Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 174 Shadow (2)

The smell of blood was strong in the air.

"It seems that something very interesting happened..." Mo Lin couldn't help but twitch when he looked at the scene in front of him.

The voice inside gradually subsided.


At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

"There's still one alive here."

"Kill him."

"Then let's do it."

A few tall people with black robes covering their entire bodies, with only one pair of eyes exposed, walked out from the inside. The wizard energy on them was surging. Obviously, they were all wizards.

When they saw Maureen, they glanced at each other and immediately made up their minds.


The black shadow flashed, and the black wizards rushed over quickly, and a trace of wizard energy surged, forming a corrosive sorcery on their palms, as if they would hit Mo Lin in the next moment.

But before they could rush to Mo Lin, suddenly, they felt that their bodies could not help but stagnate, and the air became thick and heavy, making them unable to run at all.

The air in front was slightly distorted, blurred, and faintly glowing with a translucent black shimmer.

I don't know when, Maureen has used the dark light black ball.

"So you are all dark wizards."

"Then, what a pity."

"You are going to die soon."

Maureen said softly.

Then he moved.

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the energy spikes suddenly flew out, hitting the bodies of the black wizards, bursting continuously, causing the black wizards to scream, bloody and slanted and flew out.

When the wizards were struggling on the ground,

When he was about to get up, several purple-black fireballs suddenly appeared in front of Mo Lin.

The purple-black fireball hit the wizards at once.

This is Maureen's sorcery, the eclipse fireball.


The few dark wizards screamed and struggled on the ground, completely losing their ability to resist.

"It's ridiculous that you guys still want to attack me."

Maureen said softly and walked over slowly.

In fact, the strength of these black wizards is not weak. They have the strength of illusion wizards. They are all official wizards. The one headed by them has the peak of illusion wizards and is close to the strength of liquid wizards.

This kind of combat power can be said to be quite powerful, but, unfortunately, they encountered Maureen who was about to become a liquefaction wizard.

"Looks like you have any plans."

Mo Lin's eyes turned to the gate, and a mere gate naturally couldn't stop his prying eyes. Mo Lin easily discovered the truth inside the door.

The blood accumulated into a pool of blood, flowing non-stop, everywhere, and the ground was full of corpses with different shapes of death. The faces of those corpses were very frightened, as if they had suffered something terrible before they died.

Among those corpses, Mo Lin saw Chuck, the man who wanted to stop him in Shuiyue Ice Lake and wanted to unite the many wizards in Shuiyue Town against him, and also died with a face full of panic.

"Unfortunately, even if you have any plans, it's useless now." Mo Lin glanced at the dark wizards on the ground and slowly raised his palm.


The few dark wizards found that Mo Lin was about to start, and they panicked in their hearts. They kept breathing and made weak voices, asking Mo Lin to let them go.

Mo Lin was unmoved at all, his lips moved slightly, and he was chanting the magic spell. However, just when Mo Lin was about to release the magic, an accident happened.

A magic brand suddenly glowed, and then flew out of Maureen's arm.

"Long time no see, Wizard Richard." An old voice rang out.

This voice is...


Falls Charlman.

The few black wizards on the ground couldn't help but froze when they heard the sound from the sorcery brand.

The sorcery brand changed slightly, and finally, a faint, translucent shadow of Fowles was formed in the air.

Maureen tilted his head and looked over.

"I didn't expect that Richard, our young genius pharmacist, would appear in this place. It's really fate." Fowles said with admiration, "Richard, do you know, this place, Shuiyue The town is where our dark wizards plan to break into the ancient secret realm."

"Rush into the ancient secret realm? Foles, what are you doing?" Mo Lin was stunned, his eyes narrowed subconsciously.

"The ancient secret realm is so big and there are so many resources in it, how could our Dark Wizard Alliance miss it."

Fowles smiled and said: "We have already planned to make a breakthrough from Shuiyue Town, and then all of us dark wizards will come in together and snatch various resources in the ancient secret realm."

"So, you sent dark wizards to clean up the entire Shuiyue Town?" Mo Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, already knowing the truth of the matter.

"Yes, indeed it is."

Fowles did not mean to avoid or deny, he nodded and admitted directly, saying: "This place is just one of the points, our Dark Wizards Alliance also sent other dark wizards to go to Shuiyue Town. Elsewhere, destroy the wizards in those wizarding organizations and prepare for the intrusion of our dark wizards."

"Although there are a lot of wizards and knights here, for our own safety, we can only kill them all."

Fall said with a relaxed look, as if there was no pressure at all.

Maureen nodded slightly, without showing any strangeness on his face.

That's right, the way Fowles and the others behave is what a dark wizard really looks like.

Those so-called knights and weak wizards are completely ants to the dark wizards, and naturally they should all be killed.

Kill the wizards of the wizarding organization first, and then slaughter the lone wandering wizards and knights.

"When we successfully break into the ancient secret realm, we will need your cooperation from Wizard Richard."

"Don't forget, we have a deal."

Fowles looked at Maureen and said meaningfully.

Maureen touched his nose, and there was an untraceable glint in his eyes.

"Of course, Falls." The corners of Maureen's mouth twitched, and he smiled slightly.

"Hopefully we will have a good time working together."

Fowles' slightly sharp voice came over slowly.

As if thinking of something, he said: "By the way, Richard, these wizards are from the Dark Wizarding Union, so you can let them go. After all, they are just like you..."


Bang bang bang!

The translucent energy spikes pierced directly into the foreheads of the wizards, and then exploded suddenly.

Those wizards didn't snort, and their heads exploded in an instant.

It's very quiet around.

Fowles' face sank involuntarily.

"Sorry, Falls, they wanted to kill me before." Maureen raised his eyes and looked at Falls.

"I think you understand, Fowles."

Maureen said softly.

Fowles looked at Maureen quietly, silent, not speaking.

After a while, he suddenly laughed.

"Very good, Maureen, it's nothing, I understand, I understand, I fully understand." The corner of Fowles's mouth moved, and he pulled out an arc, saying: "This dark wizard, if they die, they will die, it's nothing."

"Don't forget our deal."

"Don't forget, you are always a dark wizard."


Fowles' voice came faintly.

Immediately, Fowles' phantom slowly faded and disappeared in the air.

Maureen frowned slightly as he looked at the place where Foles disappeared.

He looked around, turned around, and left in the distance.

Back at the hotel where he lived, Maureen found Joanna.

"What! Let's leave now, Wizard Richard, why is this, so anxious, it's really..." Joanna was a little stunned.

She went out to deal with an incident in Biye Qinghuan, and just came back, Mo Lin found her and asked all the wizards of Biye Qinghuan to leave Shuiyue Town at night with him.

Did Wizard Richard really know...

Joanna thought to herself.

"We should leave." Maureen looked at Joanna quietly.

Facing Mo Lin's deep obsidian-like eyes, Joanna suddenly felt unnatural for some reason.

She let out a breath slowly, then nodded, and said, "Well then, Wizard Richard."

Under Joanna's forcible order, soon, many wizards with green leaves and green rings gathered, left the hotel, and began to return along the way they came.

Fortunately, they had prepared some resources before, so they were not particularly embarrassed when they left.

The night was dark, and the cool night wind passed through the forest.

Maureen rode on a sturdy warhorse, and the wind blew on his soft black hair and the black robe on his body, giving him an indescribable charm.

Suddenly, Mo Lin seemed to sense something, turned his head, and looked in the direction of Shuiyue Town.

Through the witchcraft induction left before, Mo Lin already knew that the dark wizards began to massacre Shuiyue Town, and scenes of bloody and crazy appeared in his heart, and Mo Lin could even hear Shuiyue through those scenes. The screams and screams from the people in the town.

"Wizard Richard, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Tangke, who was clumsily controlling the warhorse, slowly approached Mo Lin and asked cautiously.

"Oh, it's nothing." Mo Lin came back to his senses, he looked at Tangke's concerned face and smiled a little self-consciously.

“Night scenery is nice.”

"I'm just looking at the scenery around me."

Maureen thought for a while and said softly.

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