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"Richard, I'm glad you joined the medicine lamp!" Albert's gray eyebrows trembled, and there was a taste of excitement in his voice that could not be concealed.

"It is my honor to be able to join the medicine lamp."

Maureen smiled and walked towards Albert with the etiquette between wizards.

At this time, Mo Lin was wearing a navy blue robe, and the faint scent of medicine wafted from the robe, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

At the heart of the robe, a lantern was embroidered with white gold thread.

This is the exclusive costume of the pharmacist's organization of medicine lamps. Wearing such a costume means that Maureen has joined the medicine lamp.

Albert has been persuading Maureen to join the medicine lamp, and said the various benefits of joining the medicine lamp. Mo Lin was a little moved. After understanding the various rules of the medicine lamp, he thought about it and decided to join the medicine lamp. .

The medicine lamp is a loose wizard organization between pharmacists. According to Albert, it was established for the mutual communication between pharmacists. The treaties in the medicine lamp are fair and just, not harsh, and they do not restrict medicine. The teacher has the identity of other wizarding organizations.

Maureen was very satisfied with this. After joining the medicine lamp, he was able to communicate with other pharmacists in the pharmacist circle.

Although his current pharmacy attainments are already at the top in the Parsis subcontinent, Maureen will not be arrogant because of this. Not to mention other, some of the whimsy and experience of other pharmacists are very worthwhile. educational.

"Okay, Richard, since you have joined the medicine lamp, let's go meet other pharmacists in the next period of time."

Albert seemed to have thought of something, smiled, and said, "Although you are a genius in pharmacy, as a pharmacist who has just joined, it is better to get acquainted with other pharmacists."

"Some of the pharmacists in the medicine lamp are members of our pharmacy department, while other pharmacists did not join our pharmacy department, but stayed in their own wizard organization."

"Now, several pharmacists have been dispatched by the Pharmacy Department, and some pharmacists are still stationed in their wizarding organizations, so we will go to the ancient secret realm and visit them one by one."

Albert said slowly, his voice was turbulent, and it could be seen that regarding Maureen's addition of the medicine lamp,

He was still very excited.

Maureen was stunned, then nodded and said nothing.

But in his heart, Maureen was thinking about something else.

"According to the plan that Fowles told us, Wright and I need to go out and follow some specific routes to find out where the main resources of the entire Wizarding Academy Alliance gather and important running routes, and then draw them out for the dark wizards to raid. ."

"I just wanted to find a reason to take the opportunity to go out. I didn't expect that Albert would take me along the road to visit the pharmacist in the lamp."

"That's fine, I have a reason, and it's fair and square."

Maureen stretched out his hand and touched his nose subconsciously.

After making a decision, Albert made arrangements for the next thing, and then he set off with Maureen to visit those pharmacists.

"Richard, the first pharmacist we are going to visit is Pharmacist Onnoli. He is not a pharmacist in the Alliance Pharmacy Department, but a member of the wizarding organization Green Light Forest."

"The Green Light Forest is now stationed in the 23rd district in the west, which is the place assigned to the Green Light Forest and the destination we are about to travel to."

The carriage was floating in the air, wrapped in a faint layer of wind energy particles, sliding forward silently.

The black horse responsible for pulling the horns and scales was burning with tiny flames, and thick ash smoke came out of its nose and mouth.

In the running carriage, Albert's voice was slowly coming out.

While talking to Albert, Maureen looked out the window, because the carriage was running very fast, so what Maureen saw was a blurry scene like a large area being torn apart.

Soon, Maureen and Albert arrived at the station in Green Light Forest.

The pharmacist in the Green Light Forest welcomed Maureen and Albert's arrival. Obviously, he had already received a summons from Albert's witchcraft.

Maureen and Albert received a very grand treatment. Not only the pharmacist, but also the other wizards in the Green Light Forest were very enthusiastic and even respectful towards Maureen and the others.

Finally, a few days later, Maureen and Albert left this area and left the West 23rd District.

"Chip, how's it going?" Maureen asked in his heart.

"Ding! Mission completed!"

"All planning maps and roadmaps of the twenty-third district in the west have been scanned!"

"All scans have been archived!"

The cold mechanical voice of the chip rang in Mo Lin's mind.

"Very good." Maureen nodded with a smile on his face.

He turned his head slightly, looked at the gradually blurred buildings behind the carriage, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"I'm afraid that soon, this place will be razed to the ground and become a ruin..." Mo Lin thought silently in his heart.


in the courtyard.

The flower trees are dense, and the tiny pink flowers are slowly blown down in the wind.

Wright holds a bronze broadsword in his hand and is practicing swordsmanship.

He moved slowly, simply slashing and slashing horizontally, occasionally jumping up to form a heavy slash.

No matter whether his movements are slow or fast, the air is always quiet, without a single sound, and his whole person is like a paper statue that has been pulled out, carrying out a lonely and boring attack.

"Okay." Wright said in his heart.

boom! ! !

There was a sudden explosion in the air, as if some high-energy air mass exploded in the air!

Countless bronze flames rushed out of Wright's body, and those bronze flames were burning, wrapping Wright's whole body.

A thick layer of bronze armor appeared on his body, and those bronze flames burned in the armor, and then slowly disappeared like water hitting a flowing stone.

Wright reappeared in the same place, but at this time, he was wearing a bronze armor, and the bronze armor covered his whole body, only his eyes were exposed.

Countless blue-gold patterns lingered on the bronze armor, mysterious and unusual, but it gave people a feeling of icy coldness. From time to time, a small cluster of small bronze flames rushed out and disappeared immediately.


Wright's eyes moved, and two rich bronze lights suddenly rushed out of his eyes.

Green smoke rose up.

In an instant, two large pits with green smoke appeared on the ground.

"It's finally here..." Wright's voice echoed in a buzzing voice, saying, "I cultivated into Genesis Qi and condensed Genesis Qi seeds."

"Compared with the past, my current strength is not comparable at all."

"Everything is different."

Wright muttered to himself in a low voice.

He clenched his fists all of a sudden, and immediately, there was a clear clanging sound in the air, as if a bronze iron block was beating violently.

Looking around, Wright's mind moved, and he released the state of the Secret Source Knight and returned to his original appearance.

He turned into an ordinary wizard.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door, and a wizard in heavy armor strode in.

"Wizard Wright, you are..." The wizard looked at the big hole on the ground with a shocked expression on his face. He has blond hair, no beard, a broad chin, and angular features on his face.

"Deguri, I'm nothing."

Wright glanced at the wizard who came in.

This wizard is called Deguri, and he is a very outstanding figure in the battle wizard. Wright admires him quite a lot and makes him his deputy.

Wright's eyes were flat, but, for some reason, Deguri felt his heart tighten.

"Okay, I see." Degury's lips moved, and he finally said a word.

Lett nodded.

He turned around and strode outside.

"Deguri, get ready, the black robe has recently appeared in the ancient secret realm, and it's not very stable. Let's go to various places to inspect." Wright's voice came over.

He and Fowles do have other plans, but he also needs to draw out the route resource collection points and layout maps of important places in other places, as well as important running routes, for the dark wizards to use.

Now is the time to go.

Deguri nodded quickly, and only slowly raised his head until Wright had completely left.

After thinking about it, Deguri slowly stepped forward and looked at the two large pits on the ground with smoke.

This action of his seems to touch something.

crackling crackling.


A loud voice came over, and the surrounding flower trees kept blasting and breaking, and then weakly fell to the ground.

Not only those flowers and trees, but also deep and shallow dents appeared on the ground, as if the entire land had been ploughed by countless iron plows.

Deguri was stunned.

He remembered that Wright used a bronze broadsword to practice swordsmanship here just now, but when he first came, the surroundings remained the same.

It turned out that Wright had secretly cut everything when he was practicing swordsmanship.

Degury turned his head and looked at the direction Wright left, with deep suspicion and fear in his eyes.

"Wright... Wizard Wright." Deguri said softly, speaking of Wright's name.

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