Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 143 Invitation

Denise takes the news of the Fountain of Life very seriously.

She has been busy recently, with a look of anxiety and worry on her face, and Maureen could feel the uneasy feeling in her heart.

A few days later, Denise found Maureen again.

"Wizard Richard." Denise took a deep breath, with a hint of obvious joy on her face, and said, "Yes, my uncles, they finally agreed to let me go with them."

"As long as I go underground with them and complete the transaction with the dark elves, then I can also use the fountain of life."

Denise laughed and said, "I can bring back a little fountain of life, so that my father's injury can slowly recover."

"Really?" Maureen was stunned, and then slowly put a silver hard-shell book back on the shelf. He smiled and said, "Congratulations, Denise."

He knew that although Denise said it very easily, she must have paid a very important thing in exchange for Claude and the others to agree.

Claude agreed, I am afraid that Denise's power in the Othelloba family has been greatly reduced.

Denise brushed the soft hair around her earlobe with her hand. She looked at Maureen as if thinking of something, and said, "By the way, Wizard Richard, Claude and the others are going to see my father, and at the same time simply After all, I have to leave for a while, so I always have to tell my father the reason."

"Wizard Richard, come with me."

Denise said.

Maureen thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Okay."

In Lawrence's room, Maureen saw the seriously ill Lawrence again.

At this time, Lawrence looked extremely poor. His hair was dry and weak, the skin on his body was tightly adhered to the bones, his eyes were dim, and his eyes were dull, making him look like a skeleton in human skin.

If it wasn't for the occasional movement of Lawrence's eyes, some people would even think that Lawrence in front of him was already dead.

Claude was beside Lawrence, leaning down and talking to Lawrence, while Jackman was shrouded in a black robe, quietly looking at the mountains in the distant twilight.

"Father!" Denise ran over quickly, she stretched out her hand and kept rubbing Lawrence's face.

"Denise, my daughter." Lawrence turned his head slightly, looked at Denise, and said, "Is what Claude said true, you want to go to the underground world with him?"

"Yes father, I'm going to the underground world." Denise's eyes were slightly red.

Her voice was very firm, and she said, "I will definitely bring back the fountain of life to heal your injury, father."

Lawrence's lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but his expression darkened, he sighed, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked Denise's hair.

Lawrence is obviously very concerned about Denise and Claude going to the underground world this time, and is constantly instructing something.

From there, there was a whisper from time to time.

Maureen stood beside him. He looked at Jackman with an impatient look on his face, then turned his head and lowered his eyelids slightly.

Finally, after a while, Denise and the others walked out of Lawrence's room and walked towards their own rooms.

"Wizard Richard, can you do me a favor?"

Denise suddenly turned her head. She looked at Maureen, her eyes sparkling, and said, "I want you to go to the underground world with me and do the quests related to dark elves with me."

"This request exceeds our original cooperation content, so I can attach some additional conditions as your compensation to Wizard Richard."

"Wizard Richard, if you complete the mission with us, you can use the Fountain of Life. You must know that using the Fountain of Life has a strong auxiliary effect on the wizard."

"in addition,

Wizard Richard, don't you want to browse the secret vault in our Othelloba family? As you said, you are very interested in the various materials handed down by our family. "

"If you agree to go with me, then, Wizard Richard, I promise you that I can let you go to our secret vault to read various materials."

Denise said, her eyes bright and blinking slightly.

Maureen's eyes turned slightly, thinking about Denise's words.

Go to the underworld with Denise, complete drow quests, and use the Fountain of Life?

"Okay, okay, Denise, I can go with you." Maureen nodded gently.

He is also very curious about the legendary Fountain of Life. If he goes to complete the mission with Denise and the others this time, he will be able to see the legendary Fountain of Life and experience the effects of using the Fountain of Life.

Moreover, Denise's conditions also made Mo Lin quite tempted. After all, he wanted to read various materials in the secret library of the long-established wizard family, so there were not many such opportunities.

Denise was very happy when she got the answer she wanted. She expressed her gratitude to Morin by performing a wizard etiquette to Morin.

For the next period of time, Maureen was reading various materials in the secret vault of the Othelloba family.

There is a lot of information in the secret library, covering various aspects and categories. It was recorded by many ancestors in the Othelloba family. In those materials, there are also various notes and information, which are their summaries and experiences. , very complicated.

If it is very difficult for other people to understand these data, if nothing else, just a simple arrangement of these data is enough to cause headaches.

But for Maureen, it was very simple.

"Chip, how's it going?" Mo Lin put down the yellowed sheepskin roll in his hand and gently rubbed his eyebrows.

"Ding! The data has been recorded!"

"The material has been placed in a subfolder and has been stored in the database!"

Mo Lin listened to the voice of the chip, thought for a while, and asked again, "Chip, how much data has been recorded in the past few days?"


"Included data, 13524 copies!"

"The data involves categories: 87!"

"New subfolders: 156!"

The chip quickly gave a reply. In front of Mo Lin, there was even an undulating blue data graph to clearly indicate the changes in Mo Lin's data.

Such changes have formed an undulating curve, which is very detailed, and even records how many materials were collected at what time.

"Very good." Maureen nodded slightly.

After reading a lot of information, the database of the chip has been enriched, and at the same time, it has also enhanced Maureen's knowledge reserve and knowledge.

If you count the Fountain of Life and the various materials that Denise promised him, in the Othelloba family, Morin can really be said to have gained a lot.

Maureen smiled, and he returned to his room.

When he was about to perform calculations on a stack of witchcraft papers to conjecture a certain witchcraft structure, suddenly, on his arm, a witchcraft brand emitted a faint gray light.

With a bang, the entire witchcraft paper made a slight cracking sound, and instantly, it became countless black ashes on the table.

Maureen frowned.

He looked at the witchcraft brand and found that the witchcraft brand belonged to Claire. At this time, Claire was sending him a message.

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