Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 179 Experiments

Ancient Secret Realm!

This is the most important and attractive part of the Wizarding College Alliance in recent times.

All the wizards' attention was drawn.

One after another strange magical creatures and high-energy creatures were transported out. The wizards dissected those magical creatures and high-energy creatures, which not only allowed them to carry out various strange experiments, but also enriched their knowledge system.

After all, the witchcraft creatures in the ancient secret realm are very unique and strange, and there is no such thing in the outside world.

In addition to those witchcraft creatures, not to mention those precious resources that can have a significant effect on the improvement of the wizard's strength.

The pharmacy department has received more and more things. By now, the pharmacists have become accustomed to the various witchcraft creatures that appear. manage.

The members of the Wizarding College Alliance outside the ancient secret realm are concerned about the various outputs in the ancient secret realm, while the wizards in the ancient secret realm are concerned about the sudden appearance of dark wizards.

"Those black robes are really cruel." A female wizard with splendid golden hair and fair skin sighed aside. Her name is Ollie, and she is a pharmacist in the fourteenth pharmacy group.

"Yeah, since those black robes broke in from Shuiyue Town, the dangers we have encountered have become more and more dangerous. Now, the reason for the death of many wizards is not because of the various strange witchcraft plants in the ancient secret realm. But because of those dark wizards."

Viska sighed and said, "Those black robes, how long have they been here? Really..."

Tangke followed behind Viska and the others, shrank his neck, didn't speak, but couldn't help showing an expression of resentment and worry on his face.

And Maureen looked at all this, just smiled lightly, and didn't say much.

Viska and Maureen were walking in the passage. Before, Ollie had an experimental course to study, so she took Tangke away.

"Wizard Richard, did you know that recently, a batch of precious resources will be sent out. It is said that those resources come from the central area and are very precious." Viska seemed to have thought of something, looked at Maureen, and said softly.

"Oh, really?"

Maureen raised an eyebrow.

"This is what a friend of mine told me. He happened to be the wizard who escorted that batch of resources." Viska explained, "When this batch of resources is sent over, we will all get more precious things. Yes."

Maureen nodded with a stunned look on his face.

This should be the internal information of the Pharmacy Department. If it wasn't for the pharmacists of the Pharmacy Department, or the people who were involved in the division and delivery of resources, they would not have known it at all.

Even now, most pharmacists are kept in the dark, and only well-informed wizards will know a little bit of news.

Maureen smiled, and then he seemed to have thought of something, with a strange and inexplicable expression on his face.

"Wizard Richard, do you need some strange test materials?" Viska looked around and suddenly approached Maureen.

"Strange test material? Viska, you're not talking about ordinary witchcraft specimens, right? Come on, what are you talking about?"

Maureen smiled and his eyes fell on Viska's face.

"Wizard Richard, you guessed right, it is indeed not the flesh and specimens of ordinary witchcraft plants and witchcraft creatures, but some other things." The expression on Viska's face was a little strange.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said something, "It's the dark wizard."

Dark wizard?

Maureen frowned slightly, but did not speak.

Instead, he was quietly waiting for Viska's explanation.

"We are fighting against that group of black robes. Although we have many wizards killed by those black robes, we are not without gains."

"At least we caught a lot of black robes, and also got a lot of black robes' bodies."

Viska's voice was soft, but it sounded weird.

"Those test materials, those black robes?" Mo Lin asked.

"That's right." Viska said without any intention of concealing, "Whether it's the corpses in black robes, or the sorcery among the dark wizards.

-----This is the gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

---This is the gorgeous dividing line---

Disciples, or official wizards who have been banned from their abilities, are all test materials. "

"As wizards, we sometimes want to do experiments, to test the effects of some newly debugged experiments on wizards, but we can't find good experiments, although for those things, we can only estimate It's just value."

"If there are real wizards to let us conduct experiments, those would be great. Many things can be carried out. I think, not many wizards will refuse this."

Viska kept talking, a secret look flashing on his face.

Therefore, those black robes who fought against the white wizards would be reduced to experiments.

Maureen couldn't help but flash such an idea in his heart.

"Of course, this incident is a bit scary after all. It's unacceptable for ordinary wizards, and they don't have the ability to buy those test materials. Therefore, things about those black robes are only circulated in a small area." Vescab created a magical barrier to prevent other wizards from overhearing the sound.

Meanwhile, Viska is explaining why the story hasn't spread.

Maureen nodded and understood the reason.

I just didn't expect that after those dark wizards were caught, what they faced was such an end.

It seems that the white wizards have rich experience in dealing with black robes, and they will not be soft-hearted, and they still make full use of their resources.

Maureen didn't ask why Weiss knew about these things, but asked for some relevant information, and then left thoughtfully.

The wizard's experiments are really expensive, but if they are urgently needed in some experiments and research courses, it is still very good.

Mo Lin made a conclusion in his heart, and at the same time, he compared and analyzed the prices of various black robes with different strengths.

He returned to his room, and after thinking about it, his lips moved slightly, and he sent a message.

A black and red patterned button appeared in the air, and after a slight flash, it disappeared.

Maureen slowly withdrew his hand.

He had already passed on the news that he was going to transport resources from where he knew from Viska.

"I've already passed the news, but I don't know when Fowles will arrange for someone to do it..." Maureen looked ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Fowles will definitely not send a dark wizard rashly based on a piece of news from Mo Lin. For the first time cooperation, he will definitely send someone to check, and only after confirming the accuracy of the news will he do it.

As for what he does, that's not what Morin cares about.

In the pharmacy department, the news about the arrival of the precious resources has spread, and the pharmacists are very excited and excited at the same time.

You must know that the resources in the central area are the essence of the entire ancient secret realm. Up to now, all the resources from the central area are precious things that amaze the pharmacists.

They can only deal with some very ordinary fur things. It is said that the really valuable resources from the central area are taken away by those big men in the alliance.

Even so, the wizards are excited, after all, it means they can use more materials from the central area.

After all, the Pharmacy Department is different from other departments, and the amount of resources that can be obtained is much higher than other departments.

"I hope there is a Zelan millstone in it, so that I can complete the copper-oxygen test of the black-ringed cobra." Ollie said by the side, her eyes lit up, as if they were sparkling.

"There must be pine gallstones in it..."

"I want the heart of the gorilla!"

The pharmacists kept talking and said what they wanted, and even Tangke said what he wanted.

However, just as the wizards were imagining, a wizard stumbled into the gate of the Wizarding Academy Alliance.

The wizard was covered in blood, and his face was filled with panic and fear that could not be concealed. His face was pale, and he was obviously not seriously injured.

When he first ran in, he was panting and shouting.

"No... not good..."

"Dead, everyone is dead!"

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