Fowles' voice echoed slowly all around.

"What, your Dark Wizards Alliance actually wants to..." Wright's face showed an unbelievable look, and even his voice couldn't help changing.

No wonder Wright felt unbelievable. After all, the Wizarding Academy Alliance has a pivotal position in the western part of the entire Parsis subcontinent. Any wizard and wizarding organization are in awe of the Wizarding College Alliance and dare not take any offense.

And now, Fowles is crazy about taking some special plans for the Wizarding Academy Alliance?

Maureen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Foles, and said nothing.

"Wright, why are you surprised?" Fowles looked at Wright, his mouth grinned, and he smiled slowly, and said, "Dark wizards and white wizards have different ideologies and different interests, so we always attack each other."

"In the past, the white robes always had the upper hand in our fights. This time, we took the initiative, so what happened?"

"And, I think, Maureen, Wright, you won't refuse my cooperation, will you?"

Fowles' translucent phantom glowed faintly, and said softly in mid-air.

"Of course, how could I refuse." Maureen smiled lightly and said, "Fowles, I accept."

"I accept it too!"

The expression on Wright's face kept changing, and suddenly, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"That's good." Foles looked very kind and said, "We have cooperated many times. I have to say that we have cooperated very well, and I hope it will be the same this time."

"I hope we can cooperate happily."

Fowles' voice echoed in the box.


After making the decision, Fowles' phantom dissipated, while Maureen and Wright left the box one after another and returned to the headquarters of the Wizarding College Alliance.

They started doing their own thing.

In the room, the bright, dark and warm light shone down, making the surroundings bright.

This is because there are circular light-type energy stones inlaid in every corner of the room, and countless light-type energy particles are constantly gathering and surging, so that there is no darkness around.

This is the purest light energy elemental stone.

Wright closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the stone bed for cultivation, motionless.

He looked flat and indifferent, there was nothing special about him, but his breathing was heavy, like the stagnant and sticky sound that occurs when bronze is poured.

Suddenly, Wright's eyes slowly opened.


The whole room seemed to be grasped by something in his hand and squeezed hard, twisting constantly, the air was blurred, and everything could not be seen clearly, as if the whole room was being pulled away and shaken.

In Wright's eyes, the bronze flames were burning fiercely, so fierce that his pupils looked like two burning bronze suns.

In the two clusters of burning bronze flames, you can clearly see that countless tiny bronze runes are constantly surging, floating, disappearing and appearing.

Finally, the bronze flames in Wright's eyes slowly dimmed, and the room returned to its normal appearance.


Wright let out a slow breath.

He stretched out his hand and looked at his palm quietly.

A piece of bronze light entwined, forming a vague bronze gauntlet, wrapping his palm.

Not only his palm, but also in Wright's whole body, bronze Origin Qi kept surging, forming a thick but slightly vague bronze armor, wrapping Wright's whole body.

If you look closely, you can see,

Pieces of dark cyan bronze patterns appeared on the bronze armor, and those dark cyan bronze patterns covered the bronze armor, giving the entire bronze armor a mysterious, heavy, and indescribable sense of vicissitudes.

"It's coming soon, it's finally coming soon, my bronze Origin Qi is almost finished."

Wright felt the surging bronze Origin Qi in his body, and his face couldn't help showing joy and excitement.

It has been a long, long time since he accidentally got the inheritance of the Secret Origin Knight, until now, he has become a genius in the Wizarding Academy Alliance, and he is finally going to cultivate Bronze Origin Qi.

"When the bronze Genesis Qi is completed, I will be able to condense the Genesis Qi seeds. At that time, my practice will be a thousand miles away, and I will truly improve. The horror of the ancient secret source knights will be slowly revealed. "

"I've been thinking about this day all the time, but I didn't expect that, after so long, this day is finally coming."

Wright muttered to himself, and there was an undisguised emotion in his voice.

However, Wright knew that he was able to achieve such a level of Bronze Origin Qi in such a short period of time because he traded with Fowles and did not hesitate to use all kinds of intelligence and information from the Wizarding College Alliance in exchange for promotion resources. .

Before starting the cooperation, he could vaguely form the bronze armor, and he could only engrave a small part of the dark cyan bronze lines on the bronze armor, and he couldn't do this step at all.

"I originally thought that trading with a dark wizard would be fatal, but I didn't expect it to have such benefits." Wright smiled slightly.

However, when he thought of Maureen, who was also trading with the dark wizard, Wright's face couldn't help gloomy.

Maureen Olsen, a wizard with whom he has a deep hatred.

Dark wizard.

"Mauren..." Wright clenched his fists tightly, as if he had thought of something, he fell into a deep struggle and hesitation.

After a while, Wright raised his head, his eyes were firm, it was obvious that he had made a decision.

"Maolin, this time, let's solve everything completely."

"We're going to work with Foles, that's right, then I think Foles wouldn't mind doing some other collaborations with me."

Wright sneered.

He has always been a genius of the Wizarding College Alliance. The information he knows, the secrets he knows, and the information he knows about the Wizarding College Alliance is beyond what ordinary wizards can imagine. There are so many things that dark wizards are always interested in. place.

Don't forget, those people are in black robes.

Wright took a deep breath and relied on the sorcery brand on his body to connect with Fowles.

A wave of witchcraft flashed in the air, and soon, the phantom of Fowles appeared in the air.


Fowles was a little surprised.

"Fowles, I think I have something to say that you must be interested in." Wright's mouth twitched slightly and said, "Let's talk."


Black Wizards League.

In a black stone hall, many black wizards wearing black robes are discussing something.

Suddenly, Foles was stunned, and couldn't help but let out a small sigh.

There was silence all around, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Foles.

"Fols, what's wrong with you?" A black robe sitting in the main seat turned his head and looked at Fowles.

The aura on his body is very strong, and countless energy particles surround him, sending out a faint terrifying whistling, making this black-robed wizard deep and terrifying.

This person is a second-level wizard!

"Bordeaux, it's nothing." Fowles smiled, he was a second-level wizard, also sitting in the main seat.

Compared with the image of the translucent witchcraft brand, the real Fowles is ordinary, and there is nothing special about him. He has a faint smile on his face, giving people a gentle feeling, as if among mortals, he has Retired college professors do.

"You know that I am in the Wizarding College Alliance, and I have an information source."

Fowles looked at the other dark wizards and said, "Now, I got some very interesting news, so our next plan will be changed."

The other dark wizards were puzzled, and Fowles began to explain.

In his heart, Foles couldn't help chuckling as he thought of the conversation he had just had with Wright.

I didn't expect, tsk tsk, I really didn't expect Wright to be able to provide such information, which is really unexpected.

Wright used that kind of intelligence and information in exchange for their cooperation to take certain measures against Maureen, yes, absolutely yes.

In this regard, dark wizards have always been fair.

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