Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 132 Styx Law Deed

After talking with Albert for a while, Maureen said goodbye to Albert and left Albert's room.

Thinking of Albert's words, he felt quite uneasy.

He continued to refine the potions in the fourteenth potion group, and at night, he said goodbye to the others, and then left the Wizarding College Alliance.

"Master." Ike walked up with a few beautiful maids and bowed slightly towards Mo Lin.

"Your dinner is ready, this time your dinner is fresh mushroom soup with veal, in addition to a fruit platter, by the way, you recently asked me to buy some slaves to be gardeners and Groom, I have already bought it, please come and see it with me..."

Ike slowed his voice and kept talking.

Maureen walked towards the hall while listening to Ike's report, asking a few simple questions from time to time.

He had dinner in the hall and then went back to his room.

The soft light fell silently.

"The Blood Clothes Killer Association." Mo Lin took out the token of the Blood Clothes Killer Association.

What happened last night was still fresh in his memory.

At this moment, the token of the Blood Clothes Killer Guild in his hand suddenly glowed with blood.

Some blood-colored energy particles floated and condensed into a line of text in mid-air.

After a while, the words dissipated by themselves.

Mo Lin tapped lightly with his fingers on the stone table, at the same time, thinking about the news he had just seen on the token of the Blood Clothes Killer Club.

"Nightingale?" Mo Lin whispered.

Just now, it was Nightingale who sent him a message through the token of the Blood Clothes Killer Club and wanted to meet him.

Maureen's eyes flickered slightly. After thinking about it, he opened the door and left his room.

After a while, Maureen appeared in a remote villa. It was very quiet, but there were faint yellow lights leaking from the surrounding rooms.

Maureen had already changed into Xiao Xiao's costume, he stretched out his hand, pushed open the door, and walked in.

"Xiao, you're here." Nightingale hurriedly stood up.

Maureen nodded and found that he and Nightingale were the only two in the room.

He looked at Nightingale and said, "Okay, Nightingale, let's talk, you called me here, what's the matter?"

Nightingale suddenly fell silent. She looked at Mo Lin, her eyes dodging a little, as if she was a little hesitant.

"I want to make a deal with you," Nightingale said.


Mo Lin tilted his head slightly and listened quietly to what Nightingale said next.

"Xiao, haven't you been looking for the knowledge of enchantment and necromancy recently, I have it here, I can give it to you." Nightingale moved her hand, and a white and transparent light film appeared above her palm. Several books glowing with shimmering light are constantly floating up and down in the light film.

"As long as you promise to help me, then the knowledge of enchantment and necromancy here is yours."

Nightingale looked at Maureen.

"What do you want me to do?" Mo Lin raised his eyes and set his eyes on Nightingale.

Nightingale took a deep breath and said, "I will return to my family soon, so I want you to go back with me and protect me in my family for a while."

Back to the family?


Maureen frowned.

He didn't answer directly, but turned his eyes and looked at the books in the translucent light film, and then he stretched out his hand and moved gently towards the books.

Those books flew over by themselves and landed in Mo Lin's hands. Mo Lin opened the books and read them slowly.

There was no surprise on Yeying's face, and she waited silently beside her.

The candlelight flickered slightly, and after a while, Maureen finally closed the book slowly.

Although those books were shielded to cover up witchcraft, and only a part of them could be seen, according to what he saw, Mo Lin already knew that these books were indeed books that he desperately needed right now.

After all, this is related to the refining of his puppet.

"These books..." Mo Lin pondered.

"These are very useful subject knowledge in enchantment and undead flowers. They are the best and most knowledge that I can obtain within my authority." Nightingale started to speak, and said, "Owl, I can ask There are not many people to help, I hope you can promise me."

Mo Lin fell silent. This knowledge is what he urgently needs right now, and Nightingale's task doesn't seem to be particularly difficult.

He asked Nightingale about the situation again, and after thinking about it, he agreed to Nightingale's request.

Mo Lin also increased the reward for this mission. He asked to increase some advanced subject knowledge of alchemy. After thinking about it, Nightingale agreed.

"This time it's my personal mission, thank you for being willing to come out and help me." Nightingale looked excited.

Recently, the entire Emilia underground world can be said to be in a state of turmoil. Many wizards in the underground world have been severely hit. The Blood Cloth Killer Club has also failed in its recent missions, and some people have even been annihilated directly. Not a single one survived.

The other members of the Blood Clothes Killer Club had already decided to hide and not accept the mission. Under such circumstances, Mo Lin decided to take action, and Nightingale was naturally excited.

"Then, let's sign the Styx Law," Nightingale said suddenly after taking a deep breath.

Styx law?

Maureen was stunned.

Immediately, a serious look appeared on his face.

He is not an ordinary wizard without knowledge. After spending a period of time in the Dark Forest and the Wizarding Academy Alliance, he naturally knows what the so-called Styx Law is.

According to legend, the River Styx records everything of all beings, and all creatures in the entire dimension, from birth to death, flow in the River Styx. It contains everything of all life, is a collection of all beings, and is the entire dimension. , the weight of countless lives.

The River Styx flows between countless realms and dimensional spaces. There is nothingness and no real form. Only a powerful existence can feel its existence and pray to the River Styx for strength.

And now, Nightingale actually wants to sign the Styx Law with him?

General contracts, as long as they are willing to pay a certain price, can be violated without much punishment, and with the increase of strength, the punishment will become smaller and smaller.

For example, a full-fledged wizard once signed a contract with several other apprentices during his apprenticeship. Then, after he became a full-fledged wizard, the contract would be invalid for him, and it would be fine if he violated it, because he The strength of the contract has become stronger, and it can easily resist the power of the contract without much damage to itself.

Of course, if he signed a contract with a wizard apprentice at the official wizard stage, then it would be different.

However, it is worth mentioning that although ordinary contracts are also binding, they are not particularly large, but the Styx Law Contract is different.

If the official wizard takes the oath of the Styx in the dark, then he must complete it, otherwise he will be attacked by the Styx.

This is not something that can be changed after the signer's strength is improved, because the Styx contains everything of all life, and he wants to escape the backlash of the Styx unless he can escape from the Styx, but such an existence, Ming For him, the river law deed probably doesn't mean much.

"Impossible, I can't sign the Styx Law." Mo Lin shook his head.


Nightingale looked at Maureen quietly.

"I don't want to bear the weight of Ming He." The corner of Mo Lin's mouth curled up, and he smiled.

Nightingale fell silent.

After a long time, she exhaled and said: "Okay, Xiao, I took the liberty, and yes, which wizard wants to sign the Styx Law, not just us, I'm afraid those white robes heard the Styx Law The deed is also an instant discoloration."

"Let's sign an ordinary contract."

Nightingale stretched out her hand and grabbed towards the void. Immediately, she grabbed a dark purple scroll burning with red flames.

She perfected the content of the contract, and then left her spiritual imprint on the contract.

After reading the content, Maureen nodded, and immediately left his spiritual imprint and signed the contract.

As the dark purple contract was burned into nothingness in the void, Mo Lin felt his body move, as if something had quietly fallen on him.

This is the binding force of the contract.

"I'll tell you when the mission will start." Nightingale nodded towards Mo Lin, then pushed open the window, her figure flashed, and she quickly left.

Mo Lin looked at the figure of Nightingale leaving, thought about it, and left the room as well.

He was walking on the street.

There were many people on the street, coming and going, and the mottled lights fell on them.

"Whether it's Necronomicon or the advanced subject knowledge of alchemy and enchantment, I have already obtained it, so next, I will consider promotion."

"With Necronomicon, my meditation method, Void Eclipse, can be promoted to the second level. It is estimated that at that time, I can meet the standard of an illusion wizard and become an illusion wizard."

"I'm really looking forward to it..."

Maureen thought so.

He pulled the robe on his body, reached out and stopped a horn-scale carriage, then got into the carriage, and let the driver drive the horn-scale horse towards his own villa. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience. Recommend the new book of the great city god Lao Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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