Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 175 Liquefaction

The wizards in Biye Qinghuan didn't know what was going on. They complained about the trouble they encountered while traveling at night, but they didn't look anxious and panic.

After walking for a few days, finally, Maureen and the others returned to the residence of the Wizarding Academy Alliance.

"Goodbye, Wizard Richard."

Joanna bowed slightly towards Mo Lin, saying goodbye to Mo Lin.

After briefly talking to Joanna, Maureen walked towards the station with Tangke.

There was a slight flush on Tangke's face, looking like he was still not satisfied.

Although he was in a hurry when he left, for Tangke, it was already very valuable. You must know that he has never had such an experience since he was a child.

"What a young fellow."

Mo Lin looked at Tang Ke who said goodbye to him, and then quickly ran away, shook his head, and such an idea flashed in his mind.

When he sighed, Mo Lin completely forgot that his age was almost the same as that of Tang Ke. To a certain extent, Mo Lin was only a teenager.

Maureen came to the pharmacy department and knocked gently on the door of Albert's office.

Albert was very happy about Maureen’s return. After a brief chat with Albert, Maureen walked out of Albert’s office.

He walked slowly down the corridor, thinking about something.

"I've already got the Blue Dream Flower, and I also have a lot of Moon's Dark Flower Potion..."

"Then, next, I will be promoted and become a liquefaction wizard."

Mo Lin's eyes moved, and then his eyes became firm.

For the next period of time, Mo Lin went back and forth between the library area and the pharmacy department. He was the team leader of the pharmacy group and had a lot of points. Mo Lin used these points to buy a lot of precious handwritten notes related to the promotion of liquefaction wizards in the library area. Information and various experiences and experiences are used as a reference for promotion.

Although those materials and the experience and experience of the promotion of various liquefaction wizards are very expensive, Mo Lin did not hesitate at all.

After all, it is about his promotion. In this regard, Mo Lin will not be reluctant at all.

Maureen spent less and less time going to the Fourteen Pharmacy Group, and even disappeared for a long time.

He stayed in the pharmacy of his residence, and put a lot of effort into refining the Dark Flower Potion of the Moon and processing the Blue Dream Flower.

"Wizard Richard, you haven't come over for a long time. Our pharmacists in the same pharmacy group are nothing, but people from other pharmacy groups have quite a bit of criticism about this. Look, will you be... yes... "Vesca said next to Maureen, trying to advise Maureen.

When he was just halfway through, Maureen turned his head and looked at him.

Viska found himself unable to speak.

Maureen's eyes were deep and bright, as if a burst of light flashed out, causing his eyes to hurt.

Viska snorted and quickly looked away, not daring to look at Maureen at all.

"I will be out of the pharmacy group for a while."

"As for the other pharmacy groups, the rumors and rumors of those pharmacists don't need to be ignored, they are just trivial matters."

Maureen raised his eyes slightly and said lightly.

Looking closely, although Mo Lin's eyes were dull, it seemed like a huge black torrent was constantly surging in his eyes. This was the characteristic of Mo Lin's own high degree of elementalization.

In the case of taking the Moon's Dark Flower Potion and Blue Dream Flower Concoction continuously, Mo Lin's spiritual power continued to improve, and the elements around him became more and more intense, and the constant echoes beside him made Mo Lin's whole People seem to have an indescribable strange feeling.

After a few simple words with Viska, Maureen left the room of the fourteenth pharmacy group and walked towards his residence.

"Come on, come on..."

Maureen thought so in his heart.

He reached out and pulled the black robe on his body, his eyes closed slightly, and then opened again.


In the glass test tube, the blue medicinal liquid emits a faint blue fluorescence, illuminating the surroundings slightly. From time to time, a bubble emerges from the medicinal liquid, causing the entire blue medicinal liquid to fluctuate.

Mo Lin quietly looked at the Blue Dream Flower Reconciling Potion in his hand, and then looked at the several tubes of Moon's Dark Flower Spiritual Power Potion placed next to him, his face was indifferent.

"Almost, almost."

"I have a hunch that if I take these Moon Dark Flower Potion and Blue Dream Flower Concoction, then I can break through and become a Liquefied Wizard!"

A thought flashed through Maureen's mind.

"Chip, call out my current state!" He moved slightly in his heart.

"Ding! The mission has been established!"

"Subject scanning!"

"The main body status is as follows!"

"Mauren Olsen, illusion wizard (ancient wizard), strength: 19.2, speed: 19.4, constitution: 19.6, spirit: 24.2, mana: 24.3!"

The cold mechanical sound of the chip rang out.

Maureen's eyes narrowed slightly.

His physical fitness is close to 20, and his mental power value has exceeded 24. This is a frightening number. Generally speaking, for ordinary liquefaction wizards, the physical value and mental power value only fluctuate within this range.

Mo Lin has not been promoted yet, but his physical fitness and mental strength values ​​are no lower than that of ordinary liquefaction wizards.

"As expected of an ancient wizard."

Mo Lin looked at the light blue light curtain floating out in front of him, and the numbers on the light curtain, and said softly.

His physical value and mental power value can reach such a high value. In addition to the special combination of the ancient wizard and the meditation method, he has also been taking the Dark Flower Potion of the Moon and the Blue Dream Flower Harmony Potion with him during this period of time. And mental power can reach such a value, it is a kind of accumulation.

"Chip, how likely is it for me to be promoted to a Liquefaction Wizard now?" Mo Lin asked in his heart as if he had thought of something.

"Ding! The mission has been established!"

"The possibility of the main body being promoted to become a liquefaction wizard has reached 97%!"

"97%, very good, very good." Maureen murmured softly.

"Then, let's get started!"

Mo Lin's eyes narrowed, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the several tubes of Moon Dark Flower Potion and Blue Dream Flower Blend Potion in his hand, then raised his head and drank it.

In an instant, Mo Lin felt a chill in his body.

He sat cross-legged in the special secret room of the Wizarding College Alliance, slowed his breathing, and began to use the advanced meditation method, Void Eclipse.

On Mo Lin, a layer of faint black-red flames gradually enveloped him. His body floated in the air, and the black-red flames wrapped around him, burning continuously.

The dark energy particles and flame energy particles in the air shimmered, and little by little, they slowly gathered and gathered towards Mo Lin.

The magic stone placed on the ground was glowing faintly, and it was emitting a steady stream of rich energy particles.

Affected by numerous energy particles, the black-red flames on Mo Lin's body became more and more intense, as if a burning black-red sun completely drowned Mo Lin's body.


Maureen suddenly opened his eyes.

The surroundings were condensed, as if time had stopped for a moment at this moment.

The next moment, there were flames everywhere.


The black and red sun exploded at once!

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