A figure flew upside down heavily.

Bang bang bang, violent explosions came one after another. The wizard was hit by Morin's fist, and his body flashed towards the back like a cannonball, breaking many trees on the way.

At the end, the wizard's figure sank into the woods next to him and disappeared completely.

Maureen slowly retracted his fist.

He looked at Chuck and them with a cold smile on his face.

As an ancient wizard, Maureen is not comparable to ordinary wizards in terms of physical fitness or wizard energy in his body, not to mention that he has become an illusion wizard, which is already better than Chuck and the others.


"Oh my God……"

"he is……"

The wizards around were shocked when they saw this scene.

If it wasn't for Chuck and the others who were so strong that even a liquefaction wizard was defeated, how could they have come to buy a rocking boat? You know, the reason they bought the rocking boat was because Chuck and the others were too strong.

But now, the seemingly very powerful Chuck and his companions were defeated by a wizard who suddenly appeared?

Chuck's face was gloomy.

"You hurt my companion, I don't have to worry about it." Chuck took a deep breath and calmed himself down, he said slowly, "I can give you a relatively favorable price. The price, however, you have to buy a rocking boat!"

At the end of the sentence, Chuck was already shouting furiously.

In this regard, Maureen only said two words.


Maureen's figure flashed and slowly disappeared in the air.

One of Chuck's companions was staring closely at Mo Lin, and when he saw Mo Lin disappeared, he couldn't help but be surprised.

He was about to turn his head and glanced around to find Maureen, but suddenly, he found a faint burning breath coming from behind him.


The wizard turned around.


In his terrified eyes, a black-red fireball the size of a human head appeared in the air and instantly hit his chest.


The screams came, and black and red flames appeared in the air. The wizard was completely ignited by the fire of purgatory and became a human-shaped torch.

Soon, he turned to ashes and fell into the air.

"Damn it!" Another wizard looked at Mo Lin with a very ugly expression.

Suddenly, he found that Maureen smiled at him.

"It's weird..."

The wizard was startled, and subconsciously flashed such a thought.

Before he had time to react, a translucent white sharp claw appeared in the air, and with a flash, it pierced his body directly.

Pale hands.

The wizard made a muffled sound, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. He lowered his head, looked at the huge hole in his chest, then tilted his head and fell directly to the ground, dying.

Maureen retracted his palm. He turned around and looked in Chuck's direction, only to find that Chuck had already fled in the distance.

As early as when Maureen used the fire of purgatory to burn the first wizard, Chuck realized that something was wrong, so he immediately ran away.

"Running fast..."

Maureen looked at Chuck who was gradually disappearing into the sky with a hint of surprise on his face.

Then Mo Lin's eyes moved, and his eyes fell on the Shuiyue Ice Lake on the ground.

There were many wizards who had bought rocking boats and caught cold fish on the Shuiyue Ice Lake. At this moment, when Mo Lin looked over, they all raised their heads subconsciously and looked at Mo Lin.

"Leave the Shuiyue Ice Lake."

Maureen said something lightly.

Although they couldn't bear it in their hearts, most of the wizards were very sensible. They left and shook the boat to the shore, got up and left.

There were also wizards who refused to accept it and cursed at Mo Lin Po Kong, but Mo Lin was rude and killed them directly.

Soon, the entire Shuiyue Ice Lake became empty.

Seeing this scene, Maureen nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.

He chanted the witchcraft incantation in a low voice, and the wizard energy on his body kept surging. A wave of dark energy rushed out of Mo Lin's body, wrapping Mo Lin's whole body.


Countless dark energies suddenly burst, forming black filaments, rushing into the Shuiyue Ice Lake, pulling Lanmenghua and those cold fishes.


Maureen cooperated with the sorcery solution and formed a spell casting gesture.

Countless streamers with halos, blue dream flowers like ice sculptures, and those cold fish like crystals all floated up in an instant, floating in the air.

The scene looked spectacular and vast.

"These things are not yours alone!"

"go to hell!"

Two wizards suddenly appeared next to them, and they performed sorcery with fierce expressions on their faces.

But at this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared beside them.

This figure has a pale face, deeply sunken eyes, disheveled hair, and broken leather armor. It is none other than Morin's alchemy puppet Edward.


A muffled sound came out of Edward's mouth.

His arm changed for a while, and finally turned into a sharp long knife with a cold light.


Blood flashed.

Edward slashed with one knife, directly cutting the body of one of the wizards in half.

The other wizard just reacted and wanted to do something, but suddenly, his mouth grew.

I don't know when, Edward has appeared behind him, and punched his body with a punch.

In Edward's fist, tiny dark red thorns emerged, and they plunged into the wizard's body.

There was a look of pain on the wizard's face, and he wanted to say something, but couldn't say a word.

Soon, he completely lost his vitality, and the whole person has become a gray-white statue.

Edward slowly pulled out his arm.

When Edward's arm was pulled out, the gray-white statue fell to the ground, and the large pieces shattered on the ground, forming a pile of gray-white stone powder, as if the wizard was originally carved out of stone. .

There was some commotion around the wizards. They looked at Edward with a look of surprise and some fear on their faces.

Originally, they had some other thoughts when they saw Maureen performing sorcery without any protection, but now, this kind of thinking has been extinguished.

The strength of those two wizards is not weak, however, from when they shot to when they were killed, it can be said that it was only a moment.

The wizard who appeared from nowhere in front of him was strong and powerful.

What they didn't know was that Edward was an alchemy puppet, the backhand that Mo Lin had already laid out.

After all, Maureen wouldn't allow himself to use witchcraft without the slightest bit of protection.

Countless blue ice flowers fell into a huge black silk pocket, faintly revealing a blue shimmer, and those cold fish fell into a huge wooden barrel, like phantoms, incessantly. swimming.

Maureen stood silently, as if he didn't know what happened next.

Turning around, Mo Lin looked at the wizards with different expressions around him, with a smile that was not a smile on his face.

The black silk pockets and wooden barrels were pulled by the magic power and floated in the air, motionless.

The wizards around were a little disturbed and disturbed.

Finally, after a while, Maureen let out a light breath.

"Okay, let's go."

Maureen said lightly.

Behind him, faint dark energy particles formed black smoke, pulling black silk pockets and wooden barrels, while Edward stepped on the ground with loud footsteps and walked outside with Mo Lin.

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