Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 160 Sweet Water Town

Greenlando is a tavern in Sweetwater.

Although the pub in Greenlando is very shabby, it is very lively inside. People come and go. The mercenaries are shouting and making rough voices. The scantily clad maids walk around, and are occasionally wiped by the mercenaries. So he made an exaggerated scream on purpose.

This is Sweetwater Town, a small town on the border of the Mayan Principality. It is the same as the tavern Greenlando. It is ordinary, ordinary, and inconspicuous, but it is extremely warm, which makes people seem to be burning.

"An ordinary day again..." Jerry wiped his glass with a towel, thinking bored.

He is the owner of Greenland, has been running Greenland for decades, and has a good reputation in Sweetwater.

Although the scene in the tavern in front of him was warm, it was normal for him. After all, Sweetwater Town was a border city of the Principality. There would always be countless people who would come with enthusiasm, go through hardships, and then leave, or gain huge rewards. Wealth becomes the object of envy in the eyes of others, and then attracts others to come again.

Everything seems to be a cycle.

Until then, with a creak, the door of the tavern was opened, and a young man with a rare black hair shrouded in black robes walked in slowly.

Maureen put down his hood and looked at the arrangement in the tavern, a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

As for the tavern in front of him, he had heard a lot on the way, but this time he finally saw it. Of course, Maureen didn't come to the tavern for a special purpose. He also Not so casual.

"This is still a gathering point for wizards, a place where wizards communicate secretly..." Maureen sat down on a chair, his eyes wandered around, and his fingers tapped lightly on the seat.

This time, Mo Lin came here because he wanted to participate in the wizard exchange event held in Sweetwater Town.

After leaving Kangta Manor, Mo Lin did not return directly according to the original route, but let the chip map re-plan a route out.

There are quite a few wizard gathering places on this route, and the arrangement is reasonable, Mo Lin can go to each wizard gathering place as soon as possible.

Maureen didn't know much about other wizarding organizations and wizarding gathering places outside the Emilia Wizarding Academy Alliance. Now, at this opportunity, of course he wanted to have a look on his own.

"According to what I have observed, other wizarding organizations are not comparable to the Wizarding Academy Alliance..."

"It's no wonder that the Wizarding College Alliance almost represents the white wizards in the entire West. The reason is very simple. The gap between other wizarding organizations and the Wizarding College Alliance is simply too great."

Maureen came to such a conclusion in his heart based on what he had seen and heard.

He walked to the counter and said to Jerry, "Take me to the place where the magic tide is flowing."

Maureen spoke in code.

Jerry was very curious about Maureen's strange guest, but he was very displeased with Maureen's bland tone. He frowned and just wanted to shake his head to refuse.

But suddenly, Jerry looked at Mo Lin's eyes as deep as the night sky, and for some reason, his body froze.

He didn't say anything, turned around, and walked towards the back with Maureen.

After turning a few corners and walking into the warehouse, Jerry walked towards a wall. Soon, his body disappeared into the wall. Maureen did not show any surprise and followed Jerry quietly. behind.

Behind the wall is a passage, which is elegantly furnished, with pine lamps glowing dimly, and huge oil paintings hanging on both sides. Everything looks very classical.

Jerry took Maureen to the door of a hall and stood still.

"Welcome, young wizard." A short wizard with a baby face slowly emerged from the door. He was wearing brightly colored clothes that matched his height and appearance, giving people a funny look. Feel.

But as long as it's a wizard, you can't laugh, because this funny-looking wizard,

It is a liquefaction wizard!

After a brief conversation with the wizard, Maureen was about to enter the hall to trade.

"Okay, you go down," said the baby-faced wizard to Jerry.

Without much hesitation, Jerry turned around, walked towards the road he came from, and left soon after.

If you look closely, you will find that Jerry, who has been in Greenlando for decades and has a certain reputation, is an alchemy puppet.

There was no surprise on Maureen's face. He had mirrored pupils. Although Jerry made it very beautifully, it can be said that it was lifelike, but he could not hide it from him.

"Just a puppet, made you laugh." The baby-faced wizard looked shy, as if embarrassed.

"You're welcome, this wizard, your method of making alchemy puppets is very unique and powerful."

Maureen smiled.

After talking with the baby-faced wizard for a while, he entered the hall and began to communicate with other wizards.

Two days later, Maureen left the Greenlander Tavern and also left Sweetwater.

He drove the carriage and walked slowly on the road.

In the past two days, Mo Lin has gained a lot, and one of the biggest gains is to get the method of refining the alchemy puppet from the baby-faced wizard.

Of course, in exchange, Maureen also paid a price.

"In this way, I can not only repair Edward, but also improve his performance a little..." Mo Lin touched his chin, thinking this way, and couldn't help but smile.

There were several snatchers blocking the road ahead, and they shouted, asking Mo Lin to take out all the gold coins, or kill Mo Lin.

For such robbers, Maureen didn't bother to look at them at all. He waved his hand at will, and the sharp wind arrows emanated from his fingers, piercing the robbers' bodies, and then killing them.

Zero-level witchcraft, undead wind arrow.

Along the way, Mo Lin encountered a lot of things. He went to a business to sell medicines and buy materials. He also encountered high-energy creatures. He even encountered many attacks by wizards. In comparison, these ordinary Mortal robbers are like bugs.

After passing through the densest gathering of wizards, there were not many gatherings of wizards ahead. Maureen walked all the way, and finally, three days later, he returned to Emiliari.

Da da da.

The sound of hooves sounded, and Maureen drove the carriage to his villa, and then he jumped out of the carriage.

"Master...Master." The servants in charge of cleaning were taken aback for a moment. They looked at Mo Lin with surprise and disbelief in their eyes.

Soon, everyone knew that Mo Lin was back, and immediately everyone came out to greet Mo Lin and started to get busy.

Maureen had breakfast, took another bath, and then lay on the bed and slept comfortably.

When he woke up, it was already the second day.

"Master, this is the specific situation of the villa's expenditure during the period of time you left." Ike stood beside Mo Lin with a worried look on his face, and said: "We have been spending all the time, and there are not many gold coins anymore. If you don't increase your income, then, master, you're going bankrupt."

While listening, Maureen nodded indifferently.

The so-called bankruptcy does not exist for wizards. Gold coins are like stones on the side of the road for wizards. As long as wizards are willing, they can easily get them.

Maureen stayed in the villa for a few days, then left the villa and went to the Wizarding Academy Alliance.

"Wizard Richard."

"Wizard Richard."

Although Mo Lin left for a while, the wizards in the academy alliance obviously did not forget him. They greeted Mo Lin, no matter what they thought in their hearts, but there were kind smiles on their faces.

Maureen went to Albert's office, and after knocking on the door, he walked in directly.

"Richard, you've been gone long enough."

Albert was holding a glass test tube in his hand, and was gently shaking the green medicinal liquid in the test tube. When he saw Maureen, his heart trembled, and the green medicinal liquid in the glass time immediately exploded with a loud bang. A cloud of smoke rose up.

Albert sighed, he looked at Maureen, put down the glass test tube in his hand, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

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