Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 151 Mirage of the Void (2)

There was a burning look in Maureen's eyes.

He incarnated into the huge Pancora scarlet snake phantom. When Eve exhausted his strength to strengthen the sacrificial magic circle, he broke through the defensive barrier and rushed into the underground cave.

The phantom of the Pancora snake opened its big mouth, and the dark energy particles surged, forming a lingering black mist on the head of the giant snake, and rushed forward with the Pancora giant snake.

Just when Mo Lin was about to swallow the purple heart, suddenly, the surrounding void trembled slightly, the purple heart trembled, and waves of unseen fluctuations appeared on the surface, making the entire void blurred. stand up.

This is the power belonging to the Mirage of the Void, and it is performing automatic protection.


Below the purple heart, Freya, who was motionless, suddenly moved, and her tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing a pair of pupils that glowed purple.

"Amonro Sikel..." Freya looked blank, but she spit out strange syllables from her mouth. This is a rare spell casting spell that belongs to the category of secret laws. Generally speaking, using this kind of The sorcery released by the casting spell is very powerful.

A streak of rich purple light rushed out of Freya's body, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The black giant snake phantom had a flat head, and its expression could not be seen clearly. Facing the counterattack from the purple heart and Freya, the scarlet eyes on its head shimmered, and then it looked down.

The lasing purple trembled, turned into a purple crystal, then fell to the ground, and exploded with a bang.

The trembling void returned to normal, and the vibrating purple heart formed a layer of purple crystal on the surface, as if it was sealed.

Mirror pupil.

When the purple crystal solidified, Mo Lin was already in front of the purple heart, and the giant snake phantom he transformed into opened his mouth like an endless black abyss.

Then the giant black snake swallowed the purple heart in one bite.


There was a loud swallowing sound in the air, and Eve could even see that the throat of the black giant bulged slightly, and then slowly calmed down.

That purple heart, the heart of the Mirage of the Void, was swallowed by Morin.


Eve let out a shrill cry.

boom! ! !

After the purple heart was devoured by Mo Lin, the surroundings were quiet for a while, and then the entire sacrificial magic circle immediately collapsed, and the violent wizard energy scurried in the air, wantonly destroying everything in the underground cave.

The entire underground cave seemed to be shaken by the earth, then the magic circle collapsed, and the dark elves who were seriously injured in an instant were seriously injured by the rolling boulders around them, and there were even many dark elves. In this way, he was directly crushed to death.

The underground cave was already chaotic, boulders rolled down, dust filled the air, and the screams of many dark elves kept coming.

Maureen turned into a human form, fell from the air, and slowly landed on the ground.

He only felt a little discomfort in his body, but his whole body was full of strength.

Touching his throat, Maureen knew that it was just that he had just swallowed the Void Mirage's heart, so he was a little uncomfortable. After he digested it, everything would be fine.

"You, you... it's you, Maureen, Maureen Olsen." Freya woke up at some point. She was propping herself up in the coffin, her face was white and her breathing was weak, but at this moment she looked at Mo Lin's eyes were full of hatred.

"Yes, it's me, I'm Maureen."

Maureen smiled and said, "It looks like you really remember me, Freya."

He slowly walked towards Freya.

"Freya, last time, I killed you in the secret realm. This time, your dark elves' plan failed because of me, but you were resurrected. It was an accident."


Freya, just die again. "

Maureen's mouth twitched.

When Freya was slightly stunned, and then a panic expression appeared on her face, Maureen snapped her fingers lightly.

A pale white sharp claw appeared from the void, pierced directly through Freya's chest, and grabbed Freya.

-----This is the gorgeous dividing line--

Friends please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is the gorgeous dividing line---

transparent back.

Freya looked at the blood dripping hands that stretched out from her chest, her face was pale, her lips moved slightly, she wanted to say something, but she didn't say a word.

Maureen took a look at Freya, who had fallen heavily in the coffin, and used a dark eclipse fireball to burn Freya into pieces before she felt relieved.

In this way, no matter what, Freya cannot be resurrected.

Looking around, everything has changed a lot, and the underground cave just now has become two completely different appearances.

Maureen didn't hesitate much. He found Edward and put it away. Then he rushed forward, took out the container, and filled the pool with many fountains of life at the fastest speed. In the cave, he left with the unconscious Freya.

"There's a lot of movement here, I'd better do it earlier." Mo Lin's heart moved, and he already noticed.

However, just as Mo Lin was leaving, he suddenly found a familiar figure in the passage of the cave.

It's Jackman.

However, at this time, Jackman's condition was very bad, his clothes were tattered, and he was hunched over, leaning on the stone wall and walking forward. From time to time, Jackman was panting and coughing once or twice.

"Ah, it's you, Wizard Richard, you..." Jackman found Maureen, and just wanted to say something, but found that several witches attacked.


The dark eclipse fireball exploded suddenly, sending Jackman flying out.

"Cough, Richard, you, you..." Jackman's chest heaved violently, and he kept coughing up blood.


Maureen didn't want to say more. As soon as he thought about it, a huge pale claw appeared in front of Jackman and grabbed Jackman fiercely.

"No, Richard, Wizard Richard, our Dark Wizarding Union has a oath with that lord, Richard, you can't kill me, if you kill, then you offend that lord, uh, Richard... You..." Jackman tried to explain something in a hurry, but it didn't work at all.

After Maureen directly released Pale, he killed Jackman.

After killing Jackman, Maureen wanted to leave, but suddenly, he found that something was wrong with Jackman's body.

There was an indescribable energy hidden in Jackman's body, which Maureen was familiar with, but also unfamiliar with. It was specious.

Maureen thought for a while, sent out a perception, and carefully searched for Jackman's body.

A dark red light group suddenly rushed out of Jackman's body, and wanted to rush to Mo Lin to erode Mo Lin, but was stopped by Mo Lin.

A mass of dark energy particles that kept beating like arrogance appeared in Maureen's hand, wrapping the dark red light group.

Feeling the body's growing desire and expectation, Mo Lin squinted his eyes and slowly put the dark red light on his palm.

Almost instantly, the dark red light group disappeared into Mo Lin's body, and immediately disappeared.

"This is... ah..."

Maureen raised his head slightly and let out a satisfied sigh.

At this moment, his soul trembled, as if he was extremely satisfied.

After a while, the obsession in Maureen's eyes slowly faded.

"Just now, what was that thing?"

"What a pure purgatory world power..."

"I feel restless, and the blood in my body keeps boiling..."

Mo Lin thought about his state just now, and the extreme joy and satisfaction that came from his body after swallowing the dark red energy, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought of something.

He recovered quickly, and after looking around, Maureen did not hesitate much, and walked out of the underground cave with the unconscious Denis.

A dark elf found him along the way, shouted, and wanted to rush up to stop him, but to no avail, Maureen shot, used witchcraft, and killed them.

Soon, Maureen took Denise away from the dark elves' quarters.

At this time, it was already the night of the underground world, and the surroundings were dim, and Maureen and Denise gradually disappeared in the dim night around him. Previous ChapterBack to ContentsNext Chapter

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