The cold fish began to gather to form a school of fish.

Seeing the numerous cold fish swimming around each other gradually gathering in the Shuiyuebing Lake, the surrounding wizards couldn't help but have such a thought flashed through their hearts.

Everyone was very anxious, after all, the main purpose of their coming was for Hanyu.

However, they did not dare to act rashly, because the fish swarms of Hanyu have not yet formed completely. If they start to catch Hanyu now, they will only disturb Hanyu in an instant. Not to mention other things, the other wizards will not Let go of those who make rash moves.

Gradually, the moon rose higher and higher, and the brilliance of Yingying fell. All the cold fish gathered together into a huge fish group and became a huge fish ring.

"It's time to start!"

A wizard apprentice shouted, and immediately ran towards the Shuiyue Ice Lake. The wizard apprentice nearby was startled, and immediately rushed up.

Those wizard apprentices who rushed up wanted to forcibly fly over the lake and use witchcraft to capture the fish, but when they just flew over the lake, their expressions changed.


"Cough, cough, cough~~"

"What's going on, what's going on here!"

"It's Shuiyue Ice Lake. Now, when the moon's brilliance falls on the ice lake, and when the cold fish gather, it is also the time when the ice energy particles in the ice lake are at their most abundant and dense. Particles, we can't fly past them at all."

A wizard quickly thought of the reason, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

Mo Lin frowned slightly as he looked at the Shuiyue Ice Lake whose surface was as smooth as a mirror, but it kept emitting white smoke.

Those white smokes are the cold air emanating from Shuiyue Binghu unconsciously.

"As expected of an ice lake..."

Maureen narrowed his eyes, and a thought flashed through his mind,

At this time, four people suddenly appeared near the bank of Shuiyue Glacier Lake.

Their auras were faint, and they all had the strength of official wizards. At this time, these four official wizards were scanning many wizards with malicious eyes.

"I'm Chuck, an official wizard." The leader said his name first. His name is Chuck.

"Everyone must have seen that the Hanyu fish group is in the middle of the Shuiyue Ice Lake, and ordinary methods simply can't make it through. Therefore, if you want to catch the Hanyu, you must use a rocking boat."

"And this time, I'm here to sell the rocking boat to you."

Chuck smiled, a look of excitement and strangeness on his face.

He and his companions accidentally discovered that the boat made of yew wood can reach the center of the Shuiyue Ice Lake, and they knew from other wizards that there will be a group of cold fish in the Shuiyue Ice Lake, so they deliberately I cut down the nearby yew trees and made them into rocking boats. I took the opportunity to sell them for profit.

The other wizards looked at the small longboats next to Chuck and remained silent.

Chuck continued, saying: "My rocking boat is made of yew wood nearby, which is very convenient and can definitely be safely and securely let everyone salvage on the Shuiyue Ice Lake."

With that said, Chuck gestured to a wizard next to him, and the wizard sat on the rocking boat, rocked the boat pole, and easily reached the center of the Shuiyue Ice Lake.

"How about it."

Chuck turned his head and looked at the wizards around him, with a smile on his face, and said, "There will be no doubts now."

The eyes of the wizards looking at the boats changed involuntarily.

Just now, they had long released their perception, and they had been paying attention to the boat. Naturally, they knew that the small boat was a very common one among all small boats. It was not specially selected as a tool to deceive them and coax their magic stones.

Just, just buy this so-called boat?

The wizards around looked at each other, and their eyes were a little strange, so they were silent and did not speak.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"What a broken ship, how dare you come to sell it? Crazy isn't it?"

A tall and strong wizard in a gorgeous robe came out. He looked at Chuck and the wizards with a look of contempt and arrogance on his face.

Everyone sensed the aura on the wizard, and couldn't help but take a breath, because the wizard was an illusion wizard.

Ordinary formal wizards, no matter which wizarding organization they are in, can get a good position, but compared with the illusion wizard, it is too far behind. No matter where they are, the illusion wizard can be said to be within the wizarding organization and the wizarding family. The high-end combat power is high, the status is very high, and it is even more difficult to see outside.

Originally, it was not bad that this cold fish could attract formal wizards, but now, there has been an illusion wizard.

Now it seems that this illusion wizard will take action against these wizards who sell rocking boats.

"You..." The phantom wizard glanced at Chuck and the others, and said, "Leave the rocking boat for me, and then get out of here!"

"Let's get out? Just you? An illusion wizard?"

The corner of Chuck's mouth twitched slightly and said, "This wizard, I think you are crazy... right?"


The phantom wizard was instantly furious, the wizard energy on his body burst out, and he kept shooting towards Chuck and the others.

But the result is very regrettable, because the illusion wizard lost.

He passed out on the spot, and his life and death are unknown.

When the wizards around saw this scene, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"Hu~~" Chuck exhaled softly, and his face showed a smile that was not a smile, and said, "How is it, does anyone want to snatch the ship?"

The people still didn't speak.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

"One boat, three thousand magic stones." Chuck slowly stretched out three fingers and said, "Or three low-level magic stone cards."

"I think, you won't be reluctant to give up three thousand magic stones, right?"

The smile on Chuck's face was wicked.

Three thousand magic stones?

The wizards frowned involuntarily.

For official wizards, three thousand magic stones are nothing at all, but most of the people who come to Shuiyuebing Lake are wizard apprentices, and there are very few official wizards. For everyone, it is an unbearable number.

"Wizards haven't made a decision yet?" Chuck pointed to Shuiyue Binghu and said softly, "The shoal of Hanyu has gathered."

When everyone saw it, sure enough, the huge fish circle formed by the gathering of countless cold fish began to slowly rotate around the center of the Shuiyue Ice Lake.

The moonlight fell, and the lake surface was covered with a layer of light brilliance, and those schools of fish slowly revolved around the brilliance, giving all this an indescribable beauty.

Seeing this scene, the wizards were agitated and couldn't bear it any longer.

"I want a rocking boat!"

A wizard apprentice gritted his teeth and walked out first.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately threw a black cloth bag to Chuck.

"Of course." Chuck's eyes lit up and nodded immediately.

With the beginning of the first wizard, the next thing went much smoother. The wizards seemed to put down some psychological burden and bought rocking boats from Chuck one after another.

However, there are also some wizards who bought it. They originally wanted to catch the cold fish, but now they have become spectators.

Maureen's eyes looked forward, and a faint blue shimmer kept flashing in his eyes.

The chip is analyzing the Shuiyue Glacier Lake and the rocking boat ahead.


Suddenly, Mo Lin couldn't help but let out a small sigh.

In the Shuiyue Ice Lake in front, a blue ice flower suddenly appeared, blooming slowly under the water.

Blue ice flowers bloomed one after another, and soon, the entire Shuiyue Ice Lake was covered with blue ice flowers, and countless crystal-like swimming fish opened and closed their lips slightly, pecking and biting the blue ice flowers.

This scene is like a beautiful dream.

"It turns out that the cold fish gathered at this time to reproduce by taking the blue dream flower..." Mo Lin looked at the cold fish with the original expression on his face.

But he couldn't let these cold fish eat all the Blue Dream Flowers, you know, Blue Dream Flowers, this is the goal of Mo Lin's visit this time.

However, if you want to collect blue dream flowers, you must reach the sky above the Shuiyue Ice Lake.

The way ordinary wizards choose is to use the rocking boat, but Maureen does not.

He has the fire of purgatory on him, and the mere coldness is nothing to him at all.

Maureen's body slowly flew up.

a whistle.

A thick layer of black-red flames enveloped him, making him feel like a faint burning flame.

Mo Lin moved his body and swept forward, and soon he would fly over the Shuiyue Ice Lake.

Chuck turned his head, just in time to see this scene.

His face changed slightly.

After a glance with the other three wizards, almost instantly, they had an idea.

Swish swish!

Chuck and the others appeared in the air and surrounded Maureen.

"This wizard, if you want to catch cold fish, you must buy our rocking boat." Chuck stared at Mo Lin, his voice a little cold.

Maureen glanced at Chuck and the other wizards, and said in a calm voice, "Go away!"

"I don't know what's wrong!"

One of the wizards couldn't bear it any longer. He shouted angrily, his body glowed, and the dark red energy formed thin lines, rushing towards Mo Lin densely.

There was a piercing, piercing and tearing sound in the air, as if it was suddenly torn apart. Obviously, these dark red energy threads are very powerful.

However, what surprised the wizard was that there was nothing in front of him, and no one was there.

"You are looking for death."

Maureen's calm voice suddenly came from behind him.


The wizard was stunned for a moment, only to feel a flower in front of his eyes, and then, a fist wrapped in black-red flames slammed into his face.


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