After killing Frans, Maureen glanced around.

His eyes swept over, looking for valuable things on many corpses. After all, it cannot be wasted. It is always good to have more materials and resources.

Maureen has no habit of wasting.

Anyway, he has a void pocket, which can always be filled with various materials.

After a little check, Mo Lin turned around, ran in the direction he came from, and left quickly.

He returned to his villa, rested a little, and then walked out the door to the Wizarding Academy Alliance.

Maureen greeted the familiar people in the Wizarding College Alliance and chatted with the people in the pharmacy department. Viska was complaining to him about the difficulty of refining medicines this time, while Maureen smiled and joked with Viscar and the others.

He entered where his potion group was, and began a new day of potion refining.

Not long after, Mo Lin suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps, as if many people were running fast, and at the same time, there were people shouting loudly.

"What's wrong?"

"Did something happen?"

Many pharmacists in the fourteen pharmacy group put down their work, and their faces showed expressions of surprise.

Soon, everyone knew what was going on.

The core member of Gaohuan Baita, who is also the disciple of Wenger in charge of Gaohuan Baita, Gus, he died.

The pharmacists present were very uneasy. Gus has always had a sense of presence in the Wizarding College Alliance. It can be said that he represents the younger generation of the High Ring White Pagoda. Now that he is dead, many pharmacists are still in their hearts. Unsustainable.

"Okay, don't think about other things, and continue your work." Maureen was not surprised by this, he shouted at the pharmacists.

After a while, Viska came to his side.

"Team Leader, the Minister wants you to come over now." Viska whispered.

"Okay, yes." Maureen thought for a while and nodded.

Maureen put down the test tube in his hand, gently pulled on the green embroidered robe representing the pharmacist, and walked on the corridor to Albert's room.

He knocked lightly on the door and walked in.

"Richard, I called you here this time because I have a few things to tell you." Albert looked at Maureen and said, "Be careful recently, Gus died, Wenger was furious, and was using With his authority, he kept calling on the power of the Wizarding Academy Alliance to conduct a major search on Emilia."

"You have to pay attention, don't conflict with the people of the High Ring White Pagoda recently and hit this juncture, otherwise, the trouble will be big."

Albert said softly, with a deep helplessness in his eyes.

Maureen was stunned, then nodded.

He believed that he had no problems, because when he left the scene last night, he had processed the scene and used the medicine to clean up his breath without the slightest residue.

What's more, it wasn't him who killed Gus,

It was France who killed Gus.

"Also, we are going to step up our work recently. This is the task list for your fourteenth pharmaceutical group." Albert waved his hand, energy particles surged, and a piece of paper was generated from the void, which slowly fell. down, and then landed on Maureen's hand.

Maureen looked carefully.

He raised his brows lightly and said, "Minister, is this really our mission? These medicines are all conventional medicines, and it is not difficult to refine, but this quantity is too much, right?"

"These conventional potions, I remember that the stock we have refined has been enough for the entire Wizarding Student Alliance for three months. Is it necessary to refine so much?"

Maureen looked at Albert.

"It is true that so many potions have to be refined." Albert nodded and said, "Because something has happened recently, we have to prepare in advance."

"Something happened?" Maureen was a little puzzled.

"That's right." Albert explained to Mo Lin and said, "In the east, there was a big shock in the Parsis subcontinent."

"Originally, all the wizarding organizations united to take action against the dark elves and other underground races, but later, for some unknown reason, the wizarding organizations began to fight each other."

"The pharmacy genius in the dark forest of the dark wizard organization, Mace, hides the avatar of Oris, the wizard of Hader Castle, in his body. Oris took advantage of the dark forest to snatch the dark elf loot, and he and Hader Castle, The Blue Ring and several other white wizards organized together and suddenly attacked, causing heavy damage to the dark forest."

"This time is really miserable. Even the location of the dark forest was jointly broken by the wizards of the Blue Ring and Hader Castle."

"There are countless wizards in the dark forest who died tragically, and there are very few wizard apprentices who survived enough to survive."

Albert's voice sighed a little, and said: "The first to bear the brunt is that Mace's mentor Adrian, who was severely injured by Oris and almost died on the spot. It is said that August, the head of the dark forest, spent a lot of money. resources to rescue him, but the final result is not very optimistic."

Adrian almost died on the spot? Later results are not optimistic?

Maureen was silent.

His eyebrows were lowered so that one could not see the expression on his face.

"So, what is the entire East like now?" It seemed like a long time later, Maureen asked again.

"It's messy, it's messy, it's very messy." Albert smiled bitterly and said: "The Dark Forest itself is already overwhelmed, and several other white wizard organizations want to take the opportunity to destroy the Dark Forest, and the Dark Forest's ally, the White Bone Tower, They took action to help the dark forest, and they used the chess pieces hidden in the white wizard organization, causing great damage to the white wizard organization."

"In order to enhance their own strength, the dark forest even courted the dark elves, and they also formed an alliance, but the wizard apprentices of the White Bone Tower are fighting with the dark elves, wanting to snatch the resources in the underground world..."

Albert smiled wryly, rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "The entire eastern part of the world has become a mess. It's really messy, it's really messy."

Maureen was silent and nodded.

"However, in such an environment, a rather dazzling genius appeared in the dark forest." Albert seemed to have thought of something and said, "That person's name is Oran."

"Olan? Olivia."

"He is from the Olivia wizard family. He is very ordinary on weekdays, but he has recently emerged and performed quite well. If Oran had not discovered the spies of Hader Castle at the last minute, then maybe the entire dark forest would have been lost. It will be completely over."

Albert sighed, he thought for a while, and said, "Although there has been a huge turmoil, it is fortunate that this turmoil is almost over, because those wizarding organizations have discovered a huge secret realm."

"It is said that the wizard's secret realm came from ancient times and was handed down by those powerful wizards."

"The secret realm of wizards left by those powerful wizards in the ancient times?" Mo Lin was stunned, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"That's right, Richard, that is indeed an ancient wizard's secret realm." Albert nodded and said, "That ancient secret realm is very large, and it involves a very wide range, spanning the east and the west. Eat alone."

"You must know that this is an ancient wizard's secret realm. There are many wizard resources, various precious medicinal materials, strange witchcraft materials, and even all kinds of rare treasures. Once a wizard in the ancient era enters In the secret realm, it is equivalent to getting a big treasure."

The more he talked, the more excited he became. In the end, he couldn't help but get excited.

Maureen lowered his eyelids slightly.

He obtained the information left by Gregory, and naturally knew that Albert was right, and even to a certain extent, the current situation of the Wizarding Realm was better than Albert thought.

In ancient times, only truly powerful wizards were qualified to leave the wizarding secret realm, and the wizarding secret realm left by the wizards was the wealth they accumulated throughout their lives and the result of their constant exploration.

"So, our Wizarding College Alliance has been dispatched and is looking for everything about the wizarding secret realm. Those wizarding organizations in the east have sent people over to communicate with us and discuss how to deal with this ancient wizarding secret realm."

"If everything goes well, I'm afraid it won't be long before we go to the wizard's secret realm and carry out new tasks."

Albert looked at Maureen quietly and said, "So we need to increase the reserves of potions, not only those powerful potions, but also regular potions, Richard, do you understand?"

Maureen thought for a while and nodded.

"I didn't expect it to be like this," he said softly. Recommend the new book of the great city god Lao Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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