Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 142 The Fountain of Life

Maureen looked at the wizard, and his heart moved.

The wizard looked extremely old, but Maureen knew that the wizard was not simple.

In him, Maureen felt a deja vu aura.

In the dark forest, other wandering wizards encountered on the road, and even Mo Lin himself, had this faint aura.

This is the breath of a dark wizard.

Dark wizard.

This wizard, who looks quite old, is a dark wizard.

"Denise." Maureen greeted Denise who ran over, and then sat on the chair next to Denise.

"It's a bit surprising, Denise, this wizard Richard is probably not your ordinary friend." Claude looked at Denise with a playful look on his face.

"Wizard Claude."

Maureen's mouth twitched and he smiled.

"Oh, by the way, look at me, Wizard Richard, I almost introduced you." Claude looked at the dark wizard next to him as if he had thought of something, and said, "This is Wizard Jackman, Is my friend."

"He has the power to liquefy."

When Claude mentioned Jackman's strength, he chuckled.

"Wizard Richard." Jackman said, his voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

Maureen nodded, the expression on his face did not change, but he was really surprised. He has the strength of a liquefaction wizard and is very good at fighting with the black wizard. The true strength of this Jackman is really not to be underestimated. Look at it.

Denise was very close to Maureen, and it could be seen that she relied on Maureen very much.

When Maureen didn't appear, she was just an ordinary wizard, facing the two liquefaction wizards Jackman and Claude alone, and the pressure on them can be imagined.

Now that Maureen appears, she has some confidence.

Denise and Claude are discussing the internal affairs of the Othelloba family. Although these things seem very calm and trivial, Maureen can feel the power struggle hidden under these small things.

The old wizard named Jackman was watching Mo Lin, his eyes flashed a bit of interesting color from time to time, while Mo Lin's expression was flat, sitting quietly, his whole person was like an abyss.

"Last night, a wizard sneaked in in our manor. How ridiculous it is. In our dignified Othelloba family, someone sneaked in. Really..." Denise looked angry.

"Oh, since this is the case, then we must strengthen our security defenses."

"Then, Denise, all the people who were in charge of the patrol last night were put to death, right?"

Claude spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

He smiled, with an indescribable sensibility in his smile, and said, "Danis, you are always satisfied now."

Denise's body trembled. At this time, Maureen saw a hint of helplessness and a deep sense of powerlessness on Denise's face.

After discussing for a while, Denise and Cloud dispersed.

Denise briefly talked to Maureen for a while, and then left, her mood was very low.

Maureen stood quietly in the corridor.

He thought of Claude, and also of the dark wizard named Jackman that he saw this afternoon. For some reason, an indescribable strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

in the room.

The candles flickered, illuminating the surrounding light.

"Danis, tsk tsk, she really deserves to be my niece. Under such circumstances, it's amazing how dare you come to snatch rights." Claude sat on a chair, under the candlelight, the shadow on his body dragged for a long time.

"The helper your niece found, the wizard named Richard, is a dark wizard."

Jackman's green eyes blinked and said, "His strength is very good."

"Oh? It's a dark wizard,

Jackman, is he a member of your dark wizarding league? "Claude was curious.

"It shouldn't be." Jackman frowned, but soon, he laughed nonchalantly, and said, "But it doesn't matter. If he doesn't wink and doesn't know what's wrong, then I will kill him."

"It's you, Claude."

Jackman thought of one thing, looked at Claude, and said, "Forget about last night, from now on, don't shoot at Denise. After all, those dark elves said that Denise has a special physique. It can improve the effectiveness of the Fountain of Life, she is an indispensable material."

Claude didn't speak.

He thought of what Denise looked like just now, and couldn't help frowning.

"Claude, if it weren't for the fact that we have been in friendship for many years, and I happen to owe you a promise and also need Denise, do you think I would come and tell you about this?" Jackman's face became ugly.

"Those dark elves..."

There was an uncertain taste in Claude's voice.

"Eve, the night mother of the dark elves, once told me." Jackman sneered, he seemed to have thought of a funny thing, he couldn't help laughing softly, and said: "Dark elves, those The dark elves are really, hehe..."

"Okay, Jackman, I promise you, I won't take action against Denise." Claude thought of the magical effect of the legendary Fountain of Life, and his heart burst into flames, and he finally couldn't help nodding his head.

"That's good." Jackman was not surprised by Claude's reaction, he continued, "Besides, we have to deceive Denise to the underground world so that she can keep her most intact. The soul, unconsciously, becomes the nourishment of the fountain of life."

"So, what should we do?" Claude asked.

"Secretly reveal it to Denise's spy, pretend to have leaked it out unintentionally, let her know the so-called truth of the matter, and then find us, and join us in the underground world to find the fountain of life, after all, the fountain of life is good for healing Injuries do wonders."

Jackman tapped his forehead lightly with his fingers and said, "Claude, your brother, Denise's father, has not been seriously ill? If Denise knew the Fountain of Life, she must be won't miss it."

"I have communicated with Eve, the night mother of the dark elves."

Jackman said with a smile.

"That's good." Claude was silent for a moment, then he laughed too.

Maureen noticed something was wrong recently.

It's quiet, even a little quiet, and there's something wrong with the calm.

He originally thought that after the initial sneak attack, Cloud would retaliate more fiercely and send more powerful wizards to attack Denise, but it has been calm recently, as if nothing happened. Same.

Even Maureen felt it, and Denise, who was the client, naturally felt it more deeply.

Maureen chatted with her several times, and could feel the doubts and tensions in Denise.

A few days later, Denise suddenly ran over and found Maureen.

"Wizard Richard, Wizard Richard!" Denise panted, but her face was filled with joy that could not be concealed, and said, "I found out, I found out what Claude and the others were doing."

"They are planning to go to the underground world recently, trade with the dark elves, and use the fountain of life of the dark elves by helping the dark elves complete their tasks. They have been doing this kind of thing, so they don't have the heart to put their minds on me. ."

"It is said that the Fountain of Life has various strange functions, and it is easy for people who are seriously ill and dying to recover from their injuries."

"If you get the fountain of life, then your father's will be healed, and he will be able to recover."

Denise kept talking, her whole body was very excited and her voice was shaking.

"Denise, is the news reliable?" Maureen asked a key question.

"Reliable, because this news was passed to me by Claude's chess pieces for many years in my arrangement. It can't be wrong, and there will never be a problem."

Denise's voice sounded confident.


"If that's the case...that's fine."

Maureen touched his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly.

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