Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 170 Water Moon

The wizards around him slowly gathered around.

They looked at the corpse of the high-energy creature on the ground, and looked at Maureen who was sitting quietly beside him, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Okay, it's okay, everyone go back to rest." Tangke stood up and shouted loudly towards the wizard apprentices.

The expressions on the faces of the wizard apprentices were very strange, but after seeing Cass, who had fallen to the ground in fright, with a look of panic on his face, they slowly dispersed.

After all, no one is an idiot.

On the next journey, Cass and the others did not dare to appear in front of Mo Lin at all. Black Snake's apprentices, when they saw Mo Lin, all looked panicked and did not dare to come over.

Joanna and Maureen were walking on the road, and the wind blew the white robe on her body. There was a small green leaf logo on the white robe, which represented the green leaves and green rings.

The breath on Joanna's body was faint, and there was an ethereal feeling. Her breath was strong and natural, much stronger than before.

She has been successfully promoted to full sorcerer.

"Wizard Richard, what do you want to do when you go to Shuiyue Ice Lake?" Joanna thought for a while and asked.

"I'm going to look for Blue Dream Flower."

Maureen said lightly.

There was a blank look on Joanna's face, obviously she didn't know anything about the Blue Dream Flower that Maureen said.

But it's not her fault. After all, Blue Dream Flower only found the materials in the ancient secret realm. It was only circulated in the pharmacy department of the Wizarding College Alliance. Other wizards outside did not know about this witchcraft plant at all.

Mo Lin briefly explained, saying that Blue Dream Flower is not a precious medicine, it is very common, just what Mo Lin needs.

Maureen then asked Joanna about the purpose of her visit.

"We are here for the cold fish in the Shuiyue Ice Lake." Joanna answered Mo Lin's question with a shock.

"Cold fish?"

Maureen was stunned.

"Hanyu is a unique fish in the Shuiyue Ice Lake. It has thick wizard energy particles and is a natural source of radiation. If you take Hanyu, you can improve the wizard's physique and make wizards. The mental power is tempered by the cold air and sublimated." Joanna hurriedly explained to Mo Lin.

"Although the effect of cold fish is very small for formal wizards, and after eating cold fish a few times, the gain effect will be lost, and a slightly stronger wizard will not look down on it, but it is not long for wizards who have just been promoted. For a wizard apprentice, Hanyu is still very attractive."

"So, outside, Hanyu is liked by many wizards and has a relatively high price."

"Of course, the taste of cold fish is very good, even the most demanding wizards can't pick out the slightest fault, which is why the price of cold fish is relatively high."

Joanna kept talking.

Mo Lin was stunned. I didn't expect that in Shuiyue Binghu, there is something like a cold fish. It's really unexpected. Get acquainted.

After walking for a few days again, finally, Mo Lin and the others appeared in the area where the Shuiyue Ice Lake was located.

"Is this the Shuiyue Ice Lake?" Looking at the buildings built around him, and the wizards who came and went on the street, Tangke couldn't help widening his eyes and kept looking around.

Different from the desolation of other places in the ancient secret realm, there is already a prototype of a small town here, wizards open shops on the street, and wizards are constantly coming and going, bargaining with others.

Mo Lin even saw a sign erected in front of the door. On the sign were three crooked words "Shuiyue Town" written in ancient fusiform characters.

There is already a market town here.

"The Shuiyue Ice Lake is close to several nearby avenues, and the transportation is convenient. Moreover, the magical creatures here are very weak, relatively few, and relatively peaceful. Therefore, people from other wizarding organizations and wandering wizards are here to trade."

-----This is the gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is the gorgeous dividing line---

"It's only been so long. I didn't expect that a small town would soon be formed."

Joanna sighed softly beside her. She is the deputy director of Biye Qinghuan. She has a lot of things to do, and she always contacts a lot of people. Therefore, she is quite touched by what happened in Shuiyuebing Lake.

Maureen and Joanna entered a hotel in Shuiyue Town and began to perch.

Cass was not with Mo Lin and the others. He had been hiding from Mo Lin for a while. When he first entered Shuiyue Town, he hurried away with his witchcraft apprentice.

In the evening, Maureen and the others gathered together for dinner.

"Wizard Richard, I wandered around in Shuiyue Town just now and found a lot of strange witchcraft creatures!" Tangke said beside him, his eyes shining like bright stars.

Maureen simply smiled. He looked at Christine who had been looking at him with strange eyes, tilted his head, and then withdrew his gaze.

The dinner was very special. At the beginning of the dinner, the hotel clerk brought the white clay pot to the table.

Inside the jar is pure white fresh soup. When the jar was just opened, the curling heat rose up, and then slowly spread out in the void.

In the fresh soup are several crystal-like swimming fish, lifelike, as if they were still swimming in the soup.

"Ding! Found trace gain energy particles!"

The cold mechanical voice of the chip rang out in Mo Lin's mind.

Maureen looked at the cold fish soup in front of him and smiled.

After he knew that there was cold fish in the hotel, he specially ordered a cold fish soup to try it out to see what the cold fish soup was like.

Maureen picked up the spoon, scooped up the milk-like fish soup, and drank it slowly.

In an instant, a strange sweet smell spread out on the tip of Maureen's tongue.

"Really good."

Maureen nodded and laughed.

The cold fish soup does have a beneficial effect, but he is infinitely close to the liquefaction wizard. The cold fish soup has no effect or effect on him at all. It is the taste of the cold fish soup that makes Mo Lin quite unforgettable.

After dinner, Mo Lin also wandered around in Shuiyue Town. As he walked slowly, he looked at the town built in the ancient secret realm with a very interesting look on his face.

Joanna told Mo Lin before that three days later, the cold fish in Shuiyue Town will be affected by the ice energy particles and will gather together to form a school of fish in the Shuiyue Ice Lake. This is why Joanna and the others came here on purpose. s reason.

Three days later, Maureen and Joanna walked out of Shuiyue Town together.

Many wizards residing in Shuiyue Town have also set off together. Not long after they left, the wizards appeared outside the Shuiyue Ice Lake.

"Shuiyuebing Lake..." Mo Lin quietly looked at the shimmering lake in front of him, like a large mirror, with a calm expression on his face and no other expressions.

In the past few days, he has been exploring around constantly, knowing that the blue dream flower grows in the Shuiyue Ice Lake and will bloom at a certain time, and the time when the blue dream flower blooms happens to be today.

Maureen's eyes moved slightly, and then he laughed.

"The cold fish will gather to form a school of fish when the moon rises to the highest point and casts its brilliance."

"Yes, this is because the ice energy particles are the most active when the moon is at its highest, so the cold fish will gather."

The wizards around were talking quietly.

"The moon has risen!"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

Numerous wizards looked over and found that the moon cast a bright brilliance above the sky, and the mirror-like lake surface began to glow with sparkling waves. slowly gathered.

Those small swimming shadows in the Shuiyue Ice Lake are just cold fish that slowly swim and gather together.

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