The resources transported from the central area were robbed, and the wizards who escorted those precious resources were all killed.

Almost instantly, the news came out.

There was an uproar in the Wizarding College Alliance, everyone looked at each other in dismay, no one thought that those dark wizards would do such a crazy thing.

"The wizards in charge of escorting are dead..."

"Yeah, they all died miserably..."

The wizards were talking about it, and they couldn't hide their worries. After all, no one thought that those black robes would be so crazy.

In the days that followed, everyone could feel the tense atmosphere of the entire Wizarding Academy Alliance. Teams of battle wizards with fierce and powerful aura were dispatched and stationed in various places.

In the fourteen pharmacy group, Maureen was refining the pharmacy while listening to the conversations of other pharmacists.

"It seems that this attack by the black wizards on the resources in the central area has made the white wizards angry."

"That's right, what happened this time is not just as simple as being attacked by resources, it's more like a provocation to the white wizard."

"Originally, the Wizarding College Alliance is a giant in the West of the Ancient Secret Realm. When those wandering wizards and other small wizarding organizations face the Wizarding College Alliance, they can only be honest and don't dare to have the slightest provocation."

"But with this shot of the Dark Wizarding Alliance, the status of the Wizarding Academy Alliance has been affected and impacted, which is not good for the next plan."

Maureen put down the test tube, touched his chin, and other thoughts flashed in his heart.

As a pharmacy genius and a dazzling new star in the Wizarding College Alliance, Mo Lin naturally knew that the senior management of the Wizarding College Alliance not only wanted to collect various resources in the ancient secret realm, but more importantly, they wanted to be familiar with the ancient secret realm. Various witchcraft and high-energy creatures, and then begin full development in the Ancient Rift.

The ancient secret realm is a precious secret realm left by the wizards in the ancient times. The energy particles in it are normally distributed, and ordinary creatures will be greatly improved in it, not to mention those witchcraft plants and witchcraft creatures.

If the ancient secret realm is used as a special secret place, then various precious resources will be continuously produced.

Compared with gathering and plundering, occupying areas rich in energy particles and implementing special planting areas and nurturing areas are more valuable. Similarly, this is also the true thought of white wizards.

Therefore, in the face of a sneak attack by a dark wizard, this is absolutely intolerable. Who knows if there will be another time after this time?

The entire Wizarding College Alliance was in shock and began to conduct a large-scale inspection of the area under its control.

At the same time, when facing the dark wizard, they also took the initiative to clean up.

But this time it had nothing to do with Mo Lin, he was just amazed at the hidden strength of the Wizarding Academy Alliance.

"It's really strong. The strength of these battle wizards is not much weaker than that of ordinary dark wizards." Mo Lin wore the dark cyan robe of a pharmacist and walked in the corridor.

He looked at the patrolling guards all around, his expression was cold, and there was a hint of blood on his body, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It seems that there is no reason why the Wizarding College Alliance can become the largest white wizarding organization in the western part of the Parsis subcontinent.

But Morin noticed that many of these battle wizards came from those powerful wizarding organizations, such as the High Ring White Tower, such as White Bird, such as Paral College.

"The Wizarding College Alliance is an alliance, that's right, it's just that between the powerful wizarding organizations and those weak wizarding organizations,

The difference is really too big, then, this so-called alliance..."

Some weird thoughts flashed in Maureen's mind, he smiled, and then shook his head gently.

Turning around, Maureen walked towards a passage.

He left the residence of the Wizarding College Alliance, and after a long walk, Maureen came to a nearby town.

The town is near the Wizarding College Alliance. It was formed by some shrewd wizard apprentices who gathered nearby. They specially provided services for the wizards in the Wizarding College Alliance. There are many wizards stationed in the ancient secret realm, plus the coming and going. There are also many wizards.

Therefore, the small town gradually formed, and it was quite large.

Maureen came to a restaurant called Yingge and ordered a steak. The steak was made from the back of veal with some black pepper powder on it. The aroma was wafting and it was very tempting.

Maureen sat alone in a box, picked up a knife and fork, and ate slowly one bite at a time, looking calm and relaxed.

When he was almost done eating, a figure pushed open the door of the box and walked in.

Wright put on a clean, embroidered heavy coat, but he was strong, and the heavy coat couldn't hide the muscular contours of his chest at all.

When entering the box, Wright paused for a while, then sat down opposite Maureen, looking very quiet.

"The steak in this restaurant is very good, you can try it." Maureen picked up the white napkin and wiped his mouth lightly.

Then he reached out and snapped his fingers.

Silently, whether it is a plate, a silver knife and fork, a tablecloth or

-----This is the gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is the gorgeous dividing line---

Napkins, all disappeared.

"Wright, how is it, how does it feel to pass the news to the dark wizard and at the same time fight against the dark wizard?" Mo Lin crossed his fingers and smiled softly.

"These are two different things at all." Wright raised his head slightly and said, "I will pass on the news, but I will never be soft-hearted when it comes to the black robe!"

Maureen was startled.

"Wright, in fact, you are very much like a dark wizard now." Maureen couldn't help shaking his head and laughed.

Wright looked at Maureen and wanted to say something, but in the end he just snorted coldly.

"Okay, now is not the time to chat." Fowles' phantom floated out, revealing in mid-air, and said, "Now, what we need to discuss is the next message."

Maureen and Wright paused at the same time.

They turned their heads, the expressions on their faces were different, but there were some similarities.

Wright's brows furrowed tightly, while Maureen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Mauren, Wright, we've been working together for a while. I think you don't have much doubt about our cooperation." Foles said lightly.

Hearing this, Mo Lin tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

In the recent period of time, he and Wright have cooperated with Fowles many times. After the messages passed on are verified with each other, Fowles will let the dark wizards take action to kill and loot the Wizarding Academy Alliance.

Relying on the news from Maureen and Wright, the Dark Wizards Alliance has been going smoothly recently, without any obstacles.

After all, no one would believe that two talented wizards with high authority and extremely high authority would collude with the dark wizards.

However, it turned out that it was worthwhile for Morin to do so. During this time, Morin obtained a lot of resources from the Dark Wizarding Union through these transactions, allowing him to complete several witchcraft experiments and witchcraft conjectures, and make his own The strength has increased a lot again.

"Fowles, it's not that we don't provide intelligence and information now, but now, it's not a good time."

Wright spoke, his voice trembling constantly, with a slight metallic vibrato, as if bronze was tapping slightly.

"My mentors, who are also the heads of various powerful wizarding organizations, have decided to let go of everything, truly unite, and do something to your dark wizards."

"To pass the news now is to court death."

Wright raised his eyes and said lightly.

Fowles was stunned for a while, then he seemed to think of something, and laughed lowly.

His laughter was getting louder and louder, and finally, it had turned into a loud laughter. If it wasn't for Mo Lin's isolation of the magic circle, then it is estimated that people outside could hear it clearly.

"Haha, Wright, and Maureen, you still don't understand those white robes." Foles' voice came over and said, "If we said before, Jonker and Wenger probably really want to be right. We made a move, but after many weak white wizard organizations suffered heavy casualties, or even were directly destroyed, then they would not make a move."

"After all, there are too many wizard organizations in the Wizarding College Alliance, and it's better to have less."

"Especially weaker organizations that don't have much value at all."

Fowles said, his voice was simple, and the meaning of the words was obvious.

Wright's face couldn't help but change, and Mo Lin felt a little surprised.

"Murder with a knife."

"Indeed, those weak white wizarding organizations are really of no value to large wizarding organizations such as the High Ring White Tower and Paral College. The value of their existence is probably just a hindrance."

A strange thought flashed in Maureen's heart. It seemed that those powerful white wizards were essentially no different from black wizards.

All of a sudden, Maureen thought of what Viscar said, those dark wizards who were caught, those test subjects.

When Wright listened to Fowles' words, his face became very complicated, while Maureen just smiled.

"But the wind is very tight now, so if you want to pass the news, the price will be different." Maureen tapped his fingers slowly on the table, looking very rhythmic, and said: "Fowles, no problem?"

"No problem, of course no problem."

Foles did not hesitate and agreed directly.

He seemed to think of something and said: "Wenger, Jonker, Orens, you want to use our Dark Wizards Alliance to get rid of those weak wizarding organizations, let us remove obstacles for you, hehe, you really want to It's too simple."

"As the leaders of a powerful wizarding organization, you have power and are used to controlling everything, but you seem to have forgotten that your opponent is me."

"This time, our Dark Wizarding Alliance is going to carry out a big operation, to carry out a comprehensive and thorough blow to all the large wizarding organizations in the Wizarding Academy Alliance!"

Fowles' phantom kept fluctuating and fluctuating, showing his agitated heart at this time. With a smile on his face, his eyes fell on Maureen and Wright, and said, "Molin, Wright, take it. Come down, let's have another cooperation, shall we?"

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