"I became a liquefaction wizard, I am afraid it will attract a lot of people's attention."

"After all, a liquefaction wizard who is less than twenty years old is too rare, no matter who it is, it will be noticed."

Maureen was walking in the corridor, thinking about something.

After being promoted to become a Liquefaction Wizard, Mo Lin didn't feel that he was safe and sound. Many things happened one after another. If he couldn't handle it properly, he would have a lot of trouble.

A liquefaction wizard, no matter in any wizard family or wizard organization, is an absolute big man. No one will ignore it. There is no way to hide the changes after the promotion of the liquefaction wizard, and Morin does not need to hide it.

He needs more permissions and more points to view various precious materials and advanced subject knowledge in the Wizarding Academy Alliance, which has always been Mo Lin's purpose.

Before the promotion, Maureen had already made up his mind. He just wanted to show the level of an ordinary who had just been promoted to a liquefaction wizard, without revealing his real trump card.

Generally speaking, this is difficult to do, but Maureen has the meditation method Void Eclipse, so it is not difficult for him to do this.

"Void Eclipse..." Mo Lin's heart moved slightly.

Immediately, the breath on his body became normal. The vague and strange feeling just now disappeared completely. Now Mo Lin feels like an ordinary wizard who has just been promoted to liquefaction wizard.

"That's fine."

Maureen felt the change in his breath, and nodded involuntarily with a smile on his face.

Although Maureen had estimated that his promotion to Liquefaction Wizard would surprise many people, the degree of surprise of others was still beyond his expectations.

"What...what...Richard, you, Richard, have you become a liquefaction wizard?" Albert sensed the change in Morin's aura, and couldn't help widening his eyes.

"That's right."

Maureen nodded.

"My God, the liquefaction wizard who is less than twenty years old..." Albert's voice changed.

He left the chair and looked back and forth carefully around Maureen, his mouth twitching in amazement, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.


The news of Maureen's promotion to become a liquefaction wizard quickly spread.

This is not only what Albert took the initiative to say, but also the reason why the wizard apprentices guarding the secret room passed the news.

The Wizarding College Alliance was silent for a while, and then it was completely boiling.

"Liquid wizard?"

"A liquified wizard less than twenty years old?"

"He is Wizard Richard of the Pharmacy Department, responsible for the fourteenth pharmacy group. He has high attainments in pharmacy and is a true genius. Now, he has broken through to become a Liquefaction Wizard?"

The wizards kept talking, some wizards secretly came to the pharmacy department, wanting to befriend Mo Lin, and at the same time, they just wanted to see Mo Lin alone.

There are also wizard families who have sent gifts to Morin to show their goodwill.

Maureen was very indifferent to this, but the pharmacists of the fourteenth pharmacy group were not like that.

"Wizard Richard, the other pharmacists in the pharmacy team have always criticized you for not being in the pharmacy team for a long time, and their words are sour, but now, they have all shut up." Viska was in Moline. He kept talking, with a look of excitement on his face that could not be concealed.

Maureen smiled, briefly said a few words to Viscar, and chatted with Viscar.

"Wizard Richard, do you know? Recently, all the wizards outside of Shuiyue Town have died." Viska seemed to think of something, and the expression on his face became solemn, and said: "I heard that It was made by the dark wizard."

"Dark wizards appeared in Shuiyue Town and killed everyone in Shuiyue Town. They occupied Shuiyue Town and began to expand."

"Really?" Mo Lin was stunned, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yeah, it's true." Viska rubbed his hair with a distressed look on his face. He sighed and said, "Hey, these damn dark wizards."

In the following period of time, the atmosphere of the entire Wizarding Academy Alliance headquarters gradually became serious, and the wizards were in a hurry and kept coming and going.

The Dark Wizarding Alliance broke into the ancient secret realm and carried out wanton destruction. The atmosphere was tense and dignified, and everything could be said to be stormy.

"Richard, this time, those black robes are going to do their best." Albert sighed softly.

He was wearing a creamy white embroidered gold robe, his hair was neatly combed, and he was walking down the corridor with Maureen.

Maureen nodded, and at the same time expressed his opinion.

Before that, Maureen and Albert went to the high-level meeting of the Wizarding Academy Alliance together, and saw the heads of many powerful wizarding organizations and the heads of some important departments.

This time they gathered together, mainly to discuss the development of the ancient secret realm, and how to deal with the invasion of the Dark Wizard Alliance.

Although the problems faced were very serious, many people still noticed Mo Lin. After all, he was so famous that no matter who he was, he would pay attention to him subconsciously.

Mo Lin behaved very calmly, relying on the Void Eclipse, he did not reveal a single flaw.

"But Richard, you just became a pharmacist, so there won't be any urgent tasks. Now you just need to consolidate your own strength with peace of mind." Albert smiled slightly as if thinking of something, and said: " Really congratulations on becoming a Liquor Wizard, Richard."

Maureen smiled and didn't speak. He had really listened enough to something like that recently.

"Richard, are you interested in joining the medicine lamp?" Albert thought for a while, then suddenly said.

Medicine lamp?

A wizarding organization?

Maureen raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

"The medicine lamp is a wizard organization dedicated to pharmacists. There are very powerful pharmacists. If you join, you will benefit a lot." Albert explained, "I am the elder of the medicine lamp. one."

"I hope you can think about it."

Albert smiled, he reached out and patted Maureen's shoulder lightly, then turned around and left.

Maureen was stunned, then shook his head with a smile.

"Dark wizard, dark wizard..." Mo Lin slowly walked back to his room and said, "I didn't expect the action of the dark wizard alliance to be so fast. It's really abnormal."

At this moment, a magic brand glowed and flew out from Morin's arm, forming a translucent phantom in the air.

"Fowles." Maureen looked at the figure and said.

"Hey, it's me, it's me, Richard, you are really surprising, you have become a liquefaction wizard before you know it."

Fowles' phantom was blurry, and he looked at Maureen in amazement.

"Fowles, I think you used the witchcraft brand to contact me. You didn't come to congratulate me on purpose." Maureen raised his eyes and glanced at Foles in front of him.

"It's not just that."

Fowles' phantom swayed, he thought for a while, and said, "Do you still remember our transaction, now our dark wizard has broken into the ancient secret realm, so it is time for our transaction to start."


Maureen thought for a while and nodded.

Using the intelligence of the Wizarding Academy Alliance in exchange for various resources of the Dark Wizarding Alliance, this is the cooperation between Maureen and Fowles, and it is also a transaction.

Fair trade.

"Before we start our deal, Richard, I'm going to introduce you to a dark son of our Dark Wizarding Alliance buried in the Wizarding Academy Alliance."

As if thinking of something, Fowles smiled lowly and said, "You can cooperate with each other to get more and more accurate information, and then pass it on to us."

The dark son of the Dark Wizarding League in the Wizarding Academy League?

Maureen was really surprised.

After briefly talking to Fowles, he left the room and walked slowly towards the place Fowles told him.

Before that, Fowles had informed the dark son to let him wait for Maureen there.

After walking along the corridor for a while and turning a few more corners, Maureen appeared in front of a row of bookshelves.

This is a remote area of ​​the library area, all kinds of unpopular knowledge are collected, and usually no one comes here.

A figure stood in front of the bookshelf, looking up at the huge oil painting hanging on the wall, as if in a trance, as if thinking.

The figure was tall, with light blue eyes, deep and three-dimensional features, and brown hair that fell down, giving him an intimidating aura.

He wears bronze armor, and at his waist is a bronze broadsword.

When Maureen appeared, he turned around and looked at Maureen.

The look on his face became very exciting, with surprise, shock, incredible, unbelievable, and deep hatred.

Maureen was also quite surprised when he looked at the figure.

"I've been thinking about who that Anzi is, but I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it."

"That dark child turned out to be you."


The corner of Maureen's mouth twitched, and he smiled.

He looked at Wright in front of him and walked over slowly.

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