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Obviously, Maureen suddenly called out Denise's identity, which made Denise nervous for a while, and even almost lost control of herself.

Maureen touched his nose involuntarily.

"I can't believe that Richard, the wizard who has recently gained fame, is actually a well-known Ye Xiao in the underground world." Denise quickly reacted. She looked at Maureen with a playful expression on her face. .

"Yeah, who would have thought that the future heir of a long-standing wizard family would actually be a member of the wizarding organization in Emilia's underground world."

Maureen also laughed and teased.

Denise teased Mo Lin again, and let Mo Lin enter her dormitory.

She confirmed Maureen's identity and finally relaxed completely. In contrast, Maureen was not so nervous. After all, when she just saw Denise, the chip gave him a hint to let him know. Denise's identity.

"You are here this time to participate in the quota division of the White Wizarding Alliance?" Mo Lin listened to Nightingale's words, thought for a while, and frowned.

"That's right, it is like this. After all, about the large-scale secret realm left by the wizards in the ancient times, this matter is very big and cannot be concealed at all, so many forces know about it."

Denis said without any scruples, and said, "So, the most important thing now is the issue of entering the wizard's secret realm."

"After all, the secret realm of wizards in ancient times has very rich resources. The wizard energy in the secret realm is very active, and it is very beneficial to practice in it. Therefore, wizard organizations will divide the area inside."

"And this is related to the East and the West, the coordination between various wizarding organizations, and the division of quotas within each wizarding organization."

Denise was talking to Maureen about something.

This time, people from many of their wizarding families came to discuss with the Wizarding Academy Alliance about the secret realm of wizards.

"I'm afraid that in the near future, in your Wizarding College Alliance, there will be a discussion on the allocation of the places for this wizarding secret realm." Denise said.

Maureen's eyes flashed slightly.

But he didn't care too much. After all, he was a rather dazzling figure in the Wizarding Academy Alliance. No matter what, he could always enter the wizarding secret realm.

"By the way, Denise, then, when will our transaction start?" Maureen thought of something, looked at Denise quietly, and said, "You don't want me in your family, come here. Protect you for a while?"

"Wait until we have discussed it with the senior management of the Wizarding College Alliance this time. When that time comes, we will set off and go to my family."

Denise's expression was a little unnatural, she let out a sigh of relief, and said, "At that time, it is estimated that we hadn't officially entered the secret realm yet, and we finished this just before the wizard's secret realm began."

Maureen nodded and continued to talk to Denise, as if he hadn't noticed anything unusual about Denise.

After a while, Maureen left Denise's room and walked towards his own dormitory.

Soon, the news of the representative of the wizarding family spread among the middle and upper layers of the Wizarding College Alliance. At this time, almost everyone among the middle and upper layers of the Wizarding College Alliance knew about the Wizarding Secret Realm. They were talking about Waiting, waiting for the division of the internal quota after the Wizarding Academy Alliance and the Wizarding Family have negotiated.

Regarding the division of internal quotas, there will be results soon.

After consultation with the Wizarding College Alliance, all the wizarding organizations of the alliance have a certain quota, but the weak wizarding organizations have very few places, but only a dozen places, while those powerful wizarding organizations have a lot more, at least there are One hundred places.

Take the powerful wizard organization High Ring White Pagoda as an example, it has as many as 334 places.

Of course, these places are only for wizard apprentices.

Official wizards are not limited by quota and can enter by themselves.

This is the prerogative of the official wizard.

With this decision, the weak wizarding organizations are finally relieved. Although the number of places is small, it is not impossible. Moreover, their quota is reasonable and legal, and they can use the name of the Wizarding College Alliance. Those wandering wizards are quite threatening and deterrent.

However, this has also led to the dissatisfaction of those powerful wizarding organizations. More than once, members of powerful wizarding organizations have publicly stated that the places should not be allocated, because it is not worth it.

"This is a decision we made after deliberation. Don't argue any more." At this time, Elena, the head of the Wizarding Academy Alliance and also the head of the powerful wizarding organization Shiratori, appeared. She was a middle-aged woman, but she was very tall. Beauty, with the unique charm of mature women.

She glanced at the past, and those wizards who complained immediately fell silent and did not dare to say more.

Elina's approach is obvious, she just doesn't want to split the various wizarding organizations in the Wizarding Academy Alliance, and let other weak wizarding organizations be centrifugal.

After learning about the allocation of quotas, Joanna found Maureen the next day.

"Wizard Richard, this time, we Biye Qinghuan will enter the secret realm of wizards in ancient times, you can also enter, if you are in the secret realm, what is the use of our place, please tell me, I will let Bi Ye Qinghuan's wizard apprentice is complete." Joanna bowed slightly towards Mo Lin, looking very respectful.

Although Joanna in front of her was still the same as before, Mo Lin felt a shrewd and capable taste from her.

The strong but dazed Joanna he encountered at the beginning has changed a lot.

Maureen thought so.

After he asked about Bi Ye Qinghuan's situation, he realized that Sen Ge was dying and could die at any time. Even with the medicine he gave, it was just a forced sigh of relief.

"The time in charge is running out." Joanna sighed. Through the conversation, Mo Lin knew that the current Joanna was in charge temporarily, handling all kinds of things big and small for Biye Qinghuan.

Maybe it won't be long before she becomes the real head of Bi Ye Qinghuan.

After a while, Joanna said goodbye to Maureen and left the Wizarding College Union.

"Joanna, Joanna..."

Maureen looked at the figure of Joanna leaving with a sigh.

Although Joanna's approach seems silly, but, to be precise, it's just an attitude.

On the surface, Mo Lin's identity is a genius pharmacist in the Pharmacy Department. He spends most of the time in the Pharmacy Department. Moreover, even if Mo Lin needs anything, he can naturally go to the relevant personnel in the Wizarding College Alliance to ask for it. There is no need for a mere green leaf ring.

By saying this, Joanna can get closer to Mo Lin and bind him more closely.

Mo Linke is also an honorary professor of Biye Qinghuan.

Even if he knew Joanna's thoughts, Maureen didn't have many disgusting thoughts. It was very simple, a wizard force expressed allegiance to a certain extent, I am afraid no one would find it disgusting.

Denise and the others are about to leave the Wizarding Academy Alliance, and Maureen also plans to leave with Denise.

He asked Albert for leave, and Albert was puzzled by Morin's frequent requests for leave, but in the end, he agreed to Morin's request.

"Richard, you have to come back early. It is estimated that in a short time, the top of the alliance will find the entrance to the wizard's secret realm, and then enter the wizard's secret realm." Albert reminded Mo Lin, saying: "The Eastern Wizarding Organization faction The people who have come have arrived, and one of the representatives is Oran, Oran Olivia, who has been in the limelight recently."

"He is really amazing. None of the wizards who talked to him admired him."

"Hey, if you don't leave recently, then I will definitely introduce you to you, and then you will get to know each other well."

Albert shook his head, seemingly regretful.

Maureen smiled, he had no interest in the so-called genius, and was just talking with Albert.

Albert was going to a high-level meeting of the Wizarding College Alliance, and Maureen and Albert went out together.

When they just walked out and came to the corner of the passage, there were several people in front of them.

"Richard, look, he is Oran, Oran? Olivia." Albert looked forward and stood in the center, obviously the young man at the core, said: "Those people are the Eastern Wizarding Organization. sent, and Oran is their representative."

Maureen's eyes subconsciously looked over.

Aolan had an evil smile on his face. He was very handsome, and his long black and golden robes hung down on the ground, giving people a gorgeous and uninhibited feeling.

But after seeing Oran, Maureen had no other ideas.

He stared at Oran stubbornly, feeling that his whole body seemed to have become restless, and every cell in his body seemed to be cheering, surging, and boiling.

There seemed to be a sound in his head, almost subconsciously, and Maureen knew what those sounds were about.

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