Soon, Maureen had finished reading Claire's witchcraft message.

"Aaron has woken up and wants to see me..." Maureen thought about the information contained in the witchcraft brand.

Of course, this is just the most important information. As for the other messages from Claire, such as thanking Mo Lin for refining the medicine, Mo Lin simply swept it away, and did not take those things to heart at all.

Without hesitation, Maureen turned around and walked towards the outside of Conta Manor.

"I'm going out." He called the housekeeper and said lightly.

"Okay, esteemed wizard Richard, no problem, no problem at all."

The butler was stunned, then nodded quickly.

Immediately, the housekeeper called a carriage, and Maureen sat in the carriage, heading towards the manor where Claire and the others were.

Now that Claude is dead, with Denise in charge of the overall situation, Maureen wants to go out, so there is no need to hide it.

The dim sunlight fell, and everything around was plated with a layer of blurred gold, like an ancient mottled oil painting.

The sound of the carriage sounded, and Mo Lin looked at the scenery outside the carriage, and the night wind blew over, blowing his black hair dyed like pine smoke.

Maureen's eyes narrowed slightly.

In that manor, Maureen met again Claire and the previous illusion wizards, and of course, Aaron.

But they are not in the basement, but in the hall of the manor.

"Mauren." Aaron smiled at Morin, his face was slightly pale, his breath fluctuated, and he looked weak.

"Thank you for saving me."

Aaron thanked Maureen.

"It's nothing." Maureen shook his head, his eyes fell on Aaron, and said, "Aaron, have you become a liquefaction wizard?"

"Well, it's just a bit of a coincidence."

Aaron nodded, without any intention of concealing it, he smiled and said, "Also, Maureen, you have also become an illusion wizard, haven't you?"

In fact, Aaron also knew that Maureen was able to become an illusion wizard in such a short period of time, and he had extremely high attainments in pharmacy. Having obtained the bloodline of the Hemando Lava Serpent, he naturally knows how taboo it is to ask other people's secrets.

Maureen also smiled, and he and Aaron walked out the door and walked around the manor, talking about the past.

Aaron said that things in the past were so far away, as if it was another person, something from a previous life. He talked about the various encounters in the dark forest, and his voice was flat, but Maureen could still hear the hugeness contained in it. Desolate and sad.

At the same time, Aaron also said that after he became a Hemando Lava Serpent Warlock, he waited quietly near the dark forest, and took the opportunity to kill his mentor and Rheas.

"In the dark forest, Reyas and I are the same mentor. Reyas often laughs at me and bullies me." Aaron's voice was calm.


Mo Lin was stunned for a while, and then remembered that this Reias was a wizard seed with high-level wizard qualifications on the ship when they were forcibly brought to the ship by Evans and sent to the dark forest.

At that time, Rheas also possessed a magical item, coupled with his high-level wizard qualifications, so he had a high status among the many wizard seeds, and he was considered a leader-level figure.

Of course, for the current Maureen and Aaron, everything in the past has passed. The so-called Reias, in their opinion, is just an ant, which can be easily pinched to death.

After all, before they knew it, they had all become wizards.

Aaron said a lot.

But he never talked about Ellena, about the girl who broke his heart.

Maureen touched his nose, but naturally he didn't ask any further questions.

"I'm leaving." Aaron suddenly turned his head and said, "Mauren, I'm leaving the Parsis subcontinent and heading to the wizarding continent.


"Go to the Wizarding Land?"

Maureen frowned.

"Yes, I have to go back to the hand of Gintama and do something very important." Aaron seemed to have thought of something, and the look on his face suddenly sank, becoming a little ugly.

"Mr. Maureen, His Majesty Aaron will return to the hand of Gintama to accept the assessment of his identity as the son of Gintama. Moreover, the year-round selection of the Lord of Gintama is only a few decades away, so..." Claire was talking next to her.

However, he quickly reacted, with an embarrassed expression on his face, closed his mouth, and remained silent.

"Mo Lin, I believe that I will meet you in the wizarding continent." Aaron looked at Mo Lin quietly.

"Goodbye to the Wizarding Land."

he said.

Maureen nodded and said, "Goodbye to the Wizarding Land."

Aaron took Claire and the others away. Obviously, they were ready to leave, but Aaron just wanted to stay and see Maureen again.

Morin had a mahogany box in his hand, which contained all kinds of witchcraft books of the Hand of Gintama, as well as experimental ideas and various data, etc. This was a gift from Aaron to Morin.

Looking at the mahogany box, Mo Lin looked at Aaron and the others who had disappeared, and exhaled softly, the expression on his face was a little confused.

He didn't have many friends, and now, another friend has left.

A faint blue gleam flashed in Maureen's eyes, scanning all kinds of knowledge in the mahogany box.

"Chip, how's it going?" Maureen asked.

"Ding! The mission is over!"

"Data collection has ended!"

"All materials have been put into the database!"

The sound of the chip quickly rang out.

"Very good." Maureen nodded.

Then his mind moved slightly, and the black and red purgatory fire was born in the void, burning the mahogany box and the books inside it.

Maureen turned around and walked towards Conta Manor, while sorting out the various newly recorded materials in his mind.

The current database of the chip can be said to be very rich, but the Hand of Gintama is a wizarding organization from the wizarding continent, and the wizardry knowledge in it is very novel.

Maureen returned to Conta Manor. He had no interest in the internal affairs of Denise and the Othelloba wizarding family. For the next few days, he spent the next few days hanging out in the nearby cities.

There are several large-scale businesses in the nearby cities, and Maureen bought some valuable or rather novel things in these businesses. At the same time, he also attended the wizarding gathering in the nearby wizarding gathering place.

However, Mo Lin was not satisfied with the so-called wizarding gathering. After passing through the dark forest and the wizarding college alliance, Mo Lin's vision and knowledge have reached a very high level, far from being comparable to ordinary wandering wizards and small wizard families. .

On this day, Maureen found Denise.

"Danis, I'm leaving." Maureen said straight to the point.

"Leave... Wizard Richard, are you going back to Emilia, to the League of Wizards Colleges?"

Denise was stunned for a while, then immediately understood what Maureen meant.

Maureen didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Denise stayed for a while. She subconsciously wanted to speak to keep Mo Lin, but she didn't know how to speak. After all, Mo Lin only promised to protect her in her family for a while. As a result, Mo Lin not only protected her, He also followed her to the underground world, and finally saved her life.

Now that Claude is dead, and the entire Othelloba wizard family is about to be integrated by her, there is really no need for Morin to stay.

"Well then, Wizard Richard, thank you for coming to the Othelloba Wizard Family." Denise looked at Maureen and said sincerely, "Thank you for your help."

"It's nothing, it's a deal between us."

Maureen twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled.

Denise held a grand dinner for Mo Lin, and asked the entire Othelloba family to accompany him to bid farewell to Mo Lin, which seemed grand and grand.

The next day, Maureen left Konta Manor and began to return to Emilia in the eyes of Denise and the others.

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