Maureen raised his eyebrows slightly.

After arriving in Emilia, Maureen had been using witchcraft to cover up and did not reveal his original face. Unexpectedly, someone could call out his true identity the first time they saw him.

"I remember your breath." Tong Mian said, "Although you have concealed your face and changed your breath to a certain extent, the essence will not change. ."

"It's not difficult for me to recognize your identity."

"Moreover, in the Parsis subcontinent, the Gintama token was handed over to only one person by His Majesty."

"That's you, Maureen, Maureen Olsen."

The copper face bowed slightly towards Mo Lin and said, "Mr. Mo Lin, my name is Claire."

Maureen looked at Claire in front of him without speaking.

In fact, when he saw Claire in the garden before, the chip had already reminded him and let him know Claire's identity.

Claire, he has a very similar breath to Aaron, this is because they have practiced very similar meditation.

This is also the reason why Maureen did not fight with Claire, but made an appointment with Claire on the time and place, and went to the appointment alone.

But he was still a little surprised. After all, he used witchcraft to cover up but deceived a lot of people. He didn't expect Claire to know his true identity after a little perception.

As expected, it came from the mysterious bloodline organization, the Hand of Gintama.

Aaron is the son of Gintama.

"It's very strange, Claire, you have the strength of a liquefaction wizard, why didn't you enter the secret realm with Aaron at that time, so that Aaron would not be injured." Maureen asked as if thinking of something. .

Claire's body trembled, a wry smile appeared on her face, and said, "Mr. Maureen, at that time, I was ordered by His Majesty Aaron to go to Helens City to find the silver spark."

"Because Aaron's bloodline power is a powerful creature in the purgatory world, the powerful Hemando lava snake, so he needs silver sparks to adjust his body and make him better adapt to Hemando Bloodline of the Lava Serpent."

"When Aaron went to the wizard's secret realm, we thought everything was safe. After all, Aaron had already become an official wizard at that time, and we also needed two or three wizards to follow Aaron's crown. "

"If I had known that His Royal Highness Aaron would be seriously injured in that wizarding secret realm, I would never have left."

Claire's words contained regret that could not be concealed.

Maureen narrowed his eyes slightly.

He thought of the sight of Aaron lying on the head of the phantom of the giant snake of Hemando outside the wizarding secret, and he was silent.

"How's Aaron's injury?" Maureen asked.

"It's not optimistic." The bitter smile on Claire's face became even stronger, and said: "At that time, the heads of the wizarding organizations such as the White Bone Tower, Hader Castle, and the Ring of Blue all shot at His Majesty, and His Majesty was able to escape. It's fortunate."

"His Majesty Aaron was seriously injured, and up to now, he is still in a coma and has not woken up."

Claire sighed and said, "Now, we have arranged for some people to keep guarding His Majesty at all times, and the others are going out, constantly searching for various precious medicinal herbs, hoping to cure Ya Your Royal Highness."

"I came to help Claude of the Othelloba family this time because he promised to give me a precious medicinal material, Blue Dream Crystal, so I shot it."

Claire explained why he shot.

Maureen nodded.

He thought of another thing.

Aaron is still in a coma and hasn't woken up yet?

"Come on, Claire, take me to your hiding place and let me see Aaron." Maureen's eyes fell on Claire.

"Of course, Mr. Maureen."

Claire was stunned, then nodded.

Under Claire's leadership,

Maureen walked out of the tavern.

At this time, Claire has changed into another appearance, with neatly combed hair, wearing a windbreaker, and the breath on her body is terrifying, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

He took Maureen for a while in the city, and after a few laps, he walked into a manor.

The area of ​​the manor is very large, and the layout inside is very stylish. There is a small lawn in front of it, the fountain is spraying water vapor, and some light yellow flowers are in full bloom, swaying slightly in the wind.

Claire walked forward with Maureen. As he walked, he said, "This was originally a nobleman's manor, but after we came, this manor was bought by us."

A few wizards came out. They looked at Maureen and then at Claire, with amazed expressions on their faces, and said, "Claire, why did you bring other people here..."

"I think you should have an impression of me."

Maureen smiled slightly.

After Mo Lin's reminder, the wizards soon thought of what was going on in the secret realm, and they saluted Mo Lin to show their etiquette.

Maureen met Aaron in the basement of the manor.

Aaron was sealed in a crystal, his eyes were tightly closed, and there was a faint black air around him.

The phantom of a black serpent occasionally formed on the crystal surface, but it quickly dissipated.

Morin felt restless in his body. He knew that this was because the Heimando lava giant snake was a subspecies of Pancora, the son of purgatory. The appearance of such a scene was a surging of blood.

"We have already found a lot of pharmacists, but none of them can heal His Majesty Aaron." Claire whispered beside her, and her voice revealed an indescribable exhaustion.

Can there be no one who can save Aaron?

Maureen was stunned, and then his heart moved.

"Chip, scan Aaron in front of him and analyze it in combination with the database!" Maureen gave the chip such an instruction.

"Ding! The mission has been established!"


"Database connection..."


"The plan is in the mix..."

The voice of the chip came over.

Soon, the chip came to a conclusion.

There was a faint blue light in Maureen's eyes, and soon, the blue light faded away.

"I have a way to save Aaron," Maureen said.

"Mr. Morin, you..." The wizards next to him were startled, looking rather uncertain.

"I believe in you, Mr. Maureen." After a moment of silence, Claire said, "After all, we have no other choice. Moreover, His Majesty Aaron regards you as his closest friend, and he believes in you very much, so, We naturally believe in you too."

Maureen smiled.

In fact, his current pharmacy skills are no worse than Adrian's. It can be said that Maureen's pharmacy has reached the top level of the entire Parsis subcontinent. In the Parsis subcontinent, he is one of the most powerful pharmacists. one.

What ordinary pharmacists can't do, he can naturally do it, not to mention that the Pancora scarlet snake on him is the upper bloodline of the Black Mando lava snake, which naturally makes Morin more confident to treat Aaron.

After staying for a while, Maureen left. Claire came to see Maureen. He said that he was willing to pay the price and asked Maureen to tell him. He would definitely do it. After thinking about it, he decided to let Claire finish him later. Promise of.

Not in a hurry anyway.

"Mr. Maureen, you must be careful when you are in the Othelloba family." Claire looked at Maureen, and after thinking about it, he suddenly said, "I always feel that the Claude of the Othelloba family is not simple, he I've been in and out a lot recently, and it seems like I'm planning something with other people."

"Okay, I see." Maureen nodded and left.

To cure Aaron, he needed some special medicinal materials. Maureen told Claire and the others to prepare them well, and then contact him when they were ready.

When Maureen returned to Conta Manor, a young girl suddenly ran to Maureen's side.

"Li... Wizard Richard..." The girl was wearing gray clothes, gasping for breath, blushing.

"Jenny, what's the matter?"

Maureen asked, he knew this girl, she was Denise's maid.

"It's like this. Master Claude brought a wizard back recently and was talking to the lady in the hall. I think something is wrong." Jenny looked a little nervous.

"okay, I get it."

Maureen's eyes narrowed slightly.

He walked forward, and soon, he appeared outside the hall.

"Wizard Richard!" Denise found Maureen, smiled cheerfully, and called out Maureen's name.

Maureen walked into the hall, saw Denise, and greeted Denise.

He saw Claude, then turned his eyes and saw the wizard next to Claude.

The wizard looked quite old, his silver-white hair was neatly combed, his skin was deeply wrinkled, he had a hooked nose, and his green eyes were deeply sunken, but these green eyes were full of energy. , very divine.

At this time, he also looked at Mo Lin, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a hint of smile on his face.

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