Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 150 Mirage of the Void

Mirage of the Void.

According to legend, the Mirage of the Void wanders in the depths of the void of the endless world, a strange creature wandering on the edge of the world and dimension space.

It is a twisted shadow, without a fixed form, that feeds on the energy escaping from many worlds.

The Mirage of the Void roams in the void. To a certain extent, the endless void is its home. It is the child of the void and has an almost instinctive control over the void.

Son of the Void.

According to the records of Gregorian data, once, someone became a powerful fourth-level true-meaning wizard, successfully opened the door of dimension, and wanted to cross the void and explore in other planes, but when their spirit The force formed a projection, and when it was about to be projected to other worlds, it was swallowed by the passing mirage of the void.

Many true-meaning wizards were seriously injured as a result, and even many true-meaning wizards died on the spot.

Not only the fourth-level true meaning wizard, but also the fifth-level spirit ring wizard, when crossing the void, he was attacked by the mirage of the void and was severely injured, and he had to fall into a long sleep. injury.

The Mirage of the Void, known as the Son of the Void, is a fifth-level pinnacle witchcraft creature wandering in the Void world.

No one thought that the holy beast that the dark elves wanted to summon turned out to be so powerful that many wizards were extremely fearful, and became a powerful creature that many wizards' nightmares, the Mirage of the Void.

However, it is obvious that the dark elves cannot directly summon the real Mirage of the Void. They just use the heart of the Mirage of the Void to turn out the blood essence, which will attract the projection of the Mirage of the Void, and then get the power of the Mirage of the Void.

Mo Lin looked at the Mirage of the Void in front of him and exhaled slowly.

Others were terrified of the Mirage of the Void, but for Maureen, his heart was extremely fiery and restless.

The reason is very simple. He is on the path of the ancient wizard, and if the ancient wizard wants to be promoted, he must devour other powerful creatures and alien energy. Therefore, the Mirage of the Void that appears in front of him is not a disaster for Morin. But a rare opportunity.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, the dark elves actually got the heart of a mirage of the void."

"It's no wonder that Eve did not hesitate to fight against many wizard organizations. It turns out that the reason is this, and yes, with this heart, after gaining the power of the Mirage of the Void, the dark elves want to become the masters of the underground world, and even the whole It is very possible for human wizards to fight against each other."

"But now I'm here."

"If I swallow the heart of the Void Mirage in front of me, then I will have the capital to lead to a second-level wizard..."

Maureen calmed the restlessness in his heart, he slowly pulled on his hood, then looked forward and smiled.

Behind him, in the Minai Totem, the scarlet pupil of the Pancora snake looming.


"Void Mirage! Eve, you, you dark elves have got the Void Mirage's heart!"

Jackman yelled, a look of disbelief and fear on his face.

"Haha, Jackman, you are really stupid to say such a thing." Eve wore a gorgeous robe, making her look graceful and charming, she smiled coldly, and said: "The Mirage of the Void It was originally the sacred beast of our dark elves, and we have been sacrificing for it, and even the heart of this mirage of the void was calculated through the divination information obtained after the sacrificial sacrifice."

"Speaking carefully, I still have to thank you, Jackman, if it wasn't for you being clever and recruiting so many human wizards, this time, our plan might not be successful. You know, the sacrifice we originally expected. , it's just you and Claude."

"I'm also worried that only you are the sacrifices, which may not be enough, but with such a human wizard, it will not be bad."

"Now, everything is ready, with Denise's spiritual blood and so many of you wizards as sacrifices,

And Freya, who is about to be resurrected, is the carrier of the power of the holy beast, and everything will be fine. "

"We dark elves finally have our own future."

Eve murmured softly and slowly stretched out her hands, looking crazy and pious.

"Mad!" Jackman couldn't help but scolded.

Eve's eyes narrowed, and a low sorcery spell was uttered in her mouth. Immediately, the translucent mask suddenly emitted a bright light, making the entire cave dazzling.


"Ah, ah help... ah!"

Jackman and Cloud shouted, and their voices were quickly drowned out by the light and disappeared.

When the light on the mask slowly calmed down, Jackman and Claude's bodies shattered, and blood kept flowing out from under their bodies. They were seriously injured and were not far from death.

Eve stretched out her hand, and a thick black light came out from her finger, pierced Jackman's head and killed Jackman.

"No...don't...I'm a member of the Othelloba wizard family...I can...can give you all kinds of materials...all kinds of resources..." Claude saw this scene, his body trembled, and his mouth twitched. He coughed up blood, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

But Eve didn't stop at all, raised her finger again, and killed Claude with witchcraft.

Turning her head, Eve looked around.

The dark elves around were constantly bursting with thick black light spots, and the aura on their bodies was constantly attenuating, but these dark elves seemed to have not noticed their own changes, still chanting witchcraft incantations, There was a look of enthusiasm and excitement on his face.

Eve was silent.

These seemingly ordinary black light spots are actually the life essence of dark elves, their lifespan and essence. After losing these black light spots, these dark elves will die soon.

"Everyone's efforts are rewarded..." Eve turned her head and looked at the purple heart floating in the air.

Using many human wizards as sacrifices, absorbing the pure liquid of the Fountain of Life, and the blood of Denise as the beginning of the sacrifice, after adding the huge magic circle sacrificed by many dark elves, The purple heart has changed into another look.

It has become incomparably huge, and it looks like four or five meters. A huge shadow appears behind it. This is the phantom of the Mirage of the Void, and the power of the Mirage of the Void is gradually revealing.

Freya floated below the purple heart, as if she fell into a deep sleep, strands of purple light fell from the purple heart and fell on Freya, making Freya seem mysterious and unusual. .

"Okay, the preparations are almost ready. Next, it is the most critical time."

Eve muttered to herself.

"Alga!" Eve suddenly shouted.

"Night Mother!"

Alja came over, he raised his head, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"Next, I will do my best to carry out this sacrifice, so that the power of the holy beast will be revealed and absorbed by Freya."

"During this period, everything here is left to you, don't let me down."

Eve looked at Alja quietly.

Alga didn't speak, but his firm eyes showed how firm his heart was at the moment.

Eve nodded, and she began to release the magician energy in her body. Suddenly, the entire magic circle emitted a dazzling purple light, causing the air in the underground cave to tremble and blur.

"Alga, go kill Denise and release all the blood from her body." Eve glanced at Denise.

Arga nodded, holding the cross sword, and was about to kill Denise.


At this time, a small cracking sound suddenly came, as if a mirror had shattered.

Arja was stunned, and before she could figure out what was going on, the magic circle that was defending all around burst apart at once.

An incomparably huge black snake rushed out, and countless black and red flames burned around the giant snake, making the giant snake seem to be a black and red sun snake ball.

As soon as it appeared, the black giant snake opened its scarlet eyes, swam in the void, and charged towards the purple heart.

"damn it!"

Arja was extremely horrified. He didn't know where this giant snake came from, but he knew that this strange and powerful giant snake was very terrifying. If it was allowed to get close to the heart of the holy beast, it would definitely be in great trouble.

Arja rushed forward and used his life to stop the black giant snake, but just as he took a step, endless black and red flames were born from the void, burning inside and outside his body.

He only had time to let out a scream before being burned to ashes by those black-red flames.


As soon as Eve was hit by the body of the black giant snake, it was thrown away like a broken sack.

She kept coughing, barely supporting herself to sit up.

Looking forward, Eve immediately saw a scene that terrified her.

The giant black snake wants to swallow the heart of the holy beast!

"Do not!!!"

Eve shouted piercingly.

But the black giant snake didn't mean to stop at all. It opened its big mouth, let out a huge neigh, and swallowed the purple heart in the void, as if it was about to swallow the heart of the mirage of the void. Previous ChapterBack to ContentsNext Chapter

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