Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 176 Liquefaction (2)

Maureen's eyes kept changing.

In his eyes flashed the deep and endless darkness, the almost endless flames that spread to the sky, the phantom of Pancora's scarlet snake, the rotating structure formed by the elemental energy particles, shaking the floating spirit Li Hai, special runes formed by various subject knowledge... and so on, to name a few.

But in the end, everything in Maureen's eyes disappeared.

In his two eyes, a faint symbol formation slowly emerged, which is Minai Totem.

When the black-red sun outside his body suddenly exploded, Maureen's eyes turned strange silver and suddenly glowed.

The silver light is almost dazzling!

The endless fire of purgatory burned in the secret room, and countless dark energy particles kept surging. Vaguely, you could see the huge Minai totem phantom scattered between the purgatory fire and the dark energy particles. .

Pancora's scarlet giant snake phantom swims in the endless fire of purgatory and endless darkness. The snake body appears and disappears from time to time. From time to time, the giant snake will make a vague and silent neigh in the sky.

The huge body of the Pancora snake was coiled and coiled, and from top to bottom, it suddenly rushed into Mo Lin's body.

Everything finally calmed down slowly.

But at this time, the entire secret room was a mess, with pits all around, the walls were corroded in a large area, the smoke splashed, and the stones rolled on the ground in large chunks.

Maureen exhaled slowly.

Behind him, a circle of bright totems appeared, with various complicated and mysterious patterns on the totems.

The totem quietly appeared behind Mo Lin, like a clear moon, when the silver light in Mo Lin's eyes slowly dimmed, the totem slowly disappeared into the air.

"Become a liquid wizard."

Maureen felt his state and sighed involuntarily.

In order to become a liquefaction wizard, he paid a lot of things, but now, he finally succeeded in becoming a liquefaction wizard.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Mo Lin moved slightly in his heart.


Scan my current state! " Maureen gave an order in his heart.

"Ding! The mission has been established!"

"Mission in progress!"

"The main body has been successfully promoted to become a liquefaction wizard, and the status is being scanned!"

"The main body status is as follows!"

"Mauren Olsen, Liquified Wizard (Ancient Wizard), Strength: 22.7, Speed: 22.9, Constitution: 22.9, Spirit: 27.2, Mana: 27.3!"

The cold mechanical sound of the chip rang out, and at the same time revealed Morin's state.

"Improved so much?"

Maureen was surprised.

This promotion, he has benefited a lot, which is directly reflected in his physical quality and spiritual quality.

Compared with before the promotion, Mo Lin's physical quality and mental strength have improved by more than 3 points, which is not a big improvement. Now, although Mo Lin has just been promoted, he has already stood at the pinnacle of the Liquefaction Wizard.

Except for some extremely perverted liquefaction wizards who can compete with him, ordinary liquefaction wizards are no longer Maureen's opponents.

Maureen estimated for himself that he can now tie with ordinary solid-state wizards, or even defeat them, but if he wants to kill them, he can't do it. After all, the gap between solid-state wizards and liquid wizards is too big. .

And Mo Lin has just been promoted to Liquify Wizard, and it is quite difficult to kill those solidified wizards now.

Of course, looking at Mo Lin's combat power in this way is not just about the data on the surface, but also involves the Pancora snake bloodline on Mo Lin and the essence of the ancient wizard. After all, this is the most important thing. .

"Solid wizard ah..."

Maureen seemed to have thought of something, and there was a strange glimmer in his eyes.

The elemental solidification wizard is the realm closest to the second-level wizard, and it is also the threshold of all liquefaction wizards.

There are many people who want to pass this threshold to become solidified wizards, but there are not many people who finally become solidified wizards.

The reason is very simple, because it is too difficult to become a solidified wizard, and it is rare for countless wizards to shake their heads and sigh.

"It's still too early to consolidate the wizard, let's wait and see. After all, what I need most now is to consolidate my realm..."

Mo Lin's eyes flickered, but he was very clear about his plans in the near future.

What he has to do now is to consolidate his strength. After all, he has only become a liquefaction wizard, and everything needs to be re-familiar with it. Moreover, there is a very important point, that is, the dark flower potion of the moon.

After he became a Liquefaction Wizard, the effect of the Dark Flower of the Moon Potion on him was greatly weakened. Under the circumstance that Mo Lin had taken many Potions of Darkness of the Moon to be slightly immune, this effect was almost gone. .

However, the essence of the Moon's Dark Flower Pharmacy that Mo Lin took before remained in Mo Lin's body. When Mo Lin broke through, some of those essences helped Mo Lin to advance, so he could improve his promotion at one time. such a high value.

Another part of the essence of the Moon's Dark Flower Potion was left behind. After Mo Lin broke through to become a Liquefied Wizard, this part of the essence of the potion would be fully exerted, making Mo Lin's strength greatly improved in a short period of time.

"That's it."

Mo Lin thought so, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

The clothes on his body had already been burned when he was promoted to Liquefied Wizard, but Maureen had already prepared a lot of clothes. He took out the clothes from the void pocket, put on a black robe again, and then stepped forward and pushed it away. The door of the secret room, slowly walked out.

Stones kept falling on the stone gate, revealing holes large and small, and before they knew it, they had become tattered.


"what happened?"

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Why do I feel the ground shaking? Is this someone attacking our Wizarding Academy Alliance? Who is so bold?"

Several wizard apprentices fell to the ground and hurriedly got up from the ground, but their faces still had an unconcealed sense of panic.

Just now, they were chatting, but they didn't expect that there was a sudden loud noise in the secret room as if there was an earthquake.

Suddenly, they all fell to the ground.

"What happened here?"

"No one came to attack..."

These wizard apprentices looked around, and the doubts in their eyes became stronger.

This is a dense area of ​​the headquarters of the Wizarding College Alliance. There are many secret rooms built for the use of many wizards in the Wizarding College Alliance. The task of these wizard apprentices is to guard these secret rooms.

Everything was normal originally, but what happened to the loud noise just now? This kind of thing has never happened, has it?

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Several wizard apprentices quickly made up their minds, and they hurriedly ran along the passage of the secret room.

The movement was too great, and soon, these wizard apprentices appeared outside Mo Lin's secret room.


"Oh my God……"

The wizard apprentices saw the scene in the secret room clearly through the hole in the stone door, and they were all stunned.

Large pieces of the ground were cracked, and cracks appeared. The walls were broken and sunken, and a large amount of gravel fell. The roof of the secret room was also lifted, and a large hole appeared. A boulder was appearing on the edge of the hole. , may fall down at any time.

Is this the secret room?

The secret room is made of special materials. Those special stone materials are very good in terms of confidentiality and sealing, sound insulation, and witchcraft insulation. Ordinary wizards can't break it at all, but...

What's going on now?

At this moment, the stone gate slid open.

"Why are you here?" Mo Lin's flat voice suddenly came over.

The wizard apprentices were stunned for a moment, only to realize that a figure appeared and walked out slowly.

He has soft black hair, wears a black robe, clear eyes, delicate facial features, and fair skin. At this moment, he is raising his eyes and looking over quietly.

Obviously this wizard is not outstanding, but, for some reason, all wizard apprentices feel that this wizard is full of an indescribable strange charm.

He is Maureen.

Maureen Olson.

"Respected wizard, we, we are not..." The wizard apprentices were a little embarrassed, and the wizard apprentice at the head wanted to explain something after being stunned.

"Okay, no need to say more, I already know."

Maureen looked at the secret room behind him and understood what was going on.

He looked at the secret room, and after thinking for a while, his eyes narrowed slightly.


Two pale white lights suddenly rushed out of Mo Lin's eyes, like lightning, traversing the secret room wantonly, constantly destroying.

After a while, the white light disappeared into the air, and the entire secret room was completely turned into a rubble, and there was no trace of what it looked like just now, nor any trace of witchcraft.

The few wizard apprentices couldn't help but jump when they watched this scene.

Liquefied Wizard, this is a newly promoted Liquefied Wizard!

They were screaming wildly in their hearts.

Although they are just ordinary wizard apprentices, this does not mean that they know nothing about official wizards. During the period of guarding the secret room, these wizard apprentices do not know how many official wizards they have contacted. Naturally, they can rely on The breath distinguishes the strong and weak between the wizards.

And now, in front of their eyes, there is a liquid wizard who has just been promoted?

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Maureen looked at the secret room that had turned into ruins and nodded.

He turned around, walked slowly along the long corridor, and left the secret room.

"Hopefully you can go further and further on the road of truth."

"Saint Ann, sir."

Those wizard apprentices had the most flattering smiles on their faces, and hurriedly bowed to Mo Lin.

After Mo Lin left, the wizard apprentices slowly stood up.

They looked at the direction that Mo Lin left, kept discussing, and sighed, they were just apprentices of wizards, and formal wizards were difficult for them to reach, let alone liquefaction wizards.

"The wizard just now seems to be Wizard Richard from the Pharmacy Department!" One of the wizard apprentices shouted as if he had thought of something.

"Yes, it's Wizard Richard!"

"I said why does it look familiar, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be Wizard Richard."

"Yeah, he's Wizard Richard, that young genius in pharmacy..."

The wizard apprentices were startled, and they subconsciously looked at the deep passage again.

Maureen had already left, the passage was quiet, and there was no half-person figure.

But these wizard apprentices knew that as Mo Lin was promoted to become a Liquefied Wizard, the entire Wizarding Academy Alliance would be shocked.

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