"Very well, it's just you, the two illusion wizards." Mo Lin looked at the two figures in front of him, his mouth twitched, and he smiled.

Frances and another dark wizard glanced at each other, and both saw the solemn expressions in each other's eyes.

"I really didn't expect, Xiao, that your strength is so strong." Frans spoke slowly, and there was an indescribable solemnity in his voice.

"Yeah, my strength is good." Maureen smiled.

"It's always easy to kill you guys."


In an instant, Mo Lin moved, his body dashed, and the whole person turned into one, rushing towards the dark wizard next to Francis.

The dark wizard was slightly startled. The energy field around his body automatically resisted. At the same time, several colored halos appeared on the surface of his body. This was his defensive magic, and some were solidified on the surface of his body. There are also automatic defenses.

The dark wizard is very confident. In his opinion, these defensive magics on the surface of his body are already very strong. No wizard can break it easily. It always takes some time, and this time is enough for him to use it. Witchcraft, fought back.

Then the dark wizard saw that a faint dark red vertical line appeared in Mo Lin's eyes, and he saw it towards him.

The defensive witchcraft on the surface of the black wizard's body suddenly turned into thin layers of transparent crystals, which were shattered by Morin's punch.

Maureen looked at the dark wizard with a look of horror on his face, the corner of his mouth grinned, and he smiled at the dark wizard.

Then he opened his mouth.

Endless black and red flames poured out from Mo Lin's mouth, almost instantly drowning the dark wizard.


The dark wizard only had time to let out a scream or two, and then he was burned to ashes by the fire of purgatory.

Frans reacted when Morin attacked the dark wizard and wanted to attack Morin, but at the moment of the attack, he felt an inexplicable heart palpitation.

"Damn." Franz's body flashed, subconsciously dodging to the side.

The next moment, he saw a translucent white sharp arm, stretched out from the void at some point, and grabbed the position he had just occupied.

Franz's face was ugly. Just now, if he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been caught by this translucent sharp arm and turned into a cold heart.

Just when Frans was furious, Maureen's voice came over.

"How is it, Frans, my sorcery is not bad." Maureen turned his head and looked towards Frans.

The translucent white sharp arm witchcraft, called the Pale Hand, is one of the official witchcraft that Mo Lin obtained in the Void Eclipse. , and memorized the optimized witchcraft model in his mind.

Everything just now looks complicated, but time has only passed for a short time.

Maureen had already killed the dark wizard, and now, he needs to face, and it's just France in front of him.

Frans looked at the corpse on the ground, took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said, "Okay, powerful dark wizard, it's my fault, it's me who offended you, I didn't expect that you actually With such a great strength.”

"Well, let's make peace and don't fight anymore, how about it? After all, for a powerful existence like you, there will be more powerful wizards in the Dark Wizard Alliance to recruit you. You know, we are only the first wave of people. After us, there will be many other dark wizards from the Dark Wizard Alliance."

Frances kept talking, trying to persuade Maureen.

"Do you know why you haven't been injured and your strength has been preserved?" Maureen spoke suddenly, he looked at Francis quietly, and said, "Before, even if I couldn't kill you, I would always hurt you. It's ok, in this case, it will be much more convenient for me to kill you later."

Frances was stunned.

Maureen ignored Frans, but said to himself, "Two illusion wizards, if I don't pay attention now, I will still be in a hurry to deal with it, and if there is only one, then it will be much better. already."

"I don't have much to worry about, because it won't be difficult for me to kill an illusion wizard."

"Safety comes first, so I'll kill the other wizards first."

"I left you because I wanted to do an experiment." Mo Lin thought about it for a while, then smiled, and said, "I want to come and see the situation where I'm going all out, someone who is good at killing and still has a lot of combat power. A good dark wizard, how long can he last under my hands."

"What?" Franz was really stunned.

Maureen ignored Frans.

He took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, a faint silver talisman appeared in his eyes.

Mo Lin's body floated in the void. Behind him, a silver talisman shimmered and slowly emerged from the void. In the center of the talisman, the dark energy particles kept surging, A pair of scarlet eyes appeared.

A behemoth was faintly revealed.

"Frans, you are actually very lucky." Maureen's voice came over and said, "Because, after I became a formal wizard and fully understood and controlled my own strength, you were the first to bear my true strength. A wizard with spellcasting abilities."

Maureen chuckled lightly.

He looked ahead, stretched out his hand, and said, "Dark Eclipse Fireball."

"Ding! Dark Erosion Fireball, the main body is affected by the zero-level witchcraft explosive flame fireball and acid missile. After becoming an official wizard, it is transformed into a combined witchcraft, driven by the main body's own purgatory fire, and then with relevant knowledge Formed, the knowledge involved: "Greenlando's Conjecture", "Sam's Taxonomy", "The Distribution of Energy Particles and the Conjecture of Witchcraft Casting", Power: 17 degrees!"

Maureen listened to the voice of the chip in his head, and the expression on his face was very calm.

During this period of time, he stayed in the Wizarding Academy Alliance, and what he gained was not only the knowledge of pharmacy, but also other knowledge, he also gained a lot.

Ancient wizards can use the power of bloodline, and Morin can use the bloodline power of Pancora Scarlet Serpent to attack.

As Mo Lin thought about it, in front of his palm, a small purple-black fireball emerged, became huge, and floated quietly in the air.

Soon, many huge purple-black fireballs also emerged, floating in the surrounding void.

The surroundings were quiet, quiet and vast.

Frans looked at Maureen in the sky, there were many dense purple-black fireballs, his eyes showed despair, and the expression on his face was pale.

Maureen's movements were very fast, and he didn't have time to escape at all. Numerous eclipse fireballs had already filled the sky, and the area covered by the eclipse fireballs was too large. Frans knew that he couldn't escape at all. .

Maureen looked at Frans and smiled.

Then he stretched out his hand and gave it a slight push forward.


There was a low roar from the void ahead.

As numerous purple-black fireballs swooped down, dragging a long flame tail, like numerous meteors, they kept falling down.

Bang bang bang, the ground shook violently, and the smoke rose, obscuring the sky, as if an earthquake had occurred.

After the smoke cleared, everything reappeared.

The ground is full of pits, and there are purple-black soil pits one after another. The ground has been corroded into purple-black by the dark erosion fireball just now, a mess.

A layer of black wind appeared under Maureen's feet, hovering, holding him up and slowly falling to the ground.

"Yes, as expected of the combination witchcraft I researched, the power is really strong." Looking at the scene in front of him, Mo Lin couldn't help but laugh.

But he also knew that it wasn't easy to get like this. Not to mention other things, he was almost drained from the more powerful wizard energy in him than ordinary wizards.

Such a method is almost one of Maureen's trump cards.

Of course, it is obvious that many dark eclipse fireballs fall from the sky, and the effect is also very strong.

With this thought in mind, Maureen turned his head and looked at Frances beside him.

"Cough...cough..." Frans was tattered all over, with wounds everywhere, blood was constantly flowing from his body, his chest kept heaving, but his eyes were fixed Looking at Mo Lin, he said, "Who... Who... You shouldn't be anonymous... Who are you, Xiao, who are you!"

"You still took a breath?" Maureen was stunned. He was still a little surprised by a powerful illusion wizard like Francis.

"Then, you should continue to die."

Maureen's hand moved slightly, and a translucent energy spike came out from his palm.


The translucent energy spike pierced Frans's forehead, and then exploded suddenly, shattering Frans's head. Recommend the new book of the great city god Lao Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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