's eyes widen suddenly.

"Senior Blood Shadow!"

After realizing the identity of the visitor.

Yin Fengnian didn't even think about it, just followed Xueying's instructions, and activated a non-aggressive legion skill, Xuanwu!


Under Yin Fengnian's control.

The phantom of the mysterious turtle in the air suddenly opened its huge mouth, and suddenly spewed out a lot of white smoke.

The smog is very diffuse. In just a short moment, the entire Mysterious Realm Square, and even the surrounding urban area thousands of meters away, were covered in white smog.

The Legion Skill of Black Tortoise Spitting Mist has a wide range, and its effect is also very simple.

One is to block the line of sight, and the other is to block the perception!

Under the cover of this white snow, except for the legionnaires who have activated the Four Elephant Formation-Xuanwu, the vision and perception of any other living beings will be greatly disturbed!

"Blood robe and blood stick, surrogate..."

"He is... the previous head of the Blood Demon King's family, Blood Shadow Mage Wang Chongshan!!"

More than a hundred meters away, Luo Cheng, who was also shrouded in white smoke, looked at the scarecrow in his hand and couldn't help taking a deep breath of cold zero air.

【Surrogate man】

Type: Curiosity

Effect: Replacement (After the contract of dripping blood, it can die once instead of you.)

Current status: inactive

Description: A precious treasure with the power to transform life and death. After the contract of dripping blood, the surrogate will always record your soul breath. When you die unexpectedly, or die in other ways abnormally, the surrogate will reshape your soul and give you a new life!

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