Maureen's throat rolled subconsciously.

This is not because of nervousness, but excitement, excitement, uncontrollable ... even a hint of hunger.

Maureen felt restless, and the blood in his body was boiling like magma.

You must know that Maureen became an ancient wizard by relying on the powerful fifth-level creature, the son of purgatory, the Pancora scarlet snake, and the blood of Pancora scarlet snake flowing in his body, to some extent , Mo Lin, who has only devoured one bloodline, is a very young son of purgatory.

He felt the power of the purgatory world, so he cheered, so he couldn't hold back.

"Phew~~" Maureen exhaled softly, restrained his restlessness, and forced himself to calm down.

"This Oran, he must have a deep relationship with the purgatory world, definitely!" Mo Lin was very determined.

At the same time, Mo Lin frowned, dissatisfied with the state he was almost unable to control just now.

He let the chip analyze it, then lowered his eyelids and stood beside Albert without showing the slightest abnormality.


When Maureen was staring at Oran, Oran was chatting and laughing with the wizards around him. He looked very relaxed, but suddenly, the look on his face froze.

Turning his head, Oran, or Emmonseth, saw Albert and Maureen walking towards them.

"Olan, come, let me introduce you." Albert greeted Emmonseth, looking very close, and said, "This is Richard, Wizard Richard, the young master of our Wizarding College Alliance. Some genius wizards."

Maureen nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Wizard Richard, hello, I'm Oran, Oran Olivia, from the Olivia wizard family." Emmonseth looked at Maureen, and after a moment of silence, he began to pretend to be himself introduced.

Maureen and Albert had a brief conversation with Emmonseth before they parted.

"Tsk tsk, Richard, you see, Oran is not bad, but she is very outstanding in terms of knowledge and taste." Albert said on the side, without concealing his own admiration.

Maureen simply responded with a sentence or two, but he was thinking about other things.

He said goodbye to Albert, then returned to Emilia's villa, took Edward away, and then cleaned up in the room of the Wizarding College Alliance. According to the agreement with Denise, in the forest outside the Wizarding College Alliance. waiting in.

The Othelloba family had already set off. At night, they stopped and had dinner. Even if Mo Lin was far away, they could hear the laughter and joy of the boys and girls. ,

The bonfire was beating brightly.

The next day, the members of the Othelloba wizarding family suddenly discovered that there were two more people in their team.

"They are all my friends." Denise came forward to explain, but didn't say much.

No one dared to ask any more questions. After all, Denise was the future heir of the Othelloba family, and she was not comparable to ordinary people like them.

The team moved forward and walked slowly towards the Othelloba wizard family.




The delicate porcelain fell heavily to the ground and was smashed to pieces, and the slag of the porcelain kept splashing around.

"Phew~~" Emmonseth leaned on the chair,

Sitting down slowly, he gasped for breath, his eyes full of surprise.

In the depths of his eyes, there was even a trace of fear and panic.

How ridiculous this is, thinking of him, Emmonseth, as a rare pure-blood in the Akade family in the purgatory world, is extremely talented and has a lofty position in the Akade family. of human wizards panicked and frightened?


"Damn it!" Emmonseth once again slammed a goblet on the ground to vent his anger.

He wouldn't have lost his temper like this, but when he thought of Maureen's gaze, Emmonseth couldn't control himself at all.

It's all that human wizard, Richard, Richard!

"Firs!" Emmonseth suddenly shouted.


The footsteps sounded, and then, a young man walked in and respectfully knelt down towards Emmonseth.

"My master." Firth's expression was humble and respectful.

Judging from the aura on Firth's body, he clearly already has the strength of a liquefying wizard, and the aura on Emmonseth has just been promoted to an official wizard.

Phils knelt down toward Emmonseth, looking humble, lest there be a trace of disrespect.

All of this seems strange and unbelievable, but it's normal, because Phils can have the strength he has today, it's all Emmonseth's handwriting, and, due to the erosion of power on his mind, Phils has a lot to do with Egypt. Mons was extremely convinced, and could already be said to be in awe of God.

"Check! Firth, check it for me! I want to know everything about that human wizard, that Richard!" Emmonseth yelled at Firth.

"Yes, my master!"

Phils kowtowed toward Emmonseth, and then hurriedly retreated.

Soon, the news about Maureen was collected. After all, Maureen is too famous recently. He is a new star in the pharmacy department. Many people are talking about him. It is naturally easy for Phils to collect information.

"Richard, a genius in pharmacy, has high attainments in pharmacy. He comes from the wizard organization Biye Qinghuan. He is an honorary professor of Biye Qinghuan. He was once instructed by the previous generation of Biye Qinghuan, so he wanted to help Biye Qinghuan, just because He specializes in pharmacy, so he's just a professor emeritus."

Emmonseth looked at the collected information and remained silent.

These materials are naturally fake. At the beginning, in order to keep Mo Lin, an honorary professor of Biye Qinghuan, from revealing his flaws, Joanna tried her best to compile information for Mo Lin.

Not only Emmonseth, but other members of the Wizarding College Alliance got just such a fake information.

Emmonsez slapped the information heavily on the table, closed his eyes, and remained silent.

"Master." Phils said softly from the side.

"Continue to investigate that Richard, I always feel that he is not that simple." Emmonseth opened his eyes and said softly.

As long as he thinks of the panic and heart-pounding feeling that Maureen felt when he saw him, Emmonseth couldn't help but tingle in his scalp, and his whole body trembled.

How could an ordinary human wizard feel so frightened?


Phils said quickly.

"By the way, since we have all come to the west of the Parsis subcontinent, let's leave some more seeds." Emmonseth said softly, as if thinking of something.

The so-called seed is that Emmonseth selected some wizard apprentices, and then planted the power of the purgatory world in their bodies. These powers can help them improve in a short time.

That's a huge price to pay, especially since Emmonseth hasn't recovered from his injury.

"When I have not fully recovered from my injury, doing such a thing will make my recovery very slow, or even aggravate my injury."

"However, everything is worth it, worth it..."

"With those seeds, I can come and do what I want, and when it's time, hehe."

"These human wizards really only think that there are only rich resources in the wizard's secret realm in ancient times. I have to say that this is really a naive idea."

Emmonses thought about the reaction of the Wizarding Academy Alliance and the various wizarding organizations, and couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and a dark red translucent air mass emerged from his hand, blurring the surrounding air.

"Purgatory, purgatory world..." Emmonseth murmured softly.


Christine was walking down the alley.

She walked very slowly, her brows furrowed slightly, and the expression on her face was quite complicated.

After secretly learning about the secret realm of wizards in ancient times from her sister Joanna, Christine was very excited. She had read the relevant books and naturally knew that in the secret realm of wizards inherited from ancient times, there were What kind of rich resources, Biye Qinghuan enters the wizard's secret realm, even if it can't revive its former glory, the situation will definitely improve a lot.

However, when Christine heard what Joanna said to Senger, all the wizard apprentices of Biye Qinghuan entered the wizard's secret realm and had to obey Morin's instructions, her mood instantly became extremely bad.

She refused the invitations of many noble children in succession, but just wandered around non-stop, trying to spread the emotions in her heart.

She has been gone for a long time, and the depressed mood in her heart has not only not been dispatched, but has become heavier, making her whole person become irritable and restless.

Christine let out a breath, thinking of the scene where Maureen shot and killed Maffey when Biye Qinghuan was being bullied by Maffei, and when he and Maureen were in the qualifying match, he easily defeated Manhattan's Happening.

Mo Lin, a foreign wizard, has such a lofty position in the green circle of green leaves, Kristin is very unwilling, but Mo Lin's strength makes her very envious.


"Official wizard!"

"I must become an official wizard!"

Christine clenched her fists, and her thoughts became stronger.

At this moment, Christine was suddenly startled.

On the street corner ahead, a translucent dark red light group appeared, and the light group was glowing slightly.

Kristin was sure that she had no dizziness, so after thinking about it, she walked over slowly.

"What is this..." Christine looked at the light group in front of her with a surprised expression on her face.

What she didn't know was that in other remote places in Emilia, dark red energy light clusters were floating, emitting frequencies that only apprentice wizards could sense, attracting apprentices one by one.

"it's wired……"

Christine bit her lip.

Next to the dark red light group, Christine suddenly had an indescribable thought in her heart. Although there was no reason, she was very determined in her heart.

"As long as you stretch your hand into this light group and absorb this light group, you can become an official wizard..."


"Try it……"

There was a hesitant expression on Christine's face, but after thinking for a while, she still stretched out her hand and slowly put her palm into the dark red light group.

The dark red light group trembled slightly, then rushed into Christine's body, and disappeared almost instantly. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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