Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 139 Conta Manor

For the new two strange wizards, the people in the team expressed their curiosity.

After all, this is an official wizard. Even in the Othelloba wizard family, the official wizard is a role that cannot be ignored.

But soon, they found out that a wizard disappeared suddenly, and there was only one wizard left.

"Owl, Richard... Richard, Wizard Richard, where's that friend of yours?" Denis looked at Maureen and asked softly.

A bonfire burns on the side, and the roast meat emits a tempting aroma.

Mo Lin's eyes were calm, and with the black robe embroidered with elegant patterns on his body, there was an indescribable aura.

He raised his eyes, his eyes fell on Denise, and said, "Did you say Edward, he has something to do, go first, we are separated."

Denise was stunned for a while, then laughed. She didn't seem to care at all. She continued to chat with Maureen with a gentle and moving temperament.

In fact, Edward did not leave, but was collected by Morin and put into the void pocket.

This was Maureen's decision after careful consideration.

The people in the team showed respect to Mo Lin, and even had some respect. They showed the good qualities of the long-established wizard family, and Mo Lin was chatting with Denise and gained a lot. After all, Denise grew up in a wizarding family, and has a good understanding of all kinds of wizardry knowledge and wizard secrets, which made Mo Lin slightly surprised.

"Danis, you asked me to protect you, what's the matter, aren't you the future heir of your family?" In the carriage, Maureen's fingers flicked gently on the table, his eyes fell straight on Denise.

Denise heard this and gave a wry smile. She stretched out her hand, brushed the hair around Long's ear, and said, "Richard, let me explain to you."

"Yes, yes, I am the future heir of the family, but our Othelloba family, the situation is very different."

"My father is seriously ill, my uncle is a liquefaction wizard, and I'm just an ordinary wizard, so..."

What Denise said was very simple, but Maureen almost understood what he meant.

It is nothing more than a matter of competing for the position of the family patriarch. This kind of incident happens from time to time in the noble families of the secular world. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing will also happen to the wizard family.

Different from the noble family, what happened to the wizard family is actually more tragic and bloody, and what the losers endure is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"So, Richard, I want to ask you to protect me for a while, because...because during this time, my uncle made me feel very strange, and I was afraid that he would suddenly attack me."

Denise thought for a while, and suddenly a determined look appeared on her face, as if she had made a decision.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Actually, it won't take long for you to protect me, but in a month or two, because I'm about to break through to become an illusion wizard."

"When I become an illusion wizard, I can't say that I can have an overwhelming advantage over my uncle, but at least, I can barely compete with him."

Denise's voice sounded firm.

"That's right." Mo Lin's eyes dropped slightly, and the expression on his face did not show the slightest abnormality.

It seems that this task is a little easier than what he thought.

There was a faint voice coming from the front, and the carriage slowly stopped.

Mo Lin lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw that there was a manor outside, covering a large area and a large scale. Many members of the Othelloba family looked relaxed and shouted something to the people inside the manor.

Before they knew it, Maureen and the others had already arrived at the Othelloba family.

This is the destination of Maureen and their trip, and it is also the residence of the Othelloba family, Conta Manor.

Denise got off the carriage, briefly arranged for everyone, and then slowly walked towards the manor.

Near the gate of the manor, there was a group of people standing in line, their clothes were elegant and gorgeous,

In front of these people is a middle-aged man in a tuxedo with slightly gray hair.

"Denise, child, welcome home." The middle-aged man saw Danise and laughed.


Denise bent down and saluted Claude, not at all showing that she was worried and anxious just now.

Claude seemed to be the uncle that she trusted in her heart.

"Danis, you brought your new friend back." Claude turned his eyes and found Maureen next to him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, he is Richard, my friend." Denise introduced, with a smile on her face.

Maureen came over and nodded towards Claude, the expression on his face was light, and he could not see the slightest abnormality.

Claude briefly said something to Mo Lin, then took a deep look at Mo Lin, turned around, and walked into the hall.

Maureen was quickly settled. He received the best treatment, and lived in the best guest room in Conta Manor, and he was very close to Denise.

This was requested by Denise, so that they could take care of each other later.

This kind of behavior surprised many people, and the young men who secretly admired Denise were even more dissatisfied. They looked at Maureen very badly, even full of provocation.

At the welcome banquet that Denise specially held for Maureen, those young men finally couldn't help it.

"Dear guest, we are honored that you can come to our Othelloba family as a guest. We have always been eager to communicate with other wizards, so we hope to learn from you, please give us some pointers."

A young man with flaxen curly hair and a cross sword in his hand said, his eyes fixed on Maureen.

The other people didn't speak. They looked at Mo Lin and then at the young man, thinking that there was a good chance that a good scene would be played.

But the results were quick, sudden, and simple.

Mo Lin raised his eyes and glanced at the young man. After his lips moved slightly, countless dark red fireballs rushed out of the void and rushed towards the young man.

The young man only held on for a moment, then he let out a scream, and fell to the ground and kept moaning.

The dark red flames ignited his clothes and burned his body at the same time, making him look miserable.

Mo Lin acted very indifferently. After all, that young man had just become a wizard, so he dared to run over to challenge him.

If it weren't for Conta Manor, he would use the fire of purgatory to burn the young man alive, instead of using the explosive fireball to make the young man embarrassed.

Although it is only an illusion wizard, Morin's strength is much stronger than ordinary liquefaction wizards. Even if he uses zero-level wizardry, ordinary wizards are difficult to resist.

After the banquet, Maureen and Denise walked down the corridor.

The promenade is dim, and the walls are covered with huge oil paintings. With the smell in the air and the faint lights, it gives people a feeling of old and misty, as if they have experienced the changes of the years and are walking on the ancient road of history.

"Richard, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that no one would come out to challenge you on their own initiative." Denise said, her face was full of apologetics.


Maureen shook his head.

What happened just now was just a small thing.

Denise paid attention to Maureen's face, and finally, she was relieved, she looked at Maureen's profile, thought for a while, and said, "Wizard Richard, let's go see my father, I'll introduce you to you. Give it to him, and you two get to know each other."

Maureen nodded, naturally he would not refuse such a thing.

After Denise and Maureen walked for a while, they turned around a few more turns, and finally, they appeared outside a room.

"Father, this is my friend, Richard, Wizard Richard."

Denise knocked on the door and entered the room.

The room is not large, well-decorated, with good taste, and in front of the French window, there is a bed, a middle-aged man is lying on the bed, watching the sun gradually sinking into the mountains outside the window.

He was wearing a thin white thick coat, his hair was gray, his body was thin, his eyes were sunken, and the cheekbones on his face were deeply protruding. The middle-aged man's skin was very loose, with an abnormal yellow color and some Spot, it can be seen that he has suffered from deep pain, and his body has reached an extremely serious level.

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