Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 178 The reason


"Maureen Olsen!"

Wright's eyes narrowed suddenly.

His body trembled slightly, and a look of resentment appeared on his face.


Suddenly, Wright's body moved, and he directly pulled out the bronze broadsword from his waist. He charged forward violently, and with a gust of wind, he slashed heavily towards Mo Lin.

There was a cluster of bronze flames throbbing in his eyes, and the bronze Origin Qi surging on the broad sword in his hand was surging like a wave.


There was a vague hissing in the air, as if something had been shaken by an invisible tremor.

Maureen stood silently, not moving, as if he didn't see Wright's attack.

The air is twisted, and there are lines of translucent black energy, which are constantly floating. This is the energy field formed by the dark light black ball. At this time, Wright's bronze broad sword is slashing heavily in the energy. The force field cannot move forward at all.

The bronze broadsword kept shaking in the energy field.

"Maureen Olsen!" Wright stared at Maureen with terrifying eyes.

He is not an idiot, and he naturally knows why he was suddenly attacked at a critical moment.

If it weren't for the fighting wizards who followed him desperately for cover, I'm afraid he would have died directly outside and would not have been able to come back alive.

Thinking of this, Wright's eyes almost overflowed with blood. He gritted his teeth and shouted loudly. The bronze Origin Qi on the bronze broad sword formed an even more vigorous bronze flame.


The broad sword slashed open the energy field of the dark light black ball at once, and slashed heavily towards Mo Lin in the energy field.

However, Mo Lin's body flickered, and it had turned into countless black and red flames and disappeared.

The black-red purgatory fire burned in the air, and the next moment, Maureen emerged from the purgatory fire and appeared on the other side.

"Do you think you can run away!" Wright's face was distorted, and the expression on his face was extremely hideous.

The bronze brilliance was dazzling, and Wright's whole body almost turned into a stream of bronze light, and in an instant, he rushed to Mo Lin's side.

"Looking for death!"

Maureen's eyes sank.

As soon as he thought about it, immediately, countless translucent energy spikes formed a sphere, wrapping Wright in it, and then those energy spikes exploded suddenly.

Bang bang bang!

Wright screamed, the bronze brilliance on his body shook violently, his whole body trembled constantly, and he could not even stand.

A translucent pale sharp claw suddenly stretched out from the void and grabbed fiercely towards Wright's chest.


Feeling the hidden witchcraft fluctuations coming from behind, Wright's face changed suddenly.

Behind him, bronze Origin Qi lingered around, forming a solid bronze armor, which firmly protected his back.

After the paleness attacked Wright's back, the bronze armor suddenly released, surrounded by mysterious and complex blue-gold bronze patterns.

With a soft pop, the pale bronze pattern disappeared at the same time.

The bronze armor also collapsed instantly.


Wright's face turned pale, as if he had been attacked violently, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. He was leaning on the bronze broadsword, coughing non-stop, and the blood dripped from his mouth drop by drop.

"You..." Wright raised his head and looked at Maureen with disbelief in his eyes.

Although he hates Mo Lin, he doesn't care too much about Mo Lin's strength. According to the recent news from the Wizarding College Alliance, Mo Lin has just been promoted to a Liquefied Wizard. Even if his injuries are not healed, Mo Lin will not will be his opponent.

He received the inheritance of the Secret Origin Knight, which is far from comparable to ordinary liquefaction wizards. Moreover, his strength is extremely strong, and he is only one step away from becoming a solidification wizard.

However, in the battle with Mo Lin just now, he was at a disadvantage.

"Wright, Wright, Wright..."

Maureen walked over slowly.

In Mo Lin's eyes, a faint dark red shimmer appeared, as if flames might burst out of Mo Lin's eyes at any time.

"Okay, stop, stop."

The energy particles in the air surged, and Fowles' phantom appeared in mid-air.

"Richard... Or Maureen, stop both you and Wright. After all, you will cooperate with each other in the future. What does this look like now?" Foles said lightly.

"Mauren, I think you won't be surprised that we know your identity."

Fowles looked over and fell on Maureen.

Maureen shrugged and smiled simply.

Of course he knew that if the Dark Wizarding Union really decided to investigate his identity, his true identity could not be concealed.

This is not only because the Dark Wizards Alliance has a lot of energy and has numerous investigation channels, but there is also a very important reason.

Don't forget, the Dark Wizards Alliance is the union of the Dark Wizarding Organization. They are very familiar with the rules of conduct in the Dark Wizarding World. They investigated Morin's background through the Wizarding Dark Wizarding Organization in the East of Parsis. It's not that they can't do it. Just use a lot of effort.

This was the reason why the Dark Wizards Alliance was able to quickly discover Morin's true identity.

The Wizarding College Alliance cannot do this. After all, the Wizarding College Alliance is a white wizarding organization.

"Fowles, I don't want to do it, but Wright is courting his own death."

Maureen looked at Wright, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Wright, what's the matter with you?" Foles raised his brows and looked at Wright, who was coughing up blood on the ground.

Wright slowly stood up. He turned his head and didn't speak, but his face was very ugly.

"Okay, Maureen, don't worry about Wright's offense. After all, you will have to cooperate in the future."

Fowles seemed to have thought of something, narrowed his eyes, and smiled softly.

"I want Wright's share of the resources I exchanged for the first time." Maureen looked at Wright and said lightly.


Wright was still talking, and Foles agreed on Wright's behalf, saying, "I will use the share of resources that Wright exchanged for the first time to apologize to you."

"That's good."

Maureen shrugged and said noncommittally.

Wright watched this scene quietly, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but he didn't say a word.

His face was blue, very ugly.

Next, Foles, together with Maureen and Wright, discussed how to contact, how to transmit information, how to transport the exchanged resources and many other matters.

Maureen and the others already had a plan in mind before, and this time they just checked it again, so they talked very quickly.

Soon, things were over.

"Actually, I'm very confused." Maureen looked at Wright and Fowles, thought about it, and said, "I am a dark wizard, and it is understandable to join forces with the dark wizarding alliance, but Wright, how can you become a dark wizard of the dark wizarding alliance? Son? Could it be that you have been treated as a nail since you were a child, lying in ambush among the white birds, and have been growing up secretly, just for this day."

Wright did not speak.

He looked at Maureen and just snorted coldly.

"You're wrong about that, Maureen." Fowles laughed, he explained, and said, "Sorcerer seeds sent out since childhood will only become wizards of that wizarding organization when they grow up in other wizarding organizations. It won't be a Dark Wizard of the Dark Wizarding League at all."

"Wright was not from our league at all before. He is an extremely talented genius with a strong will. We don't have much chips to impress him at all."

"But later, after he was injured, his strength was almost completely lost, his position in the Wizarding Academy Alliance and Shiratori plummeted, and even his mentor gradually became colder to him. In this case, we contacted him. , made a promise and guarantee to restore his strength, and let him agree to join our dark wizard alliance."

Fowles' voice kept ringing.

Wright held the bronze broadsword in his hand tightly, and his expression was calm and calm, as if what Fowles said didn't happen to him at all.

Maureen was a little surprised.

No wonder Wright, a talented genius with a bright future, joined the Dark Wizarding Union, and the reason was this.

That's right, the kings in the mortal kingdom are afraid of losing their power, and once the wizards who are above ordinary people lose their power, what will happen to them, and how big the gap will be in their hearts, in fact, just think about it a little bit. understood.

In this case, it is not surprising that Wright made such a choice.

Fowles simply said a few words again, and it turned into countless energy particles, floating in the air.

There was a lot of movement here, and a wizard from the library area had already come over to ask.

Maureen and Wright had already cleaned up the relevant energy particle fluctuations. They randomly made up two excuses for the wizard apprentice who was in charge of guarding the book area, then turned around and left in different directions.

"Wright, Wright." Maureen turned his head and looked at Wright, who was walking away with the sound of loud footsteps, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "From a genius of a white wizard organization, to a member of the dark wizard alliance. Anzi, the changes in this are very big, right?"

"You have become like this because of my secret actions, and now, we have to cooperate with each other."

"Then, it is estimated that the next period of time will be very interesting."

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