"Richard, Wizard Richard."

The middle-aged man turned around with difficulty and looked at Mo Lin, his lips moved slightly and made a vague sound.

"Wizard Lawrence." Maureen gave the middle-aged man a wizard etiquette. When she came in, Denise had already told Maureen her father's name.

"I'm very happy, Wizard Richard." Lawrence coughed softly and said, "Thank you for being able to visit."

"After all, Denise has never had many friends, and now I'm really happy to see that she has an official wizard friend."

Lawrence said softly, then he reached out and shook Denise's hand.

Suddenly Lawrence coughed heavily. He covered his mouth with a towel and his chest heaved violently.

After he took the towel away, there was already a bright red bloodstain on the towel.

"Father." Denise said softly, with a hint of anxiety in her voice.

"Let me take a look."

Maureen said in a low voice.

He looked at Denise's slightly dazed face, smiled, and said, "Danis, have you forgotten, I'm a pharmacist."

Lawrence's physical condition is already very serious, and it is almost irreversible. Even with Maureen's pharmacy knowledge, he can't find a way to heal.

"Denise, I'm sorry." Maureen took back the hand on Lawrence's arm, shook his head, and said softly.

Denise didn't speak, and the look in her eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Don't worry, Denise, I already knew about my situation." Lawrence patted Denise's hand and comforted Denise, saying, "Take it easy, Denise, take it easy. what."

Next, Maureen and Denise talked with Lawrence for a while. I have to say that Lawrence is indeed an old wizard. Although he only has the strength of an illusion wizard, he has experienced a lot of things. Mo Lin's eyes lit up with his experience and knowledge.

"Mr. Lawrence, if it can restore your health, what would you be willing to exchange for it?" Maureen said half-jokingly.

"In exchange for something?"

Lawrence was stunned for a while, then laughed, and said, "As long as it can restore my health, then anything is fine."

"Anything is fine."

Maureen and Denise left Lawrence's room and walked towards Maureen's room. Denise was sending Maureen there, which was her courtesy.

They walked to the corner of a garden, and just as Denise said goodbye to Morin and was about to leave, Morin suddenly frowned.

"Danis, it seems that your family is really not peaceful at all." Maureen's mouth twitched slightly.

Denise was a little stunned. When she was still a little confused, a wave of wizard energy suddenly appeared in the void in front of her, and then, several figures flashed out of the void.

They wore black robes for disguise, and the wizard energy on their bodies was very strong, and at first glance they were not weak hands.

Five people, three illusion wizards, two liquefaction wizards.

"Damn it!" Denise's face changed.

She naturally knew what was going on. Several wizards with extremely strong breaths were able to appear in the depths of Konta Manor at night. The reason was almost no need to think about it, it was her uncle Claude's handwriting.

Only her uncle, Claude, has the ability and reason to do such a thing.

With a movement of Maureen's body, he was already in front of Denise.

"Richard... Wizard Richard."

A stunned look appeared on Denise's face.

"I protect you, this is just the content of our transaction." Mo Lin tilted his head slightly, he seemed to think of something, and said, "Okay, I will stop them, you go and call your family's official wizard over. Bar."

"I think it's impossible for all the official wizards in your family to be your uncle's."

Maureen said.

Denise listened to Maureen's voice, bit her lip, then nodded, and said, "Okay, Wizard Richard, please persevere, just persevere for a while." After speaking, Denise said He ran quickly to the side.

"Want to run?" One of the illusion wizards sneered, trying to stop Denise.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but let out a scream.

A pale, sharp claw was born from the void, silently, passed through his chest at once, grabbed his heart, and easily crushed it into pieces.

"Don't forget, I'm still here."

Maureen withdrew his hand and quietly looked ahead.

Although the five wizards in front were all very powerful, and all of them were facing them, Mo Lin was very calm, without the slightest worry or nervousness.

The other four wizards were startled, but soon they calmed down.

"No wonder you dare to stay alone, yes, your strength is really good." One of them wearing a one-horned mask spoke slowly, he had the strength of a liquefaction wizard, and said, "It's just that you can't see the situation clearly. , is seeking death by himself."

"what a pity."

The wizard spoke softly, and then instructed the other two illusion wizards, saying: "You go after the target, you must not let the target escape, I will stay with the copper face to deal with this person who is looking for death. "Bronze Face is another wizard who has the strength of a liquefied wizard and wears a black copper mask.

Just after finishing speaking, the one-horned mask wizard felt a violent wave of wizard energy, and a huge purple-black fireball suddenly appeared and attacked him.

This is Maureen's sorcery, the eclipse fireball.

Not only him, the wizard called Copper Face next to him was also attacked by the dark erosion fireball.

After the one-horned mask Wu embarrassedly removed the dark eclipse fireball, suddenly, he heard two violent screams.



Mo Lin did not know when he had appeared to the side, standing silently.

Near him, the two phantom wizards were constantly burning with black and red flames, looking extremely painful.

A thin layer of crystal film appeared on them, as if they were sealed in it, so that they had no way to escape.

Soon, the two illusion wizards were burned into nothingness by the fire of purgatory.

Mo Lin took advantage of the one-horned mask wizard and the copper-faced wizard just now, and immediately took advantage of the two illusion wizards. With the cooperation of the Purgatory Fire and the Mirror Eye, even the two illusion wizards wanted to resist. , is also futile, and can only be killed by Morin.

"Very good, very good, really good." The unicorn mask wizard looked at Maureen, looking very angry.

"Tong Mian, this person's strength is not weak, let's take action together and kill him!"

The unicorn masked wizard shouted at the other liquefied wizard.

Mo Lin raised his brows slightly as he looked at the two wizards who were about to liquefy the wizard.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Tong Mian, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Kill him." A token appeared in Mo Lin's hand, and he said lightly to the copper face.

The token was silver, and when it was just taken out, there was still a faint silver flame on the surface. Those silver flames disappeared after a trance, only to reveal this rather ordinary token.

The one-horned mask wizard was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said, "Haha, it's ridiculous, you want to let the copper mask kill me with a token, you really... uh."

The voice of the one-horned mask wizard suddenly stopped.

He looked at the hand that was piercing his chest, dripping with blood, raised his head, looked at the copper face next to him, an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes, and said, "The copper face...you...you you……"

With a black copper mask on his face, the expression on his face could not be seen, but his eyes were extremely cold.

After a little force, the copper face twisted the neck of the unicorn mask wizard.

"Where did you get this token?" Copper Mian looked at Mo Lin quietly, and after a while, he said.

Maureen didn't explain, he looked to the side, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"The people from the Othelloba wizarding family are here, you should leave first." Maureen said to the copper face.


After a moment of silence, Tong Mian nodded.

He and Maureen agreed on a time and place to meet, then hid in the darkness beside him, and soon disappeared.

The official wizard of the Othelloba wizard family also came over quickly. After Maureen explained a few words to the anxious Denis, he returned to his room and began to rest.

The next day, Maureen said that he wanted to go shopping in the nearby towns, so he left Konta Manor and came to the nearest city of Hastan.

He walked around the city of Hastan a few times, and after making sure everything was safe, he came to the outside of a tavern.

Bang bang bang.

The pub was not open during the day, but Maureen continued to knock on the door as if he didn't see it.

Soon, the door was opened, and a middle-aged man with a shaggy face, smelled of alcohol, came out.

He just glanced at Maureen before turning around and walking in.

Maureen didn't care either and walked into the tavern.

When Maureen walked into the tavern, the door of the tavern clicked and was closed all of a sudden.

The middle-aged man, or the copper face, his eyes fell directly on Maureen.

"It's been a long time."

"Maureen Olsen."

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